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  1. @taniwha @Snoman314 Thanks a bunch for pointing me in the right direction. My Smelters now use KSP-IEs Megajoules resource. Gonna have to see what I will replace the Liquid Fuel in the Recipe with. Then I won't have to mine the stock "Ore" anymore but rely exclusively on KSP-IEs resources and ELs "Metal Ore". If I manage to pull of something useful I will let you know. As mentioned before I never tampered with config files except for exchanging simple values.
  2. @taniwha I will try to find out something, thanks. I have never myself modified any files except for increasing or decreasing values. What could possibly go wrong I think I read somewhere that electric charge doesn't work because it has no mass and at some point the calculations would divide by zero, is that still true and is there any workaround? Megajoules and Wasteheat have no mass in KSP-IE afaik.
  3. Hi Taniwha, is there any way to change the Inputs of the Smelters from Liquid Fuel / Oxidizer to a different Fuel Type? I have already found this in your Recipes config: Input { efficiency = 1 // Even though the reduction consumes 9.6MJ, the burning of LFO // still produces 5.2MJ. The two will balance out to a net consumption. // See below for LFO heat explanation. LFOMix = 864.49048 -5186.94288 // 6MJ/kg of LFO, 0.86449048kg of LFO MetalOre = 1596.882 I just don't dare touching it because I am afraid it might cause issues that won't be obvious at first. Can you point me in the right direction how to do something like that? I would love if EL Smelters would either use Heat generated from my KSP-IE reactors or Megajoules/Electric Charge. Then I wouldn't need to use the stock LOX system at all but go exclusively with Interstellar Fuels. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello everyone! I am having issues with my mining drills. I can't seem to get any of them to work. I switched the tanks to all resources and tried different planets and moons but It just won't extract anything. Sadly I cannot see what the message on the drill interface itself is. It just says "Reason Not Extracting: " In the console I get some weird stuff, pic is attached. When I switch the resources on the tank the ID of the Console resource changes, but it keeps saying it won't find the same corresponding part Holding Tank ID SimulationResource. Pic of console: https://ibb.co/sy4nVXY Mod List: https://ibb.co/KLJfL45 Thanks for your help. Oh btw great mod and thanks for keeping it alive. I played Interstellar back in 2013-2014ish and it was by far my most enjoyable experience in KSP EDIT: Turns out I should've sobbered up before playing KSPIE. Got it running with the Universal drill, but I still see those messages in the console. Do I have to worry about that?
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