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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Exact same thing is happening to me. In addition, all planets with water appear all black in the tracking station. Turning off the water shader fixes it.
  2. It works perfectly fine if you follow Jacke's steps above.
  3. Well the thing is, I can't seem to get the compression to turn off. My current JSI.cfg looks like this: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = JSI enabled = false } But my monitors still look like this: Did I do it wrong? The basic version seems to work fine, though, so I guess I'll use that instead.
  4. The thing is, it doesn't seem to be using the CFG files at all. I'm getting really tiny toolbar icons and completely messed up RPM screens even if I try editing the default ones.
  5. The new version seems to ignore the .cfg files altogether. I was trying to get it to not compress the 000_toolbar icons and the RPM font textures and nothing I tried seemed to work.
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