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Everything posted by Noname117

  1. Banned for lack of creativity, I only seem to get banned for that
  2. Banned for being a pokemon (I think)
  3. I'm beginning to think both here. The picture looks like it is taken from about the height of a person's head. Which means that your P1000 is probably a couple feet taller than a person in that picture. You will have to position it to be farther back or have a picture taken more upwards in you want it to look realistic. For this second part imagine a clock laid on the ground at the spot the picture is taken from so its 12 is facing straight down the middle of the picture. The sun in the picture seems to be somewhere to the 2 to 3 o-clock direction. Looks like the lighting on the P1000 is coming from the 4 to 5 o-clock direction, while its shadow is coming from more of the 1 or 1.5 o-clock. I would say the lighting could have a lot more consistency. This is just my take on the image though.
  4. You get hit by 12 asteroids and 2 nuclear missiles launched into orbit on the way out. Not good enough for you? How about: "your crew members decide to abscond with your spacecraft, steer it towards Jool and send hateful messages back to Kerbin?" I post a reply on a forum game that is somewhat breaking its rules. What is the worst that could happen?
  5. Very pretty render of my aircraft you did there! I like it quite a lot! The glazing on the cockpit looks pretty nice and seeing that plane in high quality is just amazing! Though I must ask, did you have to resize the delta wing on the tailfin?
  6. I put Sampa between me and the lightsaber, and he takes the hit rather than me. The hearse with Sampa's body goes out of control, careening towards the next poster.
  7. 5/10 nice signature picture, but it isn't clickable. Also, Spacejuice is using characters which look like barrel roles in his sig, which is probably why they are not appearing for you.
  8. Banned for sandwich rocketry. Can we please have some non-food based rocketry here?
  9. Banned for not being aerodynamically unstable. And for not floating.
  10. ∞/0 for obvious, perfectly logical reasons.
  11. That's looking pretty nice and will allow good renders for external seat craft! Good work!
  12. May I request a flag for usage on my aircraft? My previous one was deleted when I reinstalled to try to fix a bug, and the flag was a placeholder anyways. Back when I played a lot of Spore, one of my fictional nations which I made creations for was called Targeria, and I gave them a roundel (a blue circle around a green circle with a yellow rectangle outlined in blue extending across the circle. I'll post an image of the roundel later in this post). I never successfully created a Targerian flag which really fit their roundel, and thus when I needed a custom flag for KSP all I made was the roundel on a background. It looked hideous, but I kept telling myself I'd replace it someday. So, may I ask that whoever is currently using this thread to handle flag requests to make a flag inspired by the roundel for me to use on my KSP craft? The roundel is on the wingtipsNotice: Please do not just do the roundel itself or make the roundel the main focus. I do not want the roundel itself as the flag or the main focus of the flag, but I want a flag that the roundel would represent well. (Like how the has elements of the United States' flag without being the flag itself)
  13. So far the game has been a buggy mess with a bad control setup (who uses the arrow keys to move around in free cam, and why the heck does esc not bring you to the menu. I'm having to rebind everything) and ship ai so bad they cannot dodge slow moving asteroids or even hold formation. Never owned the originals myself before, and those may have been the better part of my purchase. Hopefully the multiplayer and/or modding community will be good, but I think for now my RTS of choice will still be Wargame Red Dragon.
  14. I probably should have specified an angle and a render quality for the picture, but I don't really care that much. Just make sure it looks good, that's really all I have to say about that. Though if you can get a view with the cockpit, go for it (I love that cockpit) And Zamovinar, your planes look pretty nice, though I would be a bit worried about fuel consumption and pilot safety with them. Also, with cluster bombs, you can in fact create a delay by mounting the bomblets on a probe core and having retrograde firing seperatrons destroy that probe core. Looks much more realistic
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jt30syme2m2xlo5/NAFA-5-C1%20Wailing%20Banshee.craft?dl=0 So can you render that aircraft (BTW, can you please remove the capsules attached to thee sides of the aircraft cockpit?)
  16. So how would you render the following fighter? And, if it possible to do so while still looking nice, can you? (Though I do have to get the download set up first) Also, Zamovinar, your imgur albums are not working for me.
  17. May I ask if you can render kerbals in the rover seats?
  18. 6/10 interesting, not a lot of eye candy in the sig.
  19. 6/10 I do recognize you from around here a bit
  20. 33 I think maybe he forgot to refresh or something
  21. Looks pretty cool, I wonder how it would do with the BD armory 30mm cannon. Have you tried it with a payload of any kind yet (stock or modded)?
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