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Posts posted by Peppe

  1. ...

    Not sure which of these are caused by RT. But the duplication almost surely is.

    Sadly I have to add my voice to the list of people having issues with this (amazing) mod. I got a lot of crashes that progressively got more and more frequent and massive performance drops until now when as soon as I try and enter the tracking station the game hangs. The error log for these crashes almost always blames an access violation with Mono.dll.

    I am running a very modded game on this install but I cannot see any problems once I remove the remotetech plugin. :(

    That's a known bug in the current release.

    Hopefully you guys saw a couple pages back a fix we have been using to these issues while Cilph is away.

    Since updating the DLL, I haven't had RT issues in my game and think others have had similar success.

    Credit to madadam+JDMJ for fixes to issue 189 on the github, I call this 1.3.3 fixpack 2:


  2. gentlemen, i faced a problem.

    the story is following.

    i have 4 kerbstatsionar sats connected to each other by DTS-M1

    when i launched it i did "select target" "activate", DTS-M1 becomes revealed and all going good.

    there are connections lines on map etc.

    than i closed the game and restart it.

    enter to tracking station and saw all conn lines.

    but when i selected one of the satellites and entered it, i found DTS-M1 is closed. switched to map and found no conn lines from this sat.

    but there still were conn lines between other sats. switched to next one, that has connection on map. and found that its DTS-M1 becomes closed too. switched to map view - no conn from this sat lines again. control lost.

    whats going wrong?

    there r enuff electricity onboard.

    I would suspect them closing on you is some other mod interaction.

    To rescue them you can edit your save or make a rescue craft.

    Make a probe/manned ship with a connection to the network and if using a manned pod add a omni antenna. Get within 3k of the craft and you should have control again through the 3k omni on all probe cores.

  3. It sort of fixed the menu selection in the hanger but when I try and recover/destroy debris in the tracking station, it still bugs out...mmm not sure. Still trying to work a solution.

    I think Mecripp was indicating the debris issues is known issue of elcss, so you may need to check that mod's thread to see if there is a fix/update.

    The remotetech DLL fix linked above should resolve the remotetech related GUI issues and duplicate ships.

  4. Anyone use AIES 1 of the commandpods AIESorbiterpod don't show as being manned worked all the way to, Duna then on landing lost com and control ? but its manned, don't see how, I lost control.

    EDIT Don't see in the code how RT tells if it's manned or not.

    ~line 50 VesselSatellite.cs

    public bool HasLocalControl
    return RTUtil.CachePerFrame(ref mLocalControl, () =>
    return SignalProcessor.Vessel.parts.Any(p => p.isControlSource && (p.protoModuleCrew.Any() || !p.FindModulesImplementing<ISignalProcessor>().Any()));

    Cached per frame was new in a 1.3.3 i believe. Removing it was one way to clean up the stability issues in 1.3.3, maybe this cache per frame should be disabled as well?

  5. So, apparently you can no longer retarget or deploy antennae on a craft that is uncontrolled? This is a problem for me, because I have probes that are supposed to aerobrake - I have to retract all their long-range antennae, and I need to be able to redeploy it again.

    There is a 500km omni for comm in atmosphere

    You can use the flight computer and with a custom delay to deploy antennas after you land using action groups.

    There are also dishes at each tier that don't break in atmosphere.

  6. I have no idea where to start with this one. I just ran into a nasty little bug.

    I have 3 IP probes that I'm managing with Alarm Clock. All three have the AIES dish pointed to "kerbin" and I have 3 polar comsats with the same AIES dish pointed at "Active Vessel".

    When I swapped back to my Moho probe and restored the next manuver node the AIES dish got set back to it's "Deactivated" status with no target assigned. (I know this worked previously because It's executed 2 nodes prior with the dish connection.

    There is nothing in my outputlog as far as error's go, it simple set the dish to deactivated and of course I can't re-activate it.

    Update: Figured out how to edit my persistence file to get the dish back on and re-pointed . But this same bug happened again. All I did was multiple switches to different vessels in the map view. I never went back to space center, just vessel to vessel in the map. (switch vessel). I'll try next by swapping by going back to the tracking station each time and see

    What mod is AEIS from? Might check that mod... not remotetech 2 dish.

