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Everything posted by Peewee

  1. ... Why does your mun look so much more detailed than mine? (I think this is the right crater, it matches the one you show most accurately) http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6747/munr.png Oh, and it stays that dark grey all lunar-day long. I\'ve also tried playing with the graphics settings.
  2. Er, no, I can\'t find the quote, but it goes something like this: An executive at GenericCompany INC. asks head programmer to have his best coder write a program. The head programmer replies, 'It\'ll take a week.' The executive asks, 'What if you put your best two coders on the job?' The head programmer frowns, 'Then it will take four weeks.' The executive, not understanding the situation, asks, 'Ok, what if you put the whole department on it?' The head programmer replies, 'Then it will never be done.'
  3. Pretty sure there\'s a law of inverse programming speed.
  4. If you rotate your craft to keep it pointed at the orbit normal, this doesn\'t happen.
  5. A little over 2 hours... like 2:10 or so Stage 1 and 2 put me in a reasonably circular orbit around 64km, then I spent the next two hours slowly transferring orbits to 40km then 35000m, seeing how close to 34500m (the atmosphere wall) I could get.
  6. I figured out the experimental launch orbit tool after decompiling your jar. Velocity vector is (currently) pi/2 radians - velocity vector's angle over the horizon (the yellow circle) in radians. Both periapsis and apoapsis are radii from the center of the planet, not altitude (altitude displayed in-game + 600,000m) Other than that, the launch orbit tool does appear to spit out sensible data. Also, LaunchOrbit.doVels() needs to be called after LaunchOrbit.doAlts(), which must be called before 'a' is calculated. 1. calculate c 2. doAlts() 3. calculate a 4. doVels() Also also, you'll need a special case for escape trajectories, because it will probably output nonsensical answers. --- Also also also, the bi-elliptic transfer orbit tool should probably show the total as (|dv1| + |dv2| + |dv3|) rather than the somewhat less useful (dv1 + dv2 + dv3). Also x4, yes, the bi-elliptic transfer orbit tool is buggy... the first burn should be positive dv for sure.
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