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Everything posted by Pulstar

  1. The one thing I would really like to see is a Titan analogue. Low gravity and lots of atmosphere. Also a volcanic one, IIRC there will possibly be a superhot hell-world as the first planet of the system even closer to the sun than Moho eventually. I do agree that the current planets and moons could use more detail to them but AFAIK that's on the agenda for the devs, so there's no need to panic. So they'll get around to it, Nova said that he wants to add cryvolcanos/geysers on Eeloo for example. There are also rings (the second gas giant is supposed to have rings), clouds, asteroid belts and other bits that fall into the "hopefully one day" category.
  2. Possibly this: Although I think I need to work more on it, something seems wrong about it.
  3. Is there anything more kerbal than exploding rockets? I don't think so.
  4. HarvesteR actually mentioned that the seats are (or should be) in testing now or soon so release will possibly happen sooner rather than later. I'm cautiously optimistic but also patient.
  5. That's probably because you tried it prior to version 0.18. The code that enabled the splitting and merging of vessels as it happened wasn't yet written until docking got introduced so everything ended up being debris and you couldn't add more than one command pod on a vessel AFAIK.
  6. Yes, they become separate crafts as you decouple/undock them. So you can strap a few satellites to you main carrier rocket in the VAB and not worry about docking everything in space.
  7. It's because landing gear becomes massless when you're airborne. While it's touching the ground it has the 0,5 tons of mass each as listed in the VAB/SPH. So it becomes lighter and thus it can actually fly.
  8. Got a link to the news perchance? I think I missed it. EDIT: Nevermind, it's in the announcements I just saw it.
  9. The "rovers are too slow" bit has been done to death by now since they got released. People simply don't realize how fast rovers in real life go and how fast 20 m/s is (multiply by 3,6 to get a value in km/h, divide by 1,6 after that to get a value in mph). Also they don't appreciate how less lethal driving in a thick atmosphere and fairly high gravity environment is. When you realize that you realize that going 40 m/s on Duna with a pre-0.19 stock rover was as dangerous as it should have been, especially if your tried dodging the scatter rocks (I know they don't have a collision mesh, wonder if they ever will). With that said if you want to go very fast use the landing gear and rocket/jet engines. Also always remember to keep your center of mass low. The higher it is the easier it is for your rover to start rolling uncontrollably during a turn. And that's something you want to avoid, usually.
  10. Ooh I missed the 2.0 update! Good job from the KAS mod team. Really loving the new connectors and ports, always wanted EVA fuel lines and you guys delivered! No more land undocking making my tankers do backflips on Ike, no more tedious docking to refuel in orbit. Truly a most astounding improvement of Kerbal Space Exploration.
  11. If rocket is exploding when you jettison stages because they crash into it - add seperatrons to ensure they fly away and not into your rocket If engines are exploding mid-flight when nothing hit them - they're overheating, throttle down and watch their temperature bars If rocket explodes suddenly in flight for no reason - you're accelerating way too fast, either throttle down or add struts to reinforce the structure as parts start falling off and crashing into other parts If lander keeps crashing into the Mun - kill your vertical velocity, basically burn retrograde until your retrograde marker (the crossed out circle) on the nav ball is pointing up at 90 degrees relative to the ground. For landing legs the wider the base of the lander is the better, landing a tower is hard, landing not so tall but wide craft is easier.
  12. I for one enjoy flying around ships and space stations in EVA.
  13. Thanks for the info capt'n, will tune in as soon as everything is sorted out.
  14. I'll always remember him fondly, I wish him good luck in future endeavors!
  15. The last dev entry is from just 5 days ago. Either way the devs are busy working on the game, the community managers (usually Damion) are supposed to be handling the flow of information as they usually did as that is their duty among other things, developers are supposed to develop. Probably something is keeping them away, maybe Damion got sick. I wouldn't panic.
  16. Probably still postponed like the dev livestreams are. Either way blog posts about flags, filtering in the track station by vessel type and the new scene loading system and database were posted since monday. So that gives you a hint of what is being worked on now. Hopefully we'll see something more soon.
  17. Some good Kerbal City names IMO: Milis Bloktopolis Kras Unte Ernst Inamia Werstograd Qezba Jilip Herst Volius Gerdis
  18. Yes, that's the topic just lacking the last few hundred posts. The link was always in the first post and that is the latest version just like it says it is.
  19. That's true, if it takes longer to finish it than the other content it's not going to get released in the next update. But it is being worked on so it will be coming sooner rather than later.
  20. What I would like to see is having certain missions unlocking research or making it faster upon completion.
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