  7. @TomatoSoup: Sorry! I rechecked all my dish links all along the comms path. The dish on my "DS 1" KeoSat was pointing using the active vessel method. When I changed this to explicitly target the dish on my distant Duna orbiter then the omni link from there to the lander on Duna's surface (far side from Kerbin) connected back to mission control. Sorry, the fault was in my head (duh!) and not with RT2. I understand the "danger" of using active vessel method much better now. Thanks heaps for all your help. I know there is a call-out on the first page of this thread for documentation for RT2, perhaps I could write a clear explanation of how this works now? :blinks stupidly and scratches head again:

    @Peppe: I was using the DLL from RT2 version 2013. and getting the crash to desktop on clicking the map buttons. I have switched to version 2014. and so far everything looks to be good! A bit confusing having version "38" being apparently an update on "39"? I should pay full attention to the date. I will now keep play testing and look out for any signs of the bugs that were in the late Xmas edition. Hopefully I won't see them. Thanks!

    Cilph default build generates a zip with the build time in the name, so just uploaded it as is.

    I am reading through madadam's quick fix on github as well. Doing a local build with his change and JDMJ's. Jd's seemed to fix the leaving physics range issue. I think madadam's will fix docking/decoupling quirkiness and may address the quick load tomato has? Not sure I don't quick load often.

    Tomato can you recreate your issue(s) in a new save. Wondering if maybe something is already bad in your save? You seem to have the magic touch to blow things up :P


    Only errors i got were from other mods, so i think this has a good chance...

    Here is new build (madadam+JDMJ fixes) 1.3.3 fixpack 2:


  8. This stops the stuff from freaking out while in orbit (toggling between satellites deployed via a common launcher both with the bracket keys and the map view), but after returning the launcher and retrieving it the space center disappeared.

    I know you're not the dev so I'll post this on the issue tracker as well, but here's my ksp.log and output_log.txt.




    Nevermind, reloaded Kerbal and the behavior is just as bad as it was before. Here are the fresh files



    My first time looking at KSP logs. Everything is throwing exceptions... what a mess.

    What were your steps to crash? What type of craft and steps to reproduce?.

    Also looks like you have 3 module manager DLLs in your gamedata? Try removing all but the latest?

  9. There is the GitHub discussion about 1.3.3 problems:


    Hope it helps out folks until author strikes back with official fix.

    Could not find a build of this from jdmj, so downloaded Cilph's last master version and made the change and built it. Passed my test case (deploy satelites from probe core --> exit physics range).

    Looks to fix the map/return to space center crashes.

    Fixed 1.3.3 DLL (used jdmj suggested change):


    Here is new build (madadam+JDMJ fixes) 1.3.3 fixpack 2:


  10. I dunno but Ive had issues with text breaking for quite some time now. It doesnt happen very often and I do alt tab often so I cant really say what causes it. Its not a new issue though thats forsure

    For the alt-tabbers you might try changing your KSP shortcut to have -popupwindow, like this:

    KSP.exe -popupwindow

    Don't recall if you have to change anything in graphics to make it work with that, but it should let you run basically full screen - windowed, which is more tab friendly.

  11. Has anyone come up with a method to fix the bug in which the animations of antennae and fold-away dishes aren't triggered when activated? Here's an example: (note that I have reinstalled the plugin twice, once with all my other mods, and again with a clean installation and it's been the same every time) http://s15.postimg.org/h1v8k9brv/Capture.png

    Do you have multiple remote tech installs or multiple module manager dlls? Your dish is showing two targets / two activates. There should just be one, and those are added by config files that module manager reads and applies the part changes.

  12. For triangles i would not bother with launch windows. Put it an orbit at your apoapsis and just short of circular. Every pass of the apoapsis check your distances and finalize.

    Mechjeb is only accurate to the second. I highly recommend VOID, semi major access of 3 sats within 30 centimeters of eachother. Drift stable basically forever...

    Don't know if mechjeb does this, but VOID also has a nifty targetting method to let you see distance to a two targets at the same time.

    I just shift around the other two until the distances were equal:




    Now if i was going to squeeze in another triangle i could just launch one and target each neighbor and move it forward/back in its orbit until it was equidistant to it's neighbors without affect their positioning. To move something forward in an orbit burn retrograde a little to speed it up for it's next orbit. To move something back burn prograde to make a slightly longer orbit for that lap.

  13. There is working last version RemoteTech2 for 0.23. It's development version before implementing the "active vessel focus explorer". It doesn't duplicate vessels after undocking/spliting in two crafts, with two antennas, and does not bugout space center with texture clouds/blue screen.

