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Everything posted by Drone

  1. So any fix for the screw-ups that occur if you use kethane and mechjeb at once?
  2. Nope, win7 64 bit. It randomly reverses axises of control even without mechjeb enabled, making it impossible, and randomly makes control surfaces (rcs, fins, etc) work against eachother. Makes landing and launching and doing burns in orbit basically impossible.
  3. Hi, The kethane pack seems to be making mechjeb completely unusable. I can't even launch rockets with both of them on because for some reason it randomly flips axises and makes different control types act against eachother making controlling the rocket almost impossible even if mechjeb isn't running on the craft.
  4. Every single craft I try to put in orbit with Kethane tanks on spins wildly out of control. Do the Kethane tanks have any wierd issues involving drag and lift and what not?
  5. I stopped playing this mod and switched to KW Rocketry becuase if the game isn't challanging it's not fun to play. There was nothing fun about doing single-stage to mun rockets using the 3m engines and fuel tanks in this.
  6. Yeah, the pack is baller as hell, very nicely done, just a tad imbalanced (I landed a single stage rocket on the moon with 2/3 of my fuel left, and then spent like 15 minutes using mechjebs vertical speed mod to hover around on the surface a bunch :V)
  7. The fuel tanks don\'t seem very balanced (I realise this is the alpha but still), since they hold 2500 fuel and weight 1/3 less than standard 500 fuel tanks :<
  8. I think havester just picked arbitary values so when the game engine is done and everything is implemented he can add all the new parts and balance them then. it doesn\'t make sense to balance it now when gravity values and drag and suchlike might change.
  9. true I suppose. I guess it\'s more that the ASAS just overcompensates so much.
  10. can you not use such absurdly large gimbal values for your engines? It\'s not really a complaint but the ASAS modules always moves them between their max and minimum gimbal values and I\'ve had craft shake themselves apart because of it. edit: its mainly on the smaller engines, like the 2m and below.
  11. I\'m not coming from a realism point of view here, I\'m coming from a gameplay one. Having to pick between various types of engines makes rocket designing more fun instead of just 'well I need to get mass x into orbit so I will use engine Y because it has the correct thrust'.
  12. You need to add more flavour to the engines. Sunday punch did this with a lot of his (Like the 1m M-50 Engine was powerful but horrifically fuel inefficient, the tiny 1m engine had good fuel efficiency but terrible thrust, And the K2-X was low weight but reasonable power and effeciency, making it better for upper stages) but you seem to have reverted a lot of them to following the stock engines fuel consumption and weight/power statistics to the point that some are now bordering on overpowered (the M-50, notably so becuase of its tiny size). And most of them, sadly, fairly redundant. edit: also the larger fuel tanks need toning down a bit, I just managed to get a rocket to do a TLI from the ground in a single stage. Which is fairly overpowered considering I now have the remaining three stages to land and get home :v Otherwise, a nice rocket pack!!
  13. Can we expect 3 metre fairings next version? Also the two metre centaur booster seems really buggy. if you put two engines on them it doesn't seem to be centred properly so ships using them spin out of control, and thats assuming one of the engines doesn't get snapped off while its in a shroud.
  14. Yeah I made this mistake before. Essentially after every rocket exhaust you need a coupler unless it's the last rocket of the stack.
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