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  1. Thank you so very much for the kind words, I'm very glad you are enjoying the mod. There is a link right below the last video in the OP. There's no PayPal image there, it's just a link, I couldn't get the image/button to show up correctly.
  2. I humbly thank you, and I'm very glad you like the mod. No worries, the Hangar Extender mod: is what you'll need. When activated in the VAB or SPH the VAB and SPH models are disabled allowing you to see, and most importantly build the ships. Install this and enjoy.
  3. Merry Christmas! The long awaited release of the Constitution-class Refit is here with v1.0.4 of TrekDrive. TrekDrive v1.0.4 - The Refit Cometh v.1.0.4 - The Refit Cometh * Updated TrekDrive.dll * Adds speed multipliers for Physical Time-Warp. 2x Physical Time-Warp give s 100x multiplier to speed, 3x Physical Time-Warp gives a 1000x speed multiplier, and 4x Physical Time-Warp gives a 10,000x speed multiplier. This is a work-around for not being able to use the warp drive in Non-Physical Time Warp, giving effectively up to a 10,000x Time-Warp using Physical Time-Warp. No more forced real-time warp travel for interstellar distances! * Fixed an issue introduced with a previous update that didn't allow a ship to go to warp if more than the minimum number of nacelles were present and charged. The 4-nacelle NX-class variant will work as expected again. * Added Constitution-class Refit * Saucer * Bridge Module * Impulse Engine * Engineering Section * Warp Nacelle Pylons * Warp Nacelles (Port and Starboard) * Texture switches for the Constitution Refit for an overall gray and Kerbban Empire * Multiple registry switches * USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) - Default * USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) * USS Ahwahnee (NCC-2048) * USS Bonhomme Richard (NCC-1731) * USS Cassie (NCC-1711) * USS Cayuga (NCC-1721) * USS Constellation (NCC-1789) * USS Constitution (NCC-1021) * USS Defiant (NCC-1804) * USS Eagle (NCC-956) * USS Emden (NCC-1856) * USS Endeavour (NCC-1895) * USS Essex (NCC-1697) * USS Excalibur (NCC-1664) * USS Exeter (NCC-1672) * USS Hood (NCC-1703) * USS Hornet (NCC-1708) * USS Intrepid (NCC-1631) * USS Kearsarge (NCC-1733) * USS Kongo (NCC-1710) * USS Korolev (NCC-2014) * USS Kurosawa (NCC-1963) * USS Lexington (NCC-1709) * USS Merrimac (NCC-1715) * USS Olympia (NCC-1771) * USS Porthos (NCC-1712) * USS Potemkin (NCC-1657) * USS Ticonderoga (NCC-1714) * USS Yamato (NCC-1716) * USS Yorktown (NCC-1717) * Registry fix for the Constitution-class (non-Refit) for USS Essex to change the registry number from NCC-1709, that for the USS Lexington, to NCC-1697 to avoid having two NCC-1709s and to use the registry that has been attributed to the Constitution-class USS Essex. * Added TMP Era Inspection pod (as seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and other TOS films) Can be docked to any external docking ports on the Constitution-class Refit, Constitution-class, or NX-class vessels, as well as any other 1.25m/size1 docking port. * Inspection pod does allow use of the JSI Advanced Transparent Pod mod to have a visible interior in external camera views. This is not a new dependency, it's there for those who want the functionality. * Added TMP drydock (from the Enterprise reveal/fly-around scene). * No engines, just RCS, so it will need to be cheated into orbit, or attach and Inspection pod, or other craft to tow it to orbit. * 6x dorsal docking ports. These are size1/1.25 m ports. Inspection pods can dock using their ventral docking port (built into the pod not a separate piece), or the aft docking port (a separate piece). * Forward and Aft hangars with pads for Inspection pods in a sectioned off area, and pads for shuttlecraft (Type-F, and future types). This allows for crews to disembark from docked starships and use shuttlecraft to go to the surface, or new crew to be flown to the drydock to embark on a starship. * Airlocks are located in each main hangar to allow Kerbal EVA from the drydock. * Two extendable docking arms to allow docking from either end. The arm must be extended before docking. To undock, bring up the saucer's PAW and select "Undock". * Due to the way it's set up, after switching vessels, or loading, extended and/or docked arms will appear partially retracted. This is visual only, and can be resolved by retracting and then extending the arm. * Possesses generators to generate starship resources (LqdDeuterium and Antimatter). This can be used to resupply docked starships. * Possesses a "fusion reactor" (a generator module that consumes LqdDeuterium to generate ElectricCharge). * Implements ExtraPlanetary Launchpad orbital construction to allow for construction of starships in orbit. * Once the ship is built and released you will need to dock the station to the ship. When the ship is released it becomes the focused craft. Simply switch focus to the drydock (extend the docking arm if it isn't already) then use the "J" or "L" keys to gently translate the drydock docking arm towards the ship. The drydock docking arms are set to have 200% acquireForce by default, which makes it much easier. Once the drydock and ship are docked you can easily transfer crew from the station to the ship. You can then undock the ship and fly it out of spacedock. Just remember, "thrusters only while in spacedock Captain."
  4. If the worst happens I will provide updates on the KSP Reddit for certain. Not sure what other avenues there would be, but I'd provide updates wherever the community would go most likely.
  5. I'm very glad you're enjoying it. I quickly loaded up KSP to double check and I did get sound on the OMS. the OMS uses what I assume is a very old way to define the sounds, and I'm admittedly not using v1.12.5 of KSP. Do you have any mods installed that alter sounds in any way? They should be using the "sound_rocket_hard" sound that the SSMEs use as well, so if those have sound for you, then at least that sound still exists somewhere in your install. I haven't been able to find the sound in the GameData folder, but it is one of the built-in sounds for KSP. I'm not sure why you wouldn't be getting sound on the OMS engines.
