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Everything posted by Samssonart

  1. Ce n\'est pas du tout une question de débutant. Il faut entrer en orbite autour de Kerbin, toujours avec de l\'essence, et des que tu vois Mun, il faut y accélér. Cet un sujet de physique qui s\'appele Vitesse de libération. J\'espere avoir été utile.
  2. Salut les francophones! Je fais partie du Dev-Team, je parle francais, pas parfait, mais asses bien (je croix). Si vous avez de doutes et vous ne savez pas commet les exprimer en anglais (ou en espagnol), dit-les moi, et j\'essairai de vous répondre. A plus.
  3. I\'m also a developer in Squad, but this is my own personal opinion, it doesn\'t necessarily reflect Squad\'s point of view. The US government is just afraid of organizations like Wikileaks or Anonymous, if SOPA is approved, the will be able to create an excuse to shut them down. But this principle doesn\'t stop there, they can pretty much shut down any website they want for whatever reason. This is just wrong. I agree that online piracy is a problem, I myself am owner of copyrighted material, and I don\'t like the idea of being a victim of online piracy, but I certainly don\'t agree with such an extreme measure to stop it. *fixed a typo
  4. Hi, Marco here reporting for duty, I\'ll be developing KSP full time from now on. It\'s nice to be a part of this Dev-team and also part of the KSP community. Cheers.
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