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Everything posted by Windscar

  1. I\'m looking for some tips too. Running the game at 1280x720 (windowed). out in space, the game runs very smooth (with ship size usually decreasing because of stages). But on the launch pad, it takes a few seconds before fps picks up. Still not very smooth. but, as soon as I look at the sky it picks up considerably. 22-25 fps isn\'t alll that bad at launch, but would like to improve as much as I can. any ideas? I want to turn on the 'scenery' but don\'t know if that\'s a good idea. Here are my laptop\'s specs : Core i7 720qm 1.6GHz Ati Radeon 5730 1Gb 8Gb ram 120Gb SSD
  2. Pre-Ordered.. Awesome work guys ..keep it up
  3. Hello there everyone. I love the game.. Greeeatt worrk!! I've been playing for a few weeks now. Since .8.5 release i think So I don't really need any help. Just one question.. when's that moon coming ? I sent everything into space.. from small 2 stage Rockets, to giant towers. In fact My three Kerbanauts are in orbit as we speak..Jeb's high as usual.. Bill and Bob know that there isn't enough fuel to get home lol... anyway just wanted to say hi
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