    Link was some time ago here but it was taken down - got it from Steam forum myself:


    I tried both forks wrom GitHub, every configuration possible, and after testing it's just obvious that game crashes (and duplicates vessel) after unloading one craft (typically after reaching 2.5km distance limit). If both crafts got SPU - game crashes.

    Version above seem to work flawlessy, and it's compatible with all* other mods (everything that Scott Manley have in IS series at least).

    For me it looks like the ability to change active focus on map screen borked plugin. At least there is version that works before this glorious mod is back on the track.

    Tried this version. Did not get any errors exiting physics range after dropping a sat, so this version might be worth a shot.

  14. Has anyone experienced this issue without doing doing a deployment like this?

    I'm not the plugin author (nor have I poked at the source), but I practically have a 100% "breaks games until next reload" test case of build comsat as subassembly, build multi-satellite carrier craft, attach comsats in symmetry, deploy 1-2 satellites successfully, crash somewhere around the third or fourth deployment when changing ships. The one common link I can think of is that the satellites all have the same origin vessel and have been renamed. (In fact, one crash was while cycling between them to change them from "Kerbin Comsat Launcher Probe" to "Kerbin Comsat E1" etc.

    The crash only seems to be on scene change, so cycling with '[' and ']' doesn't trigger it (nor switching from the map if the target is in physics range)

    I test case would be great. Is it consistent if you start from the craft in orbit from a save/quickload type scenario, so it cannot revert to before launch? Or does it have to be from launch -> orbit/deployment

    Still not sure if my custom module configs have anything to do with it, but if you want to try:

    Add this to gamedata, anywhere should work, http://www./download/c3z4p6jy596gosi/CustomModules.cfg

    Delete or move out of ksp folder GameData\RemoteTech2\RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg

    Edit. Just tried the test case from my quicksave with a similar craft in orbit using docking ports. Disconnected probe 1, renamed it while in close range, moved main ship - renamed #2 while in close range, tried to jump to a ship from the map view and crashed display.

    Think i found a place to look for the error. Hit Alt + F2 and watched for something fishy.

    Decoupled -- changed to probe -- renamed it -- changed it's orbit a little and warped to get the main ship out of physics range and got the first one of these at that instant:

    [Exception]: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

    Parameter name: index

    Now it is repeating a bunch and menues are jacked.

  15. Remember one other change i made in the last week where i have not had dupe issue or blank screen when switching ships/views to KSC/space center. I removed the RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg as I made my own config to load remote tech on all command pods/probe cores (wildcard to get B9 pods/cores).

    Put back the orginal config and got the dupe bug and screen bug on my first go.

    Going to try original RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg and remove my custom module config file.

  16. Not a clue why this happens. However a temporary fix is just to delete the duplicates in the tracking station, and be careful when you are switching to craft.

    What other mods you running?

    I had this dupe issue in my games a few days after Christmas, but haven't had it in the last week or so.


    Ferram, which had a new module manager.

    Simple part organzier

    texture compressor

    kerbal joint reinforcement


    rcs build aid


    Don't think i added or changed anything else, but no more dupes and playing the same way.

  17. I just made some how to videos.

    Part 1: http://youtu.be/a1z6cXjvwQ0

    Part 2: http://youtu.be/4Fr0C8cibxs

    Part 3: http://youtu.be/8XwvwZL16co

    On the cone angel and targeting issues. Basically anything with Gm in it will not cover kerbin + sats in a low orbit around it until it gets very far away.

    The number of sats in the relay will affect how wide a cone or how far away you would need to be to see them. With 3 sats you need most of their orbit + radius of the body. With 4 or more sats in a relay you should be able to cover it when you are far enough away to see the radius of the body unless your relay orbits are very large.

    Assuming 3 sats in a relay:

    Take the widest interplanetary, Communotron 88-88 (.06 angel), if you had things in 2.8Mm orbits to see sats in the worst case (2 on the edge) when focused on kerbin would be ~6,000Mm.

    If you had your relays in a lower orbit ( ~750km ) around kerbin using cone target then you could see them reliably at ~2,100Mm.

    Jool is the only place you might consider using the 88-88 for local communication relay from the edge of its SOI to the inner moons.

    The biggest interplanetary shows a cone angel of .01, but the game is actually rounding the number. The true value is .006 for comtech 1 and .005 for Reflectron GX-128.

