You can pre-order the game if you want, or you can just get the demo from either steam or the starmade website. It contains the full game at the moment, which is because Starmade is not yet to the point where the debs want to charge money for it.
Nope, just space warship scientists here (BTW, Sampa had joined me and Gag for some Starmade. He ditched us for WoWS (Dangit Wargaming)! I will still guess that a rocket scientist will come around next though.
When you start up Starmade after you are past the update screen on the launcher you have to select the multiplayer option and enter in the server address.
Well then, it looks like I could try to get you two on the server tomorrow then. It would probably be better if we could get both you and Starwhip online at the same time so you could both jump down to me and Gag.
Alright. Me and Gag have already gone some distance, so you're going to have to get yourself a jump ship The server also appears to be having some issues as well. I'm online at the moment