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Everything posted by zarakon

  1. It would be nice if the info window showed more precision at low masses, like below 100t. Give us 3 significant digits
  2. Hmm, good to know about the local/absolute toggle, but then local mode makes the snap useless for lining up two separate parts I still think the absolute mode could be improved by making it only snap along the direction of movement instead of also throwing in unwanted movement in the other directions.
  3. I also found that the Resource window gets glitchy when you have the "Stage Only" box checked IF you have engine+decoupler together in the next stage Good: Bad, just from changing the staging order: In the OP's post, he has the decoupler and engine together as well. It's interesting though that his is broken in a different way than mine.
  4. I know, I actually created a separate issue for what I think is wrong with grid snap - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104196-Offset-Gizmo-snaps-in-directions-other-than-desired-movement This is something else, and it happens even when snap is turned off. All of the affected parts have portions of their model that are not highlightable. It seems that the game uses the highlightable mesh to set the limits of the offset tool, so if that area is normally not adjacent to the attachment point, it gets forced inward as soon as you try to move it. I'll try to record a short video showing it
  5. The Structural Pylon is the worst offender here. As soon as you move it in any direction, it jumps way inside whatever it's placed on, and can't be moved back out to its original location Also happens to the TT-18A Launch Stability Enhancer, the TT-70 Radial Decoupler, and to a lesser extent the Gigantor XL Solar Array
  6. You can use multiple missions to do the survey contracts. Send a cheap rocket for each waypoint and you can still make some decent money and science from it With that science, try to research toward getting solar panels. Once you unlock those, you can take sweet, sweet satellite launch missions which pay quite nicely
  7. Ahhh, I tried that, but I guess I only tried in the upper-left and it's actually in the upper-middle Thanks
  8. I swear I was able to do this before.. not sure if they changed something or I just forgot how. In the tracking station I can enable flags with the button in the upper left. Is there some way to get them to display on the in-flight map too?
  9. Launchpad upgrade cost is fine VAB is a little too expensive R&D is far too expensive, especially the second upgrade Tracking station second upgrade is too expensive for what little it provides Rockets are too cheap. I never feel like cost is really an issue while building them, they're just drops in the bucket compared to the building upgrades
  10. IMO, having an engine active at all under the test conditions should count as completion. They should also all have the "Run Test" function available in the context menu (some currently don't have this)
  11. When using the offset gizmo with angle snap turned on, parts may snap to the 3D grid in directions other than the desired direction of movement. For example, attach a fuel tank to the side of another fuel tank (any size works). Then use the gizmo to try to move the outside fuel tank up or down with the snap function enabled. Notice that as soon as you move it up or down, it also moves inward a little bit. The severity of this effect varies depending on which parts are used and how they are initially placed. I think that when moving a part using the offset gizmo, it should only snap along the applied vector.
  12. You can snap to a 3D grid using the offset gizmo. Press [2] and make sure you have angle snap turned on, then move a part up/down with the arrows. It takes a bit more effort than using the old vertical snap of Editor Extensions, but it should let you line things up properly, and is actually more flexible
  13. I feel like science has proceeded at a reasonable pace. Are you using any of the +science strategies from the admin building? Because those definitely give too much "hundreds of science in one go" isn't really all that much when T6 nodes are 160 each, and there are 9 of them. I really like being able to get a significant amount of science from contracts. I always found experiments to be a bit tedious on their own, especially when just abusing biomes to do the same things 15 times at the Mun/Minmus. With rewards from contracts, I feel less need to do the tedious stuff.
  14. I'm waiting for the 2.0 release before trying it, but I have a question: how do the angle snap settings work with the new +shift modifier in the game?
  15. Forced radial attachment is the biggest thing I'm missing right now. Symmetry and snap levels would be good to have too. The new translation gizmo (with snap enabled) is a pretty good replacement for vertical snap. It actually has more capability since it can snap to more than just the center of a piece, though it takes a bit more time and finnicking to get a bunch of things all lined up together compared to the old vertical snap.
  16. I've actually used the BACC a lot in career mode quite a bit. It's decent when you're forced to keep part counts low.
  17. I voted yes before reading the text I thought this meant adding little memorials for every KERBAL that you lose in career mode, which I think would be cool.
  18. You've played pre-commercial?Join Date: Jul 2011
  19. Make sure you're going the right direction. If that's not the problem, then I dunno
  20. Yeah, what it really needs is a "View on map" button in the contract description
  21. Ahhh, I didn't know about that! I'll have to try that out for my Duna or Eve contract tonight. Thanks
  22. In career mode prior to upgrading the VAB, being able to save a little bit on the part count is a pretty big deal
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