The truth of the matter is there isn\'t any \'easy\' way to develop games. It takes a lot of hard work and even more talent to get anything done. I haven\'t worked with unity, but I\'ve had an on/off relationship with the Unreal engine for the last 10 years. And it\'s only gotten more user friendly with time. What before required you to make several classes in unreal script with 500+ lines and a dozen objects scattered over the game level now only takes a couple clicks with the fancy kismet feature. You mentioned that you don\'t have any programming knowledge, well bad news, if you want to make ANY kind of game you\'re going to need some. With Unity its C#, an actual programming language that has uses outside of the engine itself. With Unreal its Unrealscript, a proprietary scripting langauge designed to make game design easier, but with no applications outside of the Unreal Engine. Though it does have similarities to java if that helps. Both engines have \'free\' versions available, with Unreal\'s UDK targeted towards indie developers. It comes with the entire toolset and no limitations other than having no access to the C++ \'native\' code the engine runs off of. A full Unreal Engine license I can say now is far beyond what you could afford, or even want. And while UDK does have AAA graphics and physics, remember that it takes more work and requires more talent to make full use of those features. Unity in comparison is more of a \'lower level\' engine, with its base audience being almost entirely composed of indie developers, and its \'pro\' version much more in the range for purchase. But again for your needs the free version would be perfectly acceptable. Too be honest you\'re starting way too big to begin with though, coming in with no experience whatsoever is not how you get into game development. A good place to start is not making games, it\'s modding ones that are already finished. KSP itself has modding support, as do many other games such as Orbiter, Crisis, Unreal Tournament, Halo PC, and many, many others. This would be a good place to start as any.