May I request a flag for usage on my aircraft? My previous one was deleted when I reinstalled to try to fix a bug, and the flag was a placeholder anyways. Back when I played a lot of Spore, one of my fictional nations which I made creations for was called Targeria, and I gave them a roundel (a blue circle around a green circle with a yellow rectangle outlined in blue extending across the circle. I'll post an image of the roundel later in this post). I never successfully created a Targerian flag which really fit their roundel, and thus when I needed a custom flag for KSP all I made was the roundel on a background. It looked hideous, but I kept telling myself I'd replace it someday. So, may I ask that whoever is currently using this thread to handle flag requests to make a flag inspired by the roundel for me to use on my KSP craft? The roundel is on the wingtipsNotice: Please do not just do the roundel itself or make the roundel the main focus. I do not want the roundel itself as the flag or the main focus of the flag, but I want a flag that the roundel would represent well. (Like how the has elements of the United States' flag without being the flag itself)