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Everything posted by MarkoeZ

  1. Dude, its a game, and there are already people playing and enjoying this challenge. Stop being so negative, think in the spirit of the challenge! If you dont like it, you dont HAVE to participate, many other challenges to try. If you do like it but think the rules should be sharpened, come with some tips instead of talking down the general idea. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Well i think i could be a good judge, but i want to participate And really, just think up some solid ground rules, like what mods allowed and what the critical scoring element will be per challenge. Beside that you already got a pretty solid first challenge
  3. one question, can the booster stage have stages? If so i will just plop some jumbo tanks with massive engines and some boosters below it to do the job.
  4. Could be fun, but you need rules. all mods/some mods/stock? scoring on speed/fuel/closest to mark?
  5. I've never built a working ssto before, always been more of a big rocket man So yeah, started with step one, getting something in orbit. Approach: Kiss - Keep it simple, stupid And this was an attempt at getting up without using the nuke engine within atmosphere, barely making it at the end of the runway... Its quite a lot more comfortable with a little nuke boost at takeoff Next up, booster stage
  6. Part two, refuelling. Beware that i used mechjeb severely in this case. I do many missions without it too, just check some of my other youtube vids (also those banners below are all done legit), but for these large and complex structures it just makes life that much easier, especially since my gaming time is limited atm... Cheers!
  7. Thanks! And i will try to make video's of every part of the mission and update this thread. Cheers!
  8. Hiya, I was trying to build a gravity ring earlier (old attempt: ), but i found out my pc could not handle anything much larger.So after upgrading (pc ) parts the past 2 months i decided to try another attempt. Well actually, about 500.... Since the structure is too big to span struts from the ring to the core i had to improvise. So about 740 parts later, the behemoth gets to orbit, with some to spare And i tried legit at least 100 times. But i noticed that breakdown-on-launch ratio without mechjeb was 9-1 and with mechjeb it dropped to 4-1 So not that stable in heavy gravity/atmosphere, but works fine once out into space. The vid!: Yes i know its massively inefficient, yes i know my trajectory sucks. Im just messing around UPDATE! Part two, refuelling. Next up: adding a rover to it, and flying it to geostationary (Kerbin?) Cheers!
  9. I think he actually means polar, you need to change your inclination by 90 degrees is what i understand Sooo, Solar Polar?
  10. Mission description is way to vague to provide a decent forum challenge. - Are the missiles controlled? if so it would be the same as a regular ksc landing, but x5. - If not, hitting the KSC2 on the spot would be impossible (except maybe a very very incidental stroke of luck), so it would be a distance challenge. - And then: does total distance from the ksc2 count, or the closest missile? Edit, ninja'd
  11. Nice challenge, think i have a craft for this, gonna try a bit later And the image albums: Register on imgur(free) and link to your album there like this: [im gur]CODEONLY[/im gur] (without the spaces). Only use the code for the album, not the whole web address.
  12. Done! Took a while, did not go for optimum efficiency. Did do some of the moons of Jool in one run, great fun. And just for completions sake, also got a Kerbal orbiting Jool at an Ap of 143Km, and Per of 141Km The pictures:
  13. Also working on this, in a new save so from scratch. Some of the old landing pictures I had, I was not sure if I used mechjeb or not. I tend to use it a lot in test launches to get to kerbin orbit first. Doing that manually every single time gets boring.... lol. Working my way from in to out. Visited so far: * Moho * Eve ** Gilly * Kerbin (ofc, lol) ** Mun ** Minmus * Duna ** Ike * Dres * Eelo So only the Jool moons left. So far i have been using one craft (with slight modification for atmosphere planets) for all inner planets, bit overpowered for the nearest ones, but got to dres and moho with fuel to spare. The mun and minmus i did in one run, taking off from the mun and landing on minmus. I've been to Eelo before, so got a craft for that, just need to strip the mechjeb for this challenge. And going to build a special craft for jool, gonna try and do all moons in 2 runs. All in one is possible, but the test runs would probably take more time than launching 2 craft with less landers each. And thumbs up to all GrandMasters that have already completed the challenge!! EDIT/UPDATE: just landed on Eelo, so only Jool and moons left.
  14. Had to try this: 2 min 26 seconds. And i think one star for no jet engines, most of the rest disintegrated when the parachutes deployed Craft: http://testing.markoez.nl/islandrunner2.craft
  15. aaah ok, somehow i completely missed duna while reading, srry :S Gonna try the lander on duna first then before i try the full challenge, pretty sure it can handle the moons. Some pics so far: Launching the lander: Lander connected to mothership:
  16. Aarrrrrgggghhhh... Built a mothership (read many tanks and engines), built a decent kethane miner/lander, coupled the two in kerbin orbit, and even recorded it all for possible youtube posting. Then i realized i forgot a critical component.... The actual kethane drill..... And no docking port left alas... Gonna try again... And a question: Will we be landing on planets/moons with an atmosphere? in that case my lander might need a bit of a boost.
  17. Oh ok, np. I saw other entries above 25km, so thought it was ok. But got one of those too from the first testdesign, only slightly slower
  18. Well i finally got one, managed up to 2045m/s but best screenshot is at 2037. And a question, how do you guys get so much intakeair with so little (visible) intakes?
  19. Hahaha thanks! I think its possible with more fuel left though. But gonna wait for another challenger first. Edit: You screenshot shows way more fuel though? :S
  20. Well, the thing is, i really know the transfer from Kerbin to the Mun from hundreds of launches. So re-doing that every single time takes away the fun for me, and i still play to have a good time So what i do is, i go to Kerbin orbit (takes a couple of launches to get it right with an unfamiliar craft), plan and execute a capture maneuver, fastforward a bit, and do a quicksave before i start my final mun maneuvers. And it can still take a lot of time that way, because if you save at the wrong point its not possible anymore, like what happened in my first trials. Also, even with quicksaves, it took me a couple of hours to complete, and thats about the right time for a challenge imo, so well done But if its really necessary I can do a full youtube run (http://www.youtube.com/machinemarkoez)
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