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Everything posted by Ryn

  1. Im sorry If I led you astray with that exclamation point, I am not at all excited- though I did try it never-the-less I wouldn\'t recommend it
  2. But macs don\'t have issues like broken UI lol macs
  3. everyone complains about its tenancy to go into a flatspin, I think it\'s extremely easy to fly
  4. Everyone says that , I think its quite easy lol but then I fly the P-39Q in IL2 and everyone complains of it being hard while i find it a joy to fly Ill tone down the lift on the canards and play with the weights a bit then
  5. Why thank you, I\'ve sort of come to expect it. Forums and especially forums about things like games and space exploration - let alone space exploration games are very very male dominant
  6. After realizing I released the pack with an engine that I didn\'t make (the TiberDyne bearcat engine) I pulled the link , Ill make my own soon but the link is down till i have his approval
  7. Well done lol it will be much better once we have air breathing engines, The amount of fuel it has it supposed to make atmospheric flight last longer, But without any way to kill thrust over a certain altitude this becomes a tad too powerful (and by a tad I mean way too powerful)
  8. Why does everyone say 'he' Q.Q Grrrr And stealth ? sleek, Infact it forces it to be more 'rough' not sleek and curvy
  9. the X-29 public Release candidate is out now - Some pictures http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg692/scaled.php?server=692&filename=screenshot91l.png&res=medium
  10. Ryn


    C&C Red Alert 2 music (Hell March 2) Kirov Reporting
  11. Its not so graphics intensive as it is CPU intensive, if you have less than 4 cores don\'t expect it to run well, cliffs of dover isn\'t nearly as fun in my opinion, it doesn\'t \'feel\' right... but then it doesn\'t have my p-39 so I could just be biased
  12. Yes, and a few of my friends, We play over Tunngle PM me if you wanna play some time - We use UP3.0RC4
  13. Well for all we know the kerbals could be a hermaphroditic species, there has never been any official biological information released so jeb could be female
  14. Poo, I want a teddy :< Or - or!!! a Jeb Plushy! I would love that lol
  15. Daww..... I\'d hug you, but it\'s the internet
  16. I was bored at work and decided to mess around with the Akinator
  17. Why thank you - and F-22 not ugly? must be out of your mind, I guess ;D
  18. I need to flag it as a physics-less part. But yes, it is ment to be offset a bit the irst pod usually is offset a bit
  19. Texturing CFG editing and fiddling with some minor details and it will be ready
  20. Nostolgic music, videos , pictures - what have you Ill start
  21. Ahh, The memories C&C Red Alert 2 music (Hell March 2)
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