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Posts posted by Bombstar10

  1. 8 hours ago, CrazyJebGuy said:

    dammit I have to re-enter this insanity competition. I tried to modify my earlier designs to hold more people, but testing revealed that that caused the plane to split apart, from back to front. ( I should probably video that - update, I have. )

    If you look in horror at Big Brother's commandments, you are a dirty wrongthinker.


    That’s fantastic. I ran into a few issues where the two floors of my plane split apart (read giant super biplane)

    Oh and. Something something Thought Police.


  2. On 11/17/2017 at 11:57 AM, panzerknoef said:

    Test Pilot Review: @Bombstar10's The Space Company - Universal Transport Mark One Civilian (UT-1B)


    Figures as Tested:

    • Price: :funds:202.179.000
    • Fuel: 2485kallons
    • Cruising speed: 240m/s
    • Cruising altitude: 3000m
    • Fuel burn rate: 0.41kal/s
    • Range:  1400km

    Review Notes:

    Boy oh boy, we thought the "Kerman Dove" was a deathtrap... In comparison to this plane it's a flight in first class. But more on that later, let's start with the design. It looks as if it was put together utterly randomly, and then the engineers forgot to actually make sure everything was bolted on properly. 

    Then, performance... The only part where the plane actually more or less holds up. The UT-1B takes off at 50m/s, which is a good number for a plane of such size. The plane doesn't reach that speed extraordinarily fast or slow though. Once airborne the engines rather quickly propel the aircraft to its top speed of 240m/s. At cruising speed and altitude it manages an efficient 0.41kal/s. Combine this with the 2845 units of fuel and you get a rather short, even too short, range of around 1400km. The plane maneuvers okishly at all speeds, despite seeming very sluggish right after take-off.

    Now, this is where it gets interesting. While the maneuvering is quite okay, it does cause some...unpleasantness. Turning hard at almost any speed will eventually lead to total and unrecoverable wing damage. This happens a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT! (in fact so often that trying to get an in flight shot resulted in wing failure...so that's the picture now) Trying to line up with the runway? woops wing failure.. you're dead. The brighter side though, after one wing shears off, the second one quickly follows, causing the plane to fall way faster than with one wing remaining. That way the passengers at least have to suffer a bit shorter. Apart from the wings which seem to've been made out of spaghetti, the plane is also ridiculously prone to tail strikes, and when that tail strikes... pretty much half of your plane goes with it, at least 24 fatalities. Maybe it's better when that happens because at least that's 72 less fatalities than when the plane does get airborne.

    Moving on to comfort.The broad wings stop a lot of sound coming from the 4 large wing mounted engines, causing a fairly silent and soft flight. Sadly the silence of the airplane rather quickly gets undone by screams of death and terror as passengers notice a wing has come off...again. Not to mention there's usually a bit of the wing with a single engine remaining... And with very little of it left, it doesn't stop sound anymore. So if you were hoping to fall to your death solely accompanied by screaming, I'll have to disappoint you, as the ear shattering sound of a contraprop engine quickly floods the cabins and adds to the jolly good sound of your pending death. If that doesn't happen, well there's a 70% chance there was a tailstrike incident earlier. In which case the now open cabin once more allows the sounds of all 4 beastly engines to enter and burn right through your ears.

    Last but not least, the price... :funds:202.179.000 and 75 parts, but that doesn't matter since you won't be using those more than once, so no maintenance... woooo! All in all, we think it's a bit too expensive for a plane which is nothing more than a killing machine, I'd say take it to the military, but sadly it doesn't kill the other guys, it kills the people inside the plane.

    The Verdict:

    It does a FORMIDABLE job as death trap, but really nothing more. We really don't see how these would be any kind of positive addition to our fleet at all. Obviously we will not be buying one. However, if we do ever hear of a big group of criminals who've received the death sentence and they don't know how to complete it, we'll direct them your way.

    Complete success!

    If still open. I will post a serious entry or two!

  3. On 10/4/2017 at 6:58 PM, ImmaStegosaurus! said:

    Staff at Zavod 653 are working around the clock to deliver new design (refurbish retired airliner) so it could be submitted for trials.

    Ka-12 is acknowledged to be older design and in it's original form it was a military transport introduced over half a century ago.

    A fellow military contractor attaching seats using duct tape and cutting holes in the fuselage for windows I see!

  4. Some of the entries I have seen on here are pretty damn cool. Looks like I might have to actually start doing some high-intensity testing of some of the Space Company retrofit aircraft.

    Side note the hardest part of building my Jumbo-Jet seems to be getting an 816 Passenger aircraft to fly for more than 2000km. Oh and of course cost less than $1,300,000,000

  5. NOW INCLUDING AN INTERNAL SAFETY VALIDATION! (In new post. Only applies to 'Coming Soon' aircraft. Other aircraft did not qualify for the safety validation)

    The Space Company Presents: The Universal Transport Mark One Civilian (UT-1B)


    • Class: Medium Regional Jet
    • Cruising Altitude: 3000-3500m
    • Cruising Speed: 240m/s
    • Consumption Rate: 0.35-0.75 kal/s
    • Estimated Range: 795-1704km
    • Seating Capacity: 96
    • Price: $202,179,000 (We are a government contractor)
    • Action Groups:
      • 10: Currently an optional spoiler from military design

    The UT series of aircraft is an old yet reliable design of transport used by the TSC for efficient movement of materials to different locations. The UT Mark One B is a modified version of the original platform dating back 52 years (This design was quickly replaced due to complaints about stability when banking). To meet the demands of the brief presented here the aircraft equipment storage bays have been replaced by 96 cloth backed seats (easy to clean, miscellaneous used vinyl seats from the failed Duna Transport Program are available). If there is a serious consideration from Kerbal Express Airlines in the use of this aircraft, additional modifications or the use of later, more efficient platforms can be discussed. 



    Disclaimer: Please Note this aircraft has not passed any of the KAA aircraft safety regulations. Vinyl suggested for easier blood removal. Moreover, we are not responsible for any loss of life caused by excessive wing flex when performing heavy pitch or roll actions. 

    Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxZ939xefHY_VzU0Y0FYQTNQT1k

    The Space Company Presents: The "Grizzly" Super Transport Civilian (ST-3 Civilian)

    • Class: Jumbo Jet
    • Take-off speed 50-60m/s
    • Cruising Altitude: 3000m
    • Cruising Speed: 225m/s
    • Fuel Capacity: 18314kal
    • Consumption Rate: 1.68kal/s
    • Estimated Range: 2453km
    • Seating Capacity: 284
    • Price: $537,723,000
    • Flaps can be used to slightly reduce take-off speed and or assist landing.

    We are proud to show yet another modified military transport design for use as a commercial airliner. The ST-3 is a tried and true platform that suffers only minor penalties when converted to a civilian design*. Its 8 large duel rotor design engines allow for easy use at any fuel, passenger, or cargo loads. Following conversations with our engineers, we felt we should do some form of safety testing using this aircraft. Thus, in the case of a failure of the wing structures of the aircraft a safety structure is in place to allow the aircraft to land using only two of its eight engines.



    Emergency safety structure in action:


    Disclaimer * Conversion to civilian design has caused a minor stability issue under moderate to hard turns. This can potentially culminate in the loss of either one or both wings of the aircraft. It should be noted however the aircraft has a built-in safety backup allowing the aircraft to land with only two engines.

    [Updated to fix wingtip] Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxZ939xefHY_Q1R0Wkx4blFDdEk/view?usp=sharing

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