    Same conditions above the Reflectron would need to be ~71,000Mm away to see KEO sats or 25,000Mm lower orbits.

    For 4 sat relays:

    Reflectron ~14,000Mm pointed at kerbin sized body

    88-88 ~1,100Mm pointed at kerbin sized body

    Basically use the largest 2 for communication from kerbin to Dres, Jool, Eeloo.

    Use the middle two:

    Reflectron KR-14, Communotron 88-88 for communication kerbin to Duna, Eve, Moho.

    Use the shortest two for moon communication to edge of SOI communication .

    Reflectron KR-7

    Comms DTS-M1

    -Jool may be the only one that needs point to point or medium dishes for full comms within it's SOI

    Omni for surface to low orbit communcation.

  18. Ahh yes I see your point, and as Eric S pointed out. I stand corrected. Think I'm still going to setup a stationary network though and make it more for missions that go beyond Kerbins SOI. I've been thinking of setting up a 4sat 300-400km network to handle missions closer to Kerbin, which will require less power to run so not as worried about periods when the sun isn't visible.

    One problem I was thinking of with geostationary was that if you're not using RTG's and you're not careful enough about where the 3 sats are one may end up in darkness, not sure for how long though as the further out you go the less time you would be in shadow. So far I haven't actually experienced that yet though, had been trying to use kOS to setup the network. Same would go for lower orbit, although not being "stationary" I would imagine they might recover faster because of the faster orbital speed. Though like I said, if using RTG's or several batteries I guess it wouldn't be a problem.

    Electrical use is not modeled on inactive crafts, but I think most try to make sure it works if the craft is active.

    Higher orbits have longer periods in the dark, so require more battery capacity.

    All keo orbits spend the same time in darkness. For kerbin's 6 hour sync orbit, 1195.29 second or ~20 minutes are in the dark. Looking at ~3000 battery capacity for an omni antenna and 3 of the basic dishes.

    Vs 1900-2000 battery capacity for same comm setup and a lower orbit (650-750km, a safe low orbit for 3 sats).

    Stationary would only be useful if you have fixed positions on the ground outside of omni range or don't want to use omni antennas for some reason. Then you could point a dish to a satellite from the ground position and it will always have a connection. The two wide angle dishes can hit all kerbin surface at keo and communicate with all ground targets.

  19. I have two questions I would like to ask;

    1) There was a question answered earlier today (#1946) about disabling the time delay feature. The process involved editing the Remotech_settings.cfg file I have looked in my remote tech folder and I have 4 .cfg files, none of them named settings. Could someone clarify what exactly I need to modify? I am not a programmer so kindly do not use the word "obviously" in your answer.

    2) The flight computer built into remotetech, how do I operate it? I have seen people talk about putting delayed commands into it to perform actions when a probe has no active communications. How do I do this? I have tried pressing some of the buttons and all it does is spin my ship around. All I want to be able to do is to re-activate an antenna after re-entry. A simple, "wait 10 minutes then turn this bit on" is all I need.


    1) Settings file is only created on first loading... not sure if you need to just load ksp or start a game and launchpad something with a probe core on it.

    File will be named: RemoteTech_Settings.cfg

    Default line will read:

    EnableSignalDelay = True

    Change to:

    EnableSignalDelay = False

    2) Flight compute has an arrow in the lower right to expand it. In the lower right of the expanded view there is a box you can enter a time into. You can put seconds/hours/days etc and hit enter. Just to the left of the box the current command delay should be shown. Try setting that box to your time, hit enter, then hit your command group button. If it worked it should queue up a command the area just above it with a countdown. Confirmed, action groups work with delay.

    The navigation buttons will point to useful points on the nav ball, but the current computer seems to bounce around a lot before getting on target. Hopefully that improves in future versions... you can use warp to help it hit it's target (toggle between 5x and 1x warp).


    Where are you getting MaxQ?

  20. It's not RT2 - I have this happen and I don't have RT2.

    I'm reasonably confident that this is a bug in KSP 0.23 itself, though I'm not 100% certain as while it was definitely occurring before installing my other mods, I can't quite remember if it first happened before I installed MechJeb2 and NavyFish's docking aid.

    Don't have mechjeb. Removed navyfish and still does it. May be stock bug switching ships does not adjust zoom... don't have any stock games in progress to test.

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