Just installed build 755 and on the hole the landing problem seems to be corrected, there is just one problem every so often it seems to get stack in a coarse correction mode and you have to take manual control, not a biggy once you know about it. You just don’t land where you wanted to.
I have noted the staging problem, again not a biggy and it is workable.
Hi All,
The landing module, I tell it to land at the space centre and it lands the other side of the planet. I give it coordinates and it lands about 1Mm off target. Is anyone aware of the adjustment factor to be applied to get it to land within a load shout of where I wish it to?
Hi I'm not sure if this should be posted hear, if not I apologise. It seems that the forums have been compromised by a women's heath site. It takes me 2 to 3 attempts to get the forum site to stay stable. Anyone else having this problem?
Can we please have an in game GUI as this addition to the game is great if you can program. For those of us who can't it is next to useless, I am sorry to have to say that as from what i can make out this looks like a brilliant piece of work.
OK if this issue has been addressed before I can not find it. So apologises if it has. Right to the point can you get to see your maps in the tracking station screen, if so how?