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Posts posted by -RanZ-

  1. Sorry if this is discussed, forum search is... less than optimal. Are the following features missing or am I just not doing it right in KSP2?

    1. can you rename a vessel - no idea where to do this
    2. See fuel in attached landers/individual tanks on large spacecraft- right click menus are gone which sucks
    3. Transfer fuel between tanks - related to #2
    4. if a lander is strutted to main ship, should struts break when undocking? - they don't on my ship
  2. It works when I am moving, looks like when you move you get more intake air which makes sense. That pretty much makes VTOLs using a jet engine useless then doesn't it? My 1 VTOL engine runs without flameout but only produces about 40kN of thrust which won't list much

  3. I haven't played much since 1.0, did air intake requirements change? I had a VTOL jet that had 2 wheesley engines and 2 radial ramp air intakes that used to work, now it won't even power 1 engine with 2 radial intakes. I even did a test w/ just a fuel tank, 2 radial intakes and those 2 radial intakes won't even provide enough intake for 1 wheesley engine... is this normal behavior now or am I bugged?

  4. Better than being addicted to meth I suppose?

    I used to be addicted, been playing since .17, when .18 hit I played non stop. I don't play all that often anymore, getting married and moving kind of takes all your time away lol

  5. As far as I'm aware, all kerbals in sandbox have 5 stars. Perhaps you mean science mode, where for some reason only Jeb, Bill and Bob seem to have 5 stars - or at least they did in Beta. There's no way to edit it in the persistence file as the scenario module (as it's called) for kerbal experience is only active in career. But the kerbal experience trait and level have no effect outside of Career mode anyway. Everything acts as if all kerbals have max exprience in all traits - unless the drill was overlooked in that respect by the developers, which is possible.

    I guess I will have to test it this weekend, test a drill rig w/ Bill who we know is 5 star and then take a random hire engineer and see if the extraction is the same

  6. Leveled engineers allow you to more efficiently mine resources, the thing is in sandbox Bill is the only fully leveled engineer that I am aware of. If I want to have mining on numerous celestial bodies I would like more leveled engineers. Can you level other engineers in any way in sandbox? If not, I am assuming you can edit experience level in the persistence file?

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