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  • About me
    Aerospace Archeologist
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    On a chemical propulsion rocket without parachutes

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  1. @Gameslinx Great update! Yes on the colliders if possible! Great to know that you are still working on this mod for KSP1. I am still enjoying it since 2012
  2. @Gameslinx Thank you for your superb contribution to my enjoyment of this game. It is much appreciated and it is very kind of you: KSP v1.11.2 - A different terrain, almost alien landscape in Kerbin:
  3. Is this mod still relevant to be used with KSP v1.12.2?
  4. Wish you were back.  Your work is insperational.

  5. For that specific screenshot I was using KPS 1.11.2 and the previous version of Parallax, v1.2.3 (with physics collisions turned on). Also I was using PlanetShine (no longer recommended to be used along with Parallx at this time). I still have not installed TUFX.
  6. Per @Gameslinx that could be a possibility without commitments. I would like them back as well but this is just a hobby within this game on his free time. Not on my install of KSP v1.11.2. I suggest that you run another install of KSP with just Parallax latest version and see if the issue comes up or not. Report back with your results. Did you install all the latest version of Parallax dependencies?
  7. @Kerbal Productions What you are seeking is currently only found on the previous version of this mod (Parallax v1.2.3). It is great but it has known bugs which you can read from previous posts (dated around APR/MAY 2021). Here is the post in regards you do not find this feature (physics) in the latest version (v1.3.0): Hope that helps you.
  8. I found out that you are correct! Thank you for pointing it out. I was using the VS-1 Imager instead. Now I will need to send a new orbiter with the VS-11.
  9. To fellow KSP and ScanSat mod players: Currently I am running KSP v1.11.2 with ScanSat v20.4. It works well with one exception: Anomalies are not marked on scans from multiple planets and moons. Everything else works well but Anomalies are not marked on the maps. Here is one for the Mun: Am I doing something wrong or missed something? Your assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.
  10. @Gameslinx : Superb update to Parallax v1.3.0 I have it successfully running with KSP v1.11.2: Beggars can't be choosers but I miss the collisions on the previous version of Parallax. Still I enjoy your current work very much. Do not sweat it. Let me get back to exploring new worlds and new civilizations to boldly go....
  11. @Nertea I am in awe with your multiple high quality mod contributions to KSP. You are one of a handful of mod creators that create quality work and pay very close attention to details and fidelity to realism as close as you can get in this game. I have downloaded and installed all of your mods to create ideas that I had for deep space exploration since I was a young boy watching Carl Sagan's TV series Cosmos. I am aware that you work for the aerospace industry and create these fantastic mods as a hobby. What motivates you to do so? Do you have a goal? Is it a side project for your work or just personal curiosity? I am asking since I wish to know what drives you to dedicate hundreds of hours to creating these highly detailed mods for free? I have created mods for other games and understand the dedication, attention to detail and effort to push it thru to the public just to get some thanks and criticism of why it doesn't have a particular option in it. You have a new fan of your work and I am following closely to your efforts. They are very much appreciated from my behalf.
  12. @Gameslinx : Superb work! Provides KSP a subtle but important visual realism into the game that makes exploration a visual delight. Thank you for your hard work and will patiently wait for your next update while I enjoy your current work.
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