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Everything posted by Sol_Rokks_Teddy

  1. This probably belongs in the "how to" section, but anyway; Mechjeb can do a lot of stuff and is a very powerful tool, but it's meant to be just that: a tool, not a crutch. I would suggest learning how to do stuff in ksp and then after you know you are able to do it, use mechjeb(if you still want to). I haven't used it before so i can only assume here, but i would think that understanding how to move around in space, and knowing how thrust in a certain direction will change your orbit would make telling mechjeb to do those things much easier.
  2. I have been to jool exactly 2 times, on the second visit i made my first landing in the joolian system, then my second, and third as i landed on bop, pol, and vall (over-engineered the craft and ended up with 9km dv on the surface of bop and about 400L of fuel orbiting). I think my favourite place was pol, easy to land on and has a very nice view of the system from the mountain tops.
  3. Looks great! Thanks for the flags! My constructs will wear them with pride!
  4. I would like to request 2 flags please. First can you put this symbol on a red background;http://i1.ytimg.com/i/lmMv27LBI-6l6SY1PRQvbQ/mq1.jpg?v=a71793?feature=og Then can you put the picture from this image over of the symbol on the first flag as if it's just a piece of paper that has been taped to the flag. It would be even better if you could make it tilted and off-center, and have a bit of the other symbol visible from behind and poking out from the sides. http://imgur.com/IeAmd32 Thank you in advance!!!
  5. Sonic the hedgehog 3 was the only game i owned for a very long time as a kid, i know that game like the back of my hand! It has to be number 1, then with a close second would have to be Conker's Bad Fur Day(played the multi-player all night sometimes), then a tie between bf3 and bad company 2, and finally we have ksp! This game is great and i don't think i will stop playing it any time soon. Now I need to find my old sega genesis and hope the dust hasn't killed it yet. PS: Oblivion should be on that list somewhere.
  6. Mostly house and orchestral pieces, with some funk and electro-swing tossed in for good measure:D
  7. After returning from a mission to plant a flag on an arch and feed a rover to to the mun(engineers at KSC insist it was part of the original mission), I sent jeb out to bop to make sure IT was still dead and plant a flag on it's courpse. Then i sent him to Pol because i brought way to much fuel, and now he is on the surface with 8km of Dv waiting for me to decide where to go next.
  8. just one on a mun arch. Archie: To commemorate the time i totally landed here and the mun swallowed my rover.
  9. Landed a 5th piece of my grand kethane base on minimus that will now be recreated(and actually finished) in 0.20.0
  10. My rover shook and vibrated while testing on kerbin but i didn't think anything of it and took it to the mun anyway. Was still shaking but not like on kerbin. Then after flipping it and reloading a quick-save, my rover was promptly swallowed up by the surface of the mun, never to be seen again. (no mods installed, was using the new med rover wheels and a seat)
  11. Other than the mun completely swallowing my rover, everything has been great!
  12. Make a maneuver node and pull on the retrograde icon as well as the normal/anti-normal icon.
  13. why did you leave your game running for an hour or two? Do you have any mods installed? I hear that quantum struts can cause some phantom forces, as can part clipping.
  14. The only parts in the game that are not "fuel crossfeed capable" are the decouplers, and even with those i am pretty sure you can still manualy tranfer fuel (alt+left click)
  15. Jool - pol or bop Avoid Tylo, it's kerbin with no atmosphere to slow you down and looks like the mun. Pol and bop are nice and small with low gravity. Or you try Laythe, it has an atmosphere and from what i am told it's quite pretty:)
  16. Without mods? Then you are gunna have a bit of a problem building off-world bases(as you have experienced). I suggest you design all your modules with a docking port on top, and a tug that can dock and lift the lower module into place. Or you can deploy and retract the landing legs over and over until you get a connection.
  17. Get the Kerbal Attachment System mod! You can build cranes to help line up things up, no docking ports required! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25563-0-19-1-KAS-v0-2-3-New-connector-port-system-fuel-transfer-grappling-hook-more
  18. i think it's a quite useful comment, orbiter has a 1:1 scale solar system for you to play around in. So if that's what you really want then orbiter is great place to start.
  19. Actually the most recent episode talks about the game market in Mexico, Argentina, and Chile; http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/global-games-mexico-argentina-chile You're two weeks late!
  20. When I read "ground kraken", I instantly thought of street sharks:sticktongue: http://youtu.be/8ZKpdihzeIo Maybe they're the ones who keep (gene-)slamming your base into orbit
  21. Place a maneuver node at the equator and start pulling on the normal and anti-normal tabs (the pinkish coloured triangles), this will change your inclination as well increase your apoapsis, pull on the retrograde tab to bring it back down. As long as you have enough dv to escape whatever SOI you're in (and have a twr higher than 1 if on the surface), then you can do your ejection burn whenever you like.
  22. http://ca.asus.com/en/Display/LCD_Monitors/VN247HP/#overview http://ca.asus.com/en/Display/LCD_Monitors/MX239H/#specifications http://ca.asus.com/en/Display/LCD_Monitors/VX238H/#specifications http://accessories.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&cs=cadhs1&l=en&s=dhs&sku=320-9801&redirect=1 http://accessories.dell.com/sna/products/Displays/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&sku=320-8277 http://accessories.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&cs=cadhs1&l=en&s=dhs&sku=320-9800&redirect=1 So i found these 6 monitors from dell and asus that look pretty good (i guess). They all have hdmi ports, audio out, IPS, and are within my price range. What do you think?
  23. I have had some bad experiences with dell in the past, but it was just a crappy work pc. Also, why would i not want to buy a "gaming" monitor?
  24. The HDMI port on my Acer A231HL monitor no longer works. I have tried googling fixes but all the first page searching didn't come up with a solution and long story short; i would like to buy a higher quality monitor, one with more reliable hdmi ports and audio out capabilities. I am new to the whole building computers thing so i don't really know what kind of specs or what higher quality brands to look for. So I am turning to you, the KSP community! You all seem like a pretty smart bunch! Computer specs if that helps; Processor: AMD A8-5500 with Radeon(th) HD Graphics 3.20GHZ 8 GB ram Windows 8 64-bit
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