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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think I found why USI wasn't working properly, my save files created previously don't work. New saves work perfectly.
  2. I made sure I had the latest version, still not working D: Full mods list using AVC in previous reply.
  3. Whoops I skipped that one. The last entry in the changelog for CRP is 0.5.0 - 2016.03.29 ------------------ Compatibility with KSP 1.1 Lowered cost of Supplies, Mulch and Fertilizer Using AVC: KSP: 1.1 (Win32) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit USI Tools - 0.7.1 Community Resource Pack - 0.5 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.2.3 Fuel Tanks Plus - 1.8.1 Kerbal Attachment System - Kerbal Engineer Redux - Kerbal Inventory System - KSP-AVC Plugin - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.3 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.0.8 SpaceY Expanded - 1.1.8 SpaceY Lifters - 1.12.2 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.6.1 USI-LS - 0.4.2
  4. I installed this mod today, and it doesn't seem to be working. My status window is blank (I have a ongoing flight with 5 kerbals) and my kerbals aren't consuming/producing anything. Mods List: SpaceY-Expanded & Lifters Planetary Base Inc RLA_Stockalike Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Fuel Tank Plus DMagicOrbitalScience KIS/KAS Docking Port Alignment Indicator Thanks!
  5. Center of lift and center of drag are the same in KSP. Add fins to the base of your launch vehicle to keep it flying straight and true o7 - - - Updated - - - I've been playing since 0.16 when the terminal velocity of any object at sea level was ~160m/s, so I'll start by saying that I love how far it's come. However, I think the re-entry heating behaves very strangely at high altitudes. While I was trying to use Eve to aerobrake, I found it near impossible not to burn up, even in the 60km altitude range. The reduction in speed I was seeing was almost nothing, and yet I was already seeing huge Visual FX and parts were beginning to explode. I realize that Eve's atm is ~4x denser than Kerbin's at sea level. It just seems like shock-heating and drag are not using the same parameters. - - - Updated - - - Another issue I encountered several weeks ago: I, for the fun of it, made a craft meant to go very close to the sun. I gave it tons of radiators to keep it from asploding, but when I would go into time-warp, it would sometimes randomly asplode but it was thermodynamically stable at normal time.
  6. Lol Yeah I can't wait to try out a sepatron only mission to the mun
  7. I ran a couple tests on the new flight characteristics and recorded some data. It's definitely not an exhaustive test or maybe not the most representative one. Here's the link to the Imgur album. http://imgur.com/a/XLTtm Tell me what you think Thanks, RailgunSpoon
  8. That's a different experiment. If you replace your goo canisters with Mat Labs, you lose out on science.
  9. I find myself irking my minor OCD when building science ships that I need to add two goo canisters so that I'm sure it will be balanced. This "Forces" me to add a second material science module to make sense of having two goo canisters. If I was able to have an in-line goo canister, I would be able to know my ship is balanced and also only have one set of science modules. It's not really necessary, per se, but it is rather inconvenient.
  10. So perhaps you could set keybinds 6 and 7 to be throttle set1 up and down and 8 and 9 to throttle set2 up and down?
  11. Maybe an addition to the tweakables menu could be a starting throttle and ending throttle. E.g., you could say you want your nuclear rockets to start firing at 1% throttle, and be at max at 50% throttle, and then have some more powerful rockets that start firing at 51% throttle and be at max at 100% throttle.
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