  6. Got a couple more things in testing right now that would be the last thing before release of the Refit. Thank you so much for the compliment, it has turned out far better than I ever anticipated. Right now the only definite plan is the Miranda-class, mostly because it requires the least amount of new modeling. I've given some thought to moving forward in the timeline, and if I did the Excelsior-class would be the better bet. I've never thought about the Oberth-class at all really. I have thought about the Sovereign-class, and the Odyssey-class as well. Part of the "problem" though in moving forward in the timeline is that the ships tend to become larger and larger, and the Constitution-class is already kinda pushing the limits for even the HangarExtender mod. Of course, that assumes I maintain the scale, which I would like to do, if I continue making canon ships. I've thought about some original design parts that would allow for new classes to be built by the end user by selecting different saucers, engineering sections, nacelles, pylons, etc. But, right now, no specific plans beyond the Miranda-class, but the possibilities are practically endless.
  7. I went with Memory Alpha for most/all of the canonical names and registries, and while I did find the USS Constitution listed as NCC/NX-1700 as you said. In fact, the image I used to build the model is of the Constitution NX-1700. There are no canonical sources for the NCC-1700 being the registry for USS Constitution. My reasoning for using NCC-1021 was that USS Constitution, being the lead ship of the class, should have one of the lowest registries of the class. The lowest canonical registry for the Constitution-class is USS Eagle NCC-956, and even USS Constellation is NCC-1017. So, I figured USS Constitution should at least have a registry around USS Constellation. My logic is then, that USS Eagle, USS Constitution, and USS Constellation were under construction at the same time and that Eagle was completed first and got the NCC-956 registry and that Constellation was finished next and got the NCC-1017 registry and then Constitution, the first ordered, and still class namesake, was finished after that and got the NCC-1021 registry. I chose 1021 to reference the real-life USS Constitution, which was originally launched on October 21, 1797, or 10-21-1797. I realize, however, that this reference really only works using the typical U.S. date formatting. I thought that would be a bit much for KSP. I mean to crew two of these you'd need 860 Kerbals, and I don't know if anyone has that many Kerbals in one save.
  8. Yes that would, in theory at least, mean that the takeoff and landing thrust would be simply equal to g. If it will behave exactly that way, I'm not sure.
  9. Thanks for catching this. I've fixed it and it will be in the next update. As for the impulse engines, there's not a way for you to do that so that you get the behavior you want. You could try setting the "maxVerticalAccel" in the config file for the impulse engines to a value lower than 1, maybe 0.1 to see if that helps get you what you want for now.
  10. I never really considered the ability to turn off the hover mode since it could be detrimental to the survival of the craft and its occupants. I suppose I could add a slider to modify the vertical acceleration between 0 and maxVerticalAccel, which would effectively turn off the hover mode if it were set to 0. This might also lead to the PAW becoming a bit more cluttered though. No promises, but I'll at least consider adding this. I am aware of the current lack of an IVA for the Constitution-class, as well as the Type F Shuttle. I do plan on making my own IVAs for these, as well as the forthcoming Constitution-Refit, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I do plan on making them so that they go with my ships instead of reusing models made by others.
  11. This is great! I can include this in the next update for those who want to use it, and credit your work on the patch.
  12. That's understandable. I did notice that the person you quoted said that also, and they may have reached the same conclusion for the same reasons. I'm glad you were able to find what you needed to get it working again. You didn't come off as rude, just as I hope I didn't come off as rude either.
  13. I agree, it doesn't mean you need to shut it down, but shutting it down is an option nonetheless. Again, I don't know if this possible reason is even part of why the author chose to take down the mod. I will also say that repeated support requests that are due to an end user's refusal to read directions can become very, very annoying very quick, and really affect your motivation to continue working on the thing. I'm not sure why some are saying it's been down "for years". From what I can tell, the author announced he took down the repository in January of this year. I do know that they took it down a year to two ago after a spate of antagonism, or ingratitude from end users that really sapped their desire to keep working on this mod. The mod, however, was reopened not too long afterwards as that was when I downloaded it myself to test one of my own mods. It is a drastic solution, but it is still a solution, and the one the author chose for their own reasons. Again, a blanket statement that it's not being supported won't stop support requests. You are correct that it hasn't stopped people from pointing out that the link doesn't work, because people have not read that it has been intentionally closed. I understand the issue trying to restore the mod, I think someone posted that they were able to find the guide using the internet archive, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
  14. I'm not the mod author, but have made a couple of mods myself, and I might be able to add some perspective. Again, I'm not the author and do no claim to know their reasoning. What I say here is my interpretation of possible reasons. The author is aware of possible conflicts between the two mods that would cause headaches for end users if combined at initial release. Such headaches would lead to requests for support/help from the users that combine the mods. We all know that no matter how much a developer, or really anyone, may warn others not to do a thing because the consequences could be anything from game crashes to damaged saves, that people will choose not to follow that direction/advice. Others will simply not read the instructions complete and miss warnings and just download the mod(s) because "they know how mods work". Once the KSS2 mod is initially released and tested for stability then this mod will be released again. It is possible that by taking down this mod now that keeps the install-base of this mod at mostly its current size, meaning that there will be fewer opportunities for conflicts on the initial release of KSS2. Also, in closing down this mod now means the author can focus on KSS2's development while not having to update this mod, or deal with an influx of new GU users' support requests. I consider these to be plausible, and reasonable explanations for why the repository was closed. In the end, the authors reasons/motivations are irrelevant as the availability and even existence of the mod is entirely up to the author. That the mod exists at all is because someone wanted to make something and share it with others. We, as users, benefit from this generosity, and are not owed anything. Patience and understanding are important.
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