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Posts posted by dimovski

  1. Essentially, I mean this:


    PS:Watch the bottom skirt! Yours is fully conical instead of being cylindrical-conical!


    If you need something bigger to see the difference, here's a cut:


    (Yes, the only 4 launches were fully conical, but the real "production" version, if there would've ever been one, would have this cylinder-cone arrangement for sure, 8l and 9l(?) were already built like that.)

    PPS:So, are you going to arrowify those fuel line bulky-thingys? Look at zhe drawing, much more arrow-like!

  2. I'd just like to suggest that you might want to keep the cylinder scales as accurate as possible. (I mean the top and bottom width ratios.) => That'll make the parts usable in RSS, because there is no way you can .cfg edit the width proportions.

    And the Blok B engine... that... that's not really going to work, I think. I mean, you blow your shrouding and then you got meters of empty space between the end of an engine bell and the fuel tank :/

  3. Well, I'll try listing my observations:

    1)The decoupler mesh should be a bit thinner... right? http://api.ning.com/files/jNPGddwnISXNDvLeI1ORY6uukZCpg-12hxA-ZsODdSfL5IBNWE2wCFkgFw7dvuaSotTI6911TvWvGAfx5b376WwpUxqU87Qh/n16lallup.jpg

    2)The upper tank of that stage needs to be more spherical. Possibly the upper part of the sphere might even be slightly "squashed" http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/rockets/n1/design/exploded_1.jpg

    3)If you're going for the N-IU look, I'd have a look at this page: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/hercules.shtml However this picture in particular is interesting: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/img/n1-n1f.gif with the 2nd model being the N-IF as it should've been flown on launch no.5 (notice that the conical skirt has been replaced by a conical-cylindrical one...)

    4)Maybe a bit more flashy decoupler mesh? (not sure myself)

    And some general remarks:

    1)This rocket really would have boatloads of potential if you'd split the mesh into smaller parts, which would be loaded as one part by the part.cfg file. The main point would obviously be that you could, for example, split the Blok B into the upper spherical tank, the decoupler, the big conical fuel tank, the lower part with the engines. And then you could simply make the fuel tank longer, and you got a N-IF (1965) Blok B, without distorting any proportions! And the fully cylindrical tank might be used on Blok V, aswell as a resized decoupler mesh! And for a N-II or N-III rocket to work, I think you'd have to seperate the little shrouding parts for the engines from the fuel tanks, instead of modelling them as jettisons. This way they could be placed without the need of something being "below" the fuel tank.

    2)If you could make (or well, collaborate with someone on making) a procedural "engine heatshield" that would be perfect! You'd need just 2 types of parts - one normal engine heatshield, a mostly flat surface onto which you can procedurally add holes of varying diameter in a symmetry-like way, and the 2nd one would be slightly curved, for the center engines of the N-I. That is, if you procedurally add 6 holes to that part... else you got a N-I (1962) ;)

    3)Mixing and matching the rocket with stock sizes might be rather hard. There's no shame in using a tiny little procedural interstage to make the transition smoother => I'd go with proper ratios of fuel tank bottom and top widths.

  4. TMK? Absolutely have. Have to pull myself away from KSP for a bit. Have physics and calculus breathing down my neck...

    Are those ships pretty enough to be in a trailer? *hint hint* ;)

    TMK is really cool! I went crazy and resized some parts to 6m diameter for an accurate replica, but then I got entangled with spaceplanes before I could finalize the masses.

    And I agree, a Poisk/Rassvet would be really cool! I hope the docking module won't be orange however...

    PS:Could you actually be going for a physics bachelor or master? And you got time for building such beautiful parts?! Are you a god or something?

    (Yeah, I'd like to study physics but I'm really unsure if someone with a miserable IQ of 120 (yes, yes, not really an accurate measurement of intelligence...) could pull off such a thing with decent enough marks to work for the industry)

    EDIT:Congrats Niemand! One more to ban me! :sticktongue:

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