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Everything posted by M5000

  1. Parkaboy... Did you ever play SPORE, and if so, are you the same one? If not, ignore those last two statements. Regardless: That's an awesome looking concept for a base. Even if you're not the same Parkaboy, you share the same talent of playing a game right.
  2. Currently, in .19.1, you should be able to take over another vessel from map view. However, that's in an ideal world. It is known to be buggy and hard to get to work sometimes, so yeah. Yes it's possible, no it's not always easy.
  3. Currently, I just leave persistent debris off. After .20 comes out with its filtering options, I plan on leaving everything everywhere for the sake of hoping that one stray piece of debris comes and destroys something I worked for days on. Is it bad I actually /hope/ something gets destroyed by a wayward decoupler or something?
  4. I get this occasionally too and I'm not sure what's causing it. Sometimes it's solved by just letting it sit a bit and it eventually loads, though this may not be the case for you.
  5. You're not alone. Yellow is definitely not normal. Green is normal. I get weird things sometimes where it'll be green about 99% of the time but then every second it flashes yellow for a tiny fraction of a second and I get a lag spike and the audio jumps a bit and makes a popping noise. So annoying but I have no idea what causes it because it seems to be random. But yellow is the color of lag. Red is the color of "pretty much just close the game and do something else, you're not going to space on this computer..."
  6. My flag has nothing to do with your story, nor anything to really do with a single nation or organization or faction or whatever. I decided to go for something that serves the purpose of being a landing flag, and that's IT. Something that's utilitarian. Something that will never go OUT of style. It's the "Nexus Intelligent Systems, Incorporated Official Marking Flag (Model A4)" and it is beautiful:
  7. Yes, I will be starting from scratch just like I did with .19.1 I will not be re-using /most/ of my craft, as /most/ of them don't even work. I will be copying over anything that has proven itself to be a reliable and error-free craft when flown under proper circumstances. Things like my Yoonyte (Soyuz Replica), my only SSTO spaceplane that currently is pretty useless, my Mun lander, and probably some of the heavy lifters, though I do plan on re-making a set of lifters so I can use them over and over. Oh, also my Planet Trekker III rover. It's a rover that can pretty much handle any planet no problem. Also, since the RAM usage should be taken care of, this should mean I'm able to install many more mods without worrying about crashing, so that's going to happen. I'll re-install NovaPunch and Kosmos SSPP, which I've been forgoing due to them not being absolutely essential (and some of NP being OP as hell) to my gameplay, but I'll bring them back in and hopefully have some fun. NovaPunch had a few really good sounding rocket engines...
  8. I always do. I've had like 5 "first" Mun landings. EDIT: If they're attempting not to break saves, I think once the first major performance increased game comes out, which will be .20, I'm going to put up a station in HKO and build on one module every update, hopefully, the performance updates keep up with the very slowly increasing size and the save chain won't be broken.
  9. This. I've used it as a screen recorder and it seems to work just fine.
  10. -Strangelove Bomb Ride. -Import my flag texture to the game and get it ready to go. -Gaze at all the new parts. -Thoroughly explore Claira's gorgeous interiors. -Gawk over load times (Install an absolute truckload of mods I've been forgoing due to RAM issues. -Pretty much just play the game.
  11. Whoa there little guy! Getting a bit ahead of ourselves now are we? I think you'll remember that the game is still in Alpha, Beta comes later...
