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Posts posted by Locob

  1. Nice mod! It almost does what I wish it would do

    a few of request/suggestions:

    Could you add the vessel itself as a frame of reference? or it center of gravity.

    The mouse camera controls change when you go start the camera mode. Could you make an option to make the mouse control as it is by default in the game?

    With two things I would be able to play the game almost as it comes, but it would be able to target a vehicle part, instead the center of the craft. This is what hoping to do.

    And again: really cool all the mods you do!

  2. haha, I was just finishing. : )


    I was testing a smaller size, but I think this one is nice.

    I left the classic face of lego minifigs. You can change it to the movie version.

    So with this I will wrap up the second pack. First I am going to do a revision of both.

    After that I will start to get creative. I have some helmets started and projects in mind.

    Litle list of some of them.

    -Sci-fi helmet

    -Sci-fi helmet

    -Horse head

    -Starlord mask

    -Mr. Freeze like helmet

    -mask type c

  3. not long beard, just a beard, if you use the correct texture. later I will do something for that. but you can move the mesh with the config file. use the KAS secret menu to help you. in the config file says how to access it. try inverting the "mustache prop", or move a little the "mask type b".

    about the second:

    with KIS probably you will be able to do that. but Kospy hasn't revealed that details yet.

    would be nice to have both things in the same mod. i will PM Shaw later.

    I think that MSD (the guy from Eva followers) told me that he is making something integrating KAS.

  4. Thanks.

    Transparency and textures are easy. when finished, the glass will be transparent or translucent.

    I have put more work on it. (I feel compelled to finish it.) I am making it by parts, the top is almost done. also I'm discovering tools of Blender that I never used.

    The thing is, that I have front, side and back pictures of it, but no top view pics. And the photos I have, all have different measures. When I finish from one side, from the other viewpoint is different.

    So I was thinking. If someone have a request of a complicated object, I would prefer a draw of it with orthogonal views.

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