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Posts posted by pawulonn1

  1. 39 minutes ago, DMagic said:

    @pawulonn1 It's probably an odd manifestation of something related to what was causing flickering in the editor UI with lots of parts or contracts before 1.2.1. Try moving most of the contracts out of the "All Contracts" list, either by hiding them, or use more mission lists with a smaller number of contracts in each list.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Unfortunately it does not help . . . or I doing something wrong?!

    Video below



    and 7.1



    but I can live with that :wink:

  2. On 7.11.2016 at 9:10 PM, DMagic said:

    Contracts Window + version 7.2 is out; get it on Space Dock.

    It is updated for KSP 1.2.1. It fixes some bugs with the replace stock contract toolbar function, and a bug that was making contracts always show all of their parameters.

    There are several performance improvements made to opening the window, switching missions or to the progress node view, and to any lag when accepting contracts when a large number of contracts are already active.


    I have one isssue with money display in 7.2... Version 7.1 works like a charm :wink:
    Video below and a list of my mods.




    Mods list


    KSP: 1.2.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10  64bit
    000_AT_Utils - 1.2.1
    Filter Extensions -
    USI Tools - 0.8.3
    Chatterer -
    Community Category Kit - 0.1.2
    Community Resource Pack - 0.6.3
    CommunityTechTree - 3.0.1
    Contract Configurator - 1.21
    Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2
    Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.4.1
    Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.1
    DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.8.1
    CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
    Contract Parser - 1.0.5
    Contracts Window Plus -
    Progress Parser - 1.0.6
    Firespitter - 7.4.1
    Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6
    KAS - 0.7.1
    Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.2
    Kerbal Inventory System - 1.3
    KSP-AVC Plugin -
    ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.2
    Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.5.1
    Final Frontier -
    Olympic1's Icon Packs - 0.10.3
    Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.3.4
    PlanetShine -
    Portrait Stats - 1.0.12
    RCS Build Aid - 0.9.1
    ReentryParticleEffect -
    AmpYear - 1.4.3
    SCANsat -
    SVE Scatterer cfgs - 1.0.1
    Science Relay -
    StageRecovery - 1.6.5
    Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.1.4
    Stock Visual Terrain - 2.0
    Trajectories - 1.6.5
    Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.1
    Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9
    Transfer Window Planner - 1.6
    TweakScale - 2.3.2
    UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.4
    USI Core - 0.3.3
    Asteroid Mining Technologies - 0.1.1
    Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.9.2
    USI Exploration Pack - 0.6.2
    Freight Transport Tech - 0.6.2
    Karibou - 0.3.2
    Konstruction - 0.1.5
    USI-LS - 0.5.4
    Malemute Rover - 0.2.2
    UKS - 0.50.4
    USI Survivability Pack - 0.6.2
    USI Submarine Pack - 0.2.3
    VenStockRevamp - 1.9.5
    Waypoint Manager - 2.6
    [x] Science! - 5.3


  3. OK the issue returns if I add RealPlume and SmokeScreen.

    I made another video that shows this issue. The first part of the video ( 00.00 to o6.1o ) shows the flight of a rocket, Mun lander and Minmus lander . . . everything works fine. The second part of the video ( o6.1o to the end ) shows what happened  if I add RealPlume and SmokeScreen... I am doing exactly the same as in the first part of the video. If I delete RealPlume and SmokeScreen issue disappears and everything works fine.

    I do not know what to think!?




  4. 19 minutes ago, skandervr said:

    @pawulonn1 sorry, man i really don't know what you mean. You're saying there is a conflict with a specific mod? And that I should find it by installing mods one by one or in groups? Sorry if I seem thick.

    So it seems to me that somewhere there is a conflict . . . or there must be some kind of load order mods for ModuleManager.

    If you have time to reinstall the game and start to install Mods starting from KerbalJointReinforcement . . . I did as I wrote earlier and that helped me.


  5. 6 hours ago, skandervr said:

    So I can't tell if this is a know issue or not:

    When switching to a landed craft via the Tracking Station or launching a craft (more visible on the runway) the craft appears at ground level, then the "Physics Easing" text comes up, the craft disappears and reappears a few meters higher, most of the times tilted to one side. This only happens with KJR installed.


    I had the same issue earlier, and I solved this.
    Step by step what I did.

    1- first I installed.
       KerbalJointReinforcement, ModuleManager.2.7.2, 000_Toolbar, VenStockRevamp

    2- I turned the game and built a small Lander - use consol - destination Mun and Minmus - ground.

    3- then I installed.
       DistantObject, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, jool_rings, Kopernicus, KSP-AVC, ModularFlightIntegrator, PlanetShine, scatterer, StockVisualEnhancements, SVEKopernicus, TextureReplacer, Firespitter

    4- I turned the game and test it.

    5- then I installed.
       Chatterer, img_viewer, KerbalEngineer, MemGraph, PartCommanderContinued, PreciseManeuver, RCSBuildAid, StageRecovery, Trajectories,    KerbalAlarmClock, KSPAlternateResourcePanel, TransferWindowPlanner, TweakScale, UbioWeldingLtd, WaypointManager, AmpYear, Docking    Port Alignment Indicator

    6- I turned the game and test it.

    7- then I installed.
       [x] Science!, DMagicOrbitalScience, FP_DPSoundFX, KIS, NearFutureSolar, FinalFrontier, Olympic1ARPIcons, SCANsat

    8- I turned the game and test it.

    9- then I installed latest mod,s
       Asteroid Day for Kerbal Space Program 1.2, AviationLights, Coatl Aerospace, DMagicScienceAnimate, DMagicUtilities, FuelTanksPlus,    KOSMOS, NearFutureProps, ReentryParticleEffect, StationPartsExpansion, SurfaceLights

    10- I turned the game and test it.

    I hope that you will know what I mean.

    Below is the video . . . works very well :)



  6. Widzę że spokój na forum absolutny :(

    To dam coÅ› na pobudzenie :) ...

    Zajęło mi to dziś jakieś 3.5h i jest zrobiony ze stock-owych części :P

    Oczywiście nie obyło się bez improwizowania i wyszło jak wyszło. Co ciekawe stoi o własnych siłach a środek ciężkości jest tam gdzie powinien być ( przypadek :P ).




    I na koniec skala do porównania Kerbal/AT-ST



  7. czokletmuss... kerbal Luz :P

    i kilka odemnie:

    Projekt " Hermes " porzucony ze względu na 0.21


    Pierwsze udane lÄ…dowanie na Mun-ie w 0.21


    KSS " Neutron " ... wystrzelony w całości :) służy do badania czarnej materii oraz innych czarnych rzeczy ;)


    Statek międzyplanetarny " IS 01 JooL "

    Jest to pierwszy człon ( mam nadzieje obszerniejszego statku)... Jego zadaniem będzie orbitowanie wokół JooL-a i przesyłanie/ gromadzenie towarów z innych planet oraz księżyców.


    Na koniec KSS " MIRanda" ;P

    Będzie to odpowiednik MiR-a z tym że ze stokowych części.



  8. Witam wszystkich... mam nadzieję że Polska części forum z czasem się rozwinie :) Gram od wersji bodajże 0.13 ale ręki nie dam sobie uciąć :P . Forum główne przeglądam niemal codziennie... wątki głównie z konstrukcjami ( stacje kosmiczne, pojazdy itd.) oraz mody. Tyle puki co z mojej strony.


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