  12. Everyone welcome, my latest and greatest achievement, a near-perfect Soyuz replica in KSP, the Yoonyte-I. (Pronounced Unite One) This is not just any Soyuz replica, this is a Soyuz rocket that uses NO MODDED PARTS. That's right! It is 100% entirely stock. I set a goal for myself, and I kept it. Here were the absolute musts of my project: -Make it LOOK like a Soyuz-type rocket and orbital vehicle. -Must be 100% Stock. -Make it PERFORM like a Soyuz rocket, as in, the orbital vehicle can't just be for show, and the launch profile is sequentially identical or very similar. -Orbital module, descent module, service module. All three. And the two manned modules MUST be able to hold 3 Kerbals, as per the real thing. -Has to actually make a stable orbit, and has to be theoretically usable if I wanted to use it in the game for some other reason. -Has to BASICALLY have the same engine arrangement, or close to it. (I didn't do this one perfectly, but the spirit of it was more to have liquid stuff where there's supposed to be liquid stuff, and have solid where there's supposed to be solid.) -No structural failures, has to operate soundly. -I want my brace decouplers, so I had to make them myself. Things that I did NOT care about: -Leaving debris in orbit. -Minimalistic build/low part count. (This thing is actually 345 parts. There are a LOT of struts hidden in places you don't see well.) Here are my results... Look like a Soyuz? Check: (SRV stands for Standard Rendezvous Vehicle.) Very check: Similar ascent profile? Check: Decoupling the core stage from the main orbital attainment stage: Aaand deploying the Yoonyte-I into MKO (Medium Kerbin Orbit, yes that's a technical term.): Graphical shot, this is now my desktop background. See how much it looks like an actual Soyuz?: Re-entering the atmosphere VERY shallowly. Original Perikee was 54Km. Did it in one pass, though. This is the most intense the flames got: Chutes out over land: Retrofiring the small liquid engines (Radial orange engines, powered by a single Toroidial tank) to aid in a softer landing, just like the real capsule. Final touchdown speed was 2.0m/s before impact. And the crew steps outside the capsule after a successful mission: This mission performed 500% better than I ever expected. It was very complex to build, like all of my designs. Unlike all of my other designs, it didn't fail miserably upon physics-enable. I couldn't believe it when I touched down and looked at the mission log and there were no structural failures, simply exhaust damage from separation staging. I'm so proud of myself for making a decent looking Soyuz-type space capsule. Though, I did cheat a bit on the core stages, as I stuck a few more rockets on there than would normally be. But I think it's excusable. Also, my rocket/orbital vehicle are slightly fatter and more squat than the real-life thing, but that's almost expected in KSP. Also also, I think mine's slightly bigger, if we theoretically thought of Kerbals as human-sized, to scale, than the normal Soyuz. But seriously, this thing has a TON of Delta-V. The main orbital stage had like 80-90% fuel left in it after I attained a stable 150ish KM circularish orbit. All in all, the Yoonyte-I was a VERY successful test mission so far. inb4 craft file requests... /ego
  13. Oh jeez that looks strikingly similar to my first ever Mun lander/rover. Works VERY well and I did several missions with it. Highly recommend the "build lander around rover" idea, though mine seems to have an extra two RCS/fuel pods on the sides that yours doesn't have, though you have more fuel packed into the ends, as my end tanks are shorter and thus less fuel, my weight distro may or may not be more even than yours, but still, I'm amazed at how similar our landers look: And it makes the most epic looking deployment sequence ever: Yes, this is a great idea.
  14. This is help/how to, it's what we do. I wish more people would stop using the General Discussion as a Help/How To... If I ever became a moderator I couldn't help but moving ALL of those question-like threads into the proper section.. So, props for using the right forum. I wish more people would ask questions here like you. Anyhow, Mun landing isn't too horribly difficult. I tend not to do things by actually looking at how much Delta-V I'll need, but rather on a "Does this look like it'd work?" and then subsequent trial and error method. Here's my latest manned Mun mission with a three-man crew, Apollo-ish style. If your craft looks like this, you should have plenty of fuel to do all your stuff, even if you're not quite as good of a pilot as me. (Sorry, that sounds conceited, but I like to think I'm pretty damn good at controlling my craft.) Be advised that this mission had an appropriately sized lifter that did MOST of the transfer burn TO the Mun. This small craft you see below did a tiny bit of the transfer burn, and the rest of the mission.. Decoupling the lander with 2 Kerbs on board to go down to the surface. One Kerb is left on the transit vehicle: Landed safely. This lander could actually have probably stood to use the smaller fuel tank, but this was my first manned Mun landing, so I wanted to be absolutely sure I had fuel to screw up with. I suggest you do the same. Doing some science: The top part of the lander detaches and easily makes it to LMO to rendezvous with the OTV... ...And Kerbals are transferred over via EVA.. This is left behind in orbit... ...and this on the surface... I actually forgot parachutes and a decoupler on the OTV's capsule, and I didn't want to risk attempting to do a powered landing with the NERVA and ruin an otherwise perfect mission. However, I believe if the NERVA had the thrust to slow them down sufficiently, it DEFINITELY would have had enough fuel. Here's the retroburn after coming back from Mun orbit: So how did I get Lozon, Kirk, and Erfel out of space? Here's the fun part: I didn't. They're currently aboard the Stability-9 station (which is, like all my other stations, basically a long tube that can hold Kerbals and have ships docked to it) which they docked using their OTV's remaining fuel and docking port. A bit improvised, but there is plenty of other company aboard the Stability-9, as well as two other OTV's: A small manned vehicle used locally for long-distance crew retrieval/transfer where docking would be too dangerous, and an unmanned tug used to either pull stranded vessels to somewhere new, or refuel them with some of its own resources: Hope the pics were helpful.
