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Everything posted by Gamercraft_GC

  1. Hey Guys! Im having my first live stream TONIGHT! Like RIGHT NOW as your reading this. The Quality isn't soo good. I admit that but the gameplay is and i will take Streamer-Submitted Ships and uhh... Well Yea... View them and check them out. Heres my link: http://www.twitch.tv/gamercraftgc/
  2. My Best Friend FunOnly (Which is probably his middle name) is doing a live stream for most of the christmas break. It would help me help you Find an entertainer for your christmas holidays when ksp gets just a LITTLE too boring. Our goal is 40 People watching per Day. Here is his link: http://www.twitch.tv/funonly Please help the challenge! Please Watch!
  3. Congratulations! Thats a real good thing. I don't mean to be mean but the mods can sometimes be to strict and you seem relaxed. This is what we need. More people like this. other mods are great people too but your just... AWESOME- Gamer
  4. This is soooo cool. omg! I want to try this but don't want to risk having all these bugs so ill wait till its updated
  5. Hey guys, Since I'm in this topic I hope I won't make you bored so ill make this quick. I was wondering if someone wanted to give me a mission idea. I have none and would love to post one-Gamer:cool:
  6. Hey Everyone, Thank you for reading this and I hope you can reply. Basically I'm a new Dev but a scientist. I've been wanting to test out my mod abilities and am wondering if anyone needs a Fairings design or a Cover up. If you don't know what I'm talking about then its the BIG shell thingy that surrounds a lander and you decouple it in space. I can make it ANY way you want . Skinny. Weird. Tall. Fat. Anything. Just give me a size and ill do it- Gamer
  7. I tried Getting in a 70 k orbit then bringing my periapsis down to 26k but i blue blew up even with 2 heat shields! idk what to do.
  8. Idk what part your having trouble on, the Docking or GETTING to the ship. When i first tried docking I had trouble getting to the ship and 1 time SMASHED into it. But Try looking up Scott Manleys tutorials. And Mods are okay to have, even MechJeb because During most of the Apollo Missions, it was a Bot Doing the launches and steering of the rocket. Not Neil Armstrong (Except the moon landing). Hope i helped
  9. If your talking about Nassault then you can't. I watch all his videos and Skype him all the time. I one day asked him how he does the weather and things and he said he takes the Effects and puts them around the object. Using a blender, he blends them together so it looks real. So No. There isn't a way to do that.
  10. Sounds like a cool Mission. Just yesterday i was watching some youtube on my apple TV and He had this same problem. He turned out that is was the part clipping . So try spacing things out a little more and a lot more struts even though you used a ton. And Try just using The Metal Struts. The Rectangular Struts. whatever those are called. Just... I hope i could help and I'm sorry for this issue- Gamer
  11. So im in a bit of a twist here. Ive downloaded all these mods so my KSP is REAL! like REAL life real. but I'm not sure at what angle to come in for the reentry plugin. Any Ideas? Ive heard of people saying you should have periapsis at 60 and some at 26. WTF? Can someone please tell me!- Gamer:cool::cool::cool:
  12. Idk what a Heinlein is but check out the firespitter mod. It might be worth it.
  13. So im in a bit of a twist here. Ive downloaded all these mods so my KSP is REAL! like REAL life real. but I'm not sure at what angle to come in for the reentry plugin. Any Ideas? Ive heard of people saying you should have periapsis at 60 and some at 26. WTF? Can someone please tell me!- Gamer:cool:
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