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Everything posted by HGGundamReviews

  1. This is my miner It was a craft file I got as part of the Space Station Kit from Spaceport Link - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-4-space-station-kit-2/ I modded it with Fuel Balancer and batteries from the Hybrid+Ion pack mod. But the way it's laid out is simple, Small converter on top, not attached to a tank, fuel lines run from it to a fuel crossfeed capable truss, more fuel lines run from the truss into a flat 2.5 meter tank, then from that tank out to the 4 tanks my engines are attached to. Again the fuel balancer mod makes sure all tanks fill evenly while I'm converting. I also have a Quantum Fuel Transfer mod on it so I can land a tanker next to it and produce fuel and ship it up directly if I want, as well as a Merlins Kethane transfer device on it so I could fill other kethane tanks. (Still playing around with how exactly I want to run this)
  2. put a small 2.5 meter flat tank on top of the converter then run the fuel lines from that out to your other thanks, Add the fuel balancer mod so when you're converting it will fill all your tanks, without that once the attached tank gets full it will stop making fuel unless you manually connect it.
  3. The button should be right next to the Pitch, Yaw, And Roll control indicators as seen here Click that then it will open a window with the map as well as all the controls as seen here Just turn all those settings to off, by clicking them, and it will prevent the Mapsat plug in from trying to operate during launches and slowing your machines down to a crawl. If the button isn't appearing, try downloading the file again either from here or spaceport, I recommend spaceport as it should have the most recent up to date version.
  4. Well one thing you could do is put a probe with a battery and a dish on the launch pad without a actual launcher attached to it. As soon as it appears turn off the map drawing there, it will turn it off for all mapsats until your turn it back on.
  5. Before you launch click the MAPSAT icon in the lower left corner of your screen and turn Map Drawing Off, as long as its on it will cause massive slow downs while launching. After launch it will be fine but while its in flight it will slow the CPU down to a crawl.
  6. Here is my orbiting refinery ... As you see I have a adapter attached to the top of the converter with a docking port on top. Because all of these parts allow fuel flow through them the converter acts as if their fuel lines. As such no matter what I am making, Liquid fuel, monoprop, oxidizer, or whatever it will flow though the parts into the empty/low tanks. I also use the Fuel Balancer mod to fill them evenly to prevent the station from listing in one direction or another while doing the conversion. Hope that helps.
  7. I don't know if it would be possible, but it would be sweet to have a landing option where you can target a landed ship or base and have a (Land Within X meters Of Target) Again don't know if its possible but it would be damned sweet.
  8. Another option I have found is if you have the Fuel Balancer mod installed if your turn it on before you start converting Kethane it will automatically start filling all empty tanks evenly. (though I still recommend having at least 1 small tank attached to the converter to be safe).
  9. Issue I'm still having, Anytime I manually type in landing coordinates into MJ it freaks out completely no matter my starting altitude. Or body on which I'm trying to land. It will start a deorbit burn, and burn and spin the ship out of control it only seems to want to work after a "Click Location On Map" to get its coordinates. Its a issue I have had in the last 2 releases. To be safe I slapped MJ 1.9.8 on the same ship typed in the landing location and it landed the ship fine. So it's MJ2 not my ship design. (didn't use both jebs on same ship, 2 ships one with new jeb one with old) Also a little request, can you please restore the decimal coordinate system MJ 1.9.8 had please? It makes using ISA maps and Kethan Maps for landing a hell of alot easier.
  10. Anyone tested the docking AP in 2.0.7 yet? Does it still die at 5 meters from the port?
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