  15. I don't think there is, though I'm not a dev. I do, believe however, that the devs plan on adding something down the road where you can change things like this before you launch. I wholeheartedly agree with you, by the way, that it's easier.
  16. If we're talking about Star Wars: I think it's time for the Boonta Kerb Classic: Yes, it flies. And it flies DAMN well. Sometimes, I exist really hard:
  17. Hmm.. Rockets launched from balloons you say... At the KSC Development Center... "So, I hear there's a series of new inventions out there, really cool!" "Really? What is it?" "They're called 'Balloons' and they work by basically lifting something without using rockets." "Uh.. How's that?" "They just don't use rockets!" "Yes but if they don't use rockets then what do they use?" "They lift things without using rockets!" "Yes but-" "Lift things!" "Makes sense to me! "Ahem, yes, here we are. By simply attaching these seemingly magical balloons that we can only dream of ever truly figuring out how they work to an ordinary test rocket, we should be able to achieve orbital height in no time at all, and with less fuel than ever before! Our previous designs simply can't go HIGH enough. I present.. The BALLOON MAN I!!" (That was the last we ever saw of the Balloon Man I.) "Ah, yes, well, our engineers seem to have found a fatal design flaw to our three brave Kerbonaut crew. The problem was: Too much rocket! So we fixed that and subtracted some rocket. I think we'll be able to go higher now. That huge balloon should lift that tiny capsule all the way to the Mun! Here it is, the Balloon Man II!" (The Balloon Man II failed as well. Equally tragically.) "Hmm.. It seems simply adding more rocket was not a mathematically complex enough operation to ensure that our craft would function correctly... So we complicated the mathematics a bit and added more balloon! Now the craft has less rocket, more balloon! Nothing can go wrong now. Surely this will succeed! Please welcome, the Balloon Man III!" "Yes... YES! It's working! Look! We got so high using just the magical power of balloons!" "Hmm. Maybe you're right... We're not on the ground... The ground isn't getting closer... WE MUST BE IN ORBIT!" "Exactly right, my friend! Now to let the rockets kick in and circularize our orbit!" ----- "Ahem.. Well.. Um.. This is unfortunate. The engineers are telling us that the rocket is encountering 100% more atmosphere than it should have at orbital heights....Now they're telling me that the balloon never even left the atmosphere and that it works by the same reason ice floats on cola... If I wanted a cola powered rocket, I'd use a bottle rocket, STOP TELLING ME HOW TO DO SCIENCE!..Oh.. They also inform me that the parachutes got stolen by the balloon.. Lovely.." (Balloon Man III was also lost to the bad engineering of the KSC scientists.) I'm telling you all, your whole stupid 'Ice on Cola' theory is wrong! It's just a THEORY! Balloons are REAL! All we need is more balloons! Quick! More! Yes, just slap them on there like that. This will do nicely.. The Balloon Man IV!" "Here, I've subtracted even MORE rocket and added even MORE balloon. I've also gotten rid of two Kerbals. Why did we even need those other two in the first place... You see, I've also solved the problem we had with the balloons being above the rocket and stealing the parachute. I've placed the balloons below the rocket, just like the ground is when we launch, so it should work just perfectly, except that it will be in the sky because balloons!" "Wait, what?.........The guys are telling me that the balloon has turned on-end because of some stupid differential in density of the rocket and the balloons. I say it sounds like a bunch of tin foil hat mumbo-jumbo. Obviously we have a bad pilot on our hands.." (The Balloon Man IV failed just as horribly as the others.) "Okay.. I am TIRED of being made a fool of! I will succeed in creating the most perfect balloon-launched rocket in ALL OF KERBDOM! The Balloon Man V's balloons create enough thrust through the magic power of balloons to accelerate an entire city to orbital height! In fact, it kind of looks like a giant city! FLY MY KERBAL!!! (The Balloon Man V failed too. Such is life when you "accelerate to orbital height using the thrust from balloons.") "Alright, look. You're killing WAY too many Kerbals just trying out your random ideas. Look, I know Kerbal society promotes space exploration in all of us, but