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Everything posted by pippaf1

  1. Well Said. Three Cheers for sabian and all the mod devs. Your work is not unappreciated.
  2. Just installed build 755 and on the hole the landing problem seems to be corrected, there is just one problem every so often it seems to get stack in a coarse correction mode and you have to take manual control, not a biggy once you know about it. You just don’t land where you wanted to. I have noted the staging problem, again not a biggy and it is workable.
  3. Hi All, The landing module, I tell it to land at the space centre and it lands the other side of the planet. I give it coordinates and it lands about 1Mm off target. Is anyone aware of the adjustment factor to be applied to get it to land within a load shout of where I wish it to?
  4. Have tried Waypoint Manager seems to work ok. Thanks
  5. Works with 1.0.4, so far, If you add solar cells to the rover they work well. One problem MechJeb v 2.5.3 rover autopilot will not work, any ideas?
  6. In KSP ver 0.25.0. Where in the game file structure is the file or files that governs how the contracts work?
  7. Hi I'm not sure if this should be posted hear, if not I apologise. It seems that the forums have been compromised by a women's heath site. It takes me 2 to 3 attempts to get the forum site to stay stable. Anyone else having this problem?
  8. Can we please have an in game GUI as this addition to the game is great if you can program. For those of us who can't it is next to useless, I am sorry to have to say that as from what i can make out this looks like a brilliant piece of work.
  9. OK if this issue has been addressed before I can not find it. So apologises if it has. Right to the point can you get to see your maps in the tracking station screen, if so how?
  10. Hi, I seem to be having an issue with the GUI being super transparent. Making it hard to read anything. is there a GUI adjust control?
  11. @elfindreams: Thanks. So waiting and getting closer is the way to go.
  12. Is it just me or has the rendezvous auto pilot got problems with close approach to planets? It seems to lose any form of lock and wobbles all over the nav ball. The only way to stop this is to disable the pilot, delete the nodes get closer to the target and try again. Rinse wash and repeat. I have succeeded in a few missions(see sig) but it can be frustrating.
  13. Five unkebaled missions were flown. 3 assent auto pilots operated within acceptable parameters. 2 assents to rendezvous both operated within acceptable parameters. 4 landings at KSC, well with in acceptable parameters. One close but not on target, cause was a well known but rare error. Conclusion is that MechJeb1 ver.1.9.8 can be considered to be compatible with KSP ver.0.20.2 at a bass level.
  14. Hi, my Mun Return vehicles refuel tanker has landed on Mun 35.2 km from the return vehicle. Is there a way to transfer the fuel at that distance?
  15. Just a quick query, is the full version of 2 going to have the full range of parts 1 has?
  16. I have just installed this part on my Clorine Mk 9 A and the information panel is right in the midle of my screen. Is there a way of moving itand/or togeling it on or off?
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