not at the expense of others..." (Disgruntled, the green scientist goes to his tool shed that every Kerbal is given at birth...) "Behold my LATEST AND GREATEST piece of scientific equipment YET! It is the ProboVirus! It is a type of high-tech semi-rigid dirigible designed to take atmospheric, barometric, acceleration, and temperature readings at various places and heights! It is controlled only by a small ion engine it uses to produce wind to move itself! With this device, I will push science into the new frontiers!" "So.. It's a weather balloon.." "A semi-rigid DIRIGIBLE! I have deduced, through careful study of the wide range of data obtained by my dirigible's highly-advanced sensors and instruments, that the local gravity on Kerbin is exactly.......One G!" "Congratulations... I guess this isn't all bad, it does fulfill his earlier theory about people in tin foil hats, after all, we do need something to cover up all of our secret tests..." (I had a lot of fun making this story up as I went along here. Oh god the amount of BBCode editing..)
  18. RoboRay you always have the best ships. This is possibly the best thing I have seen in a long time. Few questions: -Does it work on Duna? (I know those are the firespitter electric props, correct?) -Obviously it would work on Eve too, then, correct? The atmosphere thickness would only be avantageous, -Can it get back to orbit, or does the crew need a separate lander? I wonder if something could be made where the vehicle can use electric props for most of its transit (basically infinite fuel is the thing I'm getting at here, but realistic infinite fuel), a small ground rover to see further off things, but then a higher propulsion system to get the craft back into orbit. (Maybe some fuel and a NERVA engine or something? If the plane is relatively light, maybe the rover can be jettisoned before final ascent and do it this way...) That is a highly inspiring vehicle though, RoboRay.... To the SPH!
  19. This is why the LV-909 is honestly pretty much my favorite engine in the game..
  20. You don't need two engines. Two jets, that is. I would recommend, for something relatively small to an approaching-medium-sized plane, to use a single Turbo Jet engine. The launch may require a bit of extra lift that you currently don't have, but here's the upsides: -You suck down fuel half as fast. This means you're able to have a bit more for return, OR, you could possibly strap on a small KSPX oxidizer tank and use it as rocket fuel. Either way, you're sucking down fuel half as fast. -Leaving the amount of intakes on your craft constant, you're able to intake spam without making it horribly ugly.. -This means, if you keep that number of intakes constant, you'll be able to go MUCH higher without any issues.. Observe this craft that made it to within about 100-200 m/s of orbital velocity on a single jet engine alone. Though making an SSTO version of this would be slightly different looking, it's a sound base, this craft is able to circumnavigate with plenty of fuel left over. Having two rocket engines on an SSTO (It's really hard to mount one rocket and one jet.. I know..) would make your TWR very high when you need it most (You want to lose as little velocity as possible as you transition to rockets after your jet push.) Also consider lowering your throttle as your IntakeAir gets lower and lower, you should still be able to get some thrust so that your velocity can increase, but since you require less air because of the lower throttle, you won't flame out. Another advantage to single-engine SSTO Spaceplanes is that if and when you flame out (Everyone flames out accidentally every once in a while) you won't asymmetrically flame out, so your craft won't go into a horrible spin. It'll just spark and continue to eat up fuel until you throttle down and get back in control. My above craft spent about 60-70% of its journey around Kerbin with the engines either entirely off or at about 5-10% throttle.
  21. What are you people talking about using a TWR of 1 or 2 in space? Jesus you either have a ton of engines or you're using super low Isp engines.. I'm entirely content on a TWR of like .02....
  22. I don't think you all realize just how big Kerbin really is.. It's one of the single largest maps I have ever seen in a game.
  23. Made this a while ago and I think it fits the description: https://soundcloud.com/m5000/an-intro
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