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Posts posted by RawChicken

  1. I'm trying to build a Mun community but the landing sites are always so far apart, when I try to relocate I usually crash and die.

    What do you mean with this? You cant land on the same spot two times?

    Here is what you need to do.

    During launch, always keep the same angle, +90 for example. During transfer, also the same, SAS can help wonders here.

    This is to get the most horizontal orbit you can in the Mun.

    Once you get to the SOI of the Mun, dont break to a direct landing. Kill your horizontal speed first and achieve a equatorial orbit around Mun. Once here, you can land wherever you like along that orbit :)

  2. Haha! Brute force is the fun of this game.

    With that upper tank you should be abo to get back to kerbing with ease if it was full.. Try adding a middle stage with a nuke engine to do your transfer from kerbin to the Mun, Its more efficient than other rockets.

    For the rest, I think that design doesnt look bad at all. Add decouplers to jettison the radial attacked boosters and give aspargus staging a try!

  3. They have said in several occasions that they were going to address performance issues in future releases (including 0.2) where they have already announced a +40% improvement on memory usage.

    Althou I have a good pc, I hope they make the game run smoother as it really need that polish-feeling

  4. Hi guys,

    Yesterday I chrashed into a fuel tank from a previous mission, and I was about to make a perfect landing on Mun.

    Did you crash with debris in orbit? That is extremely rare!

    I personally like to deal with debris the smart way, making my rockets so that every stage crashes into a planet(preferably all but the last stage). That means i sometimes have to carry empty tanks along till i get a crash trajectory and then decouple.

    Anyway, i think the lazors modo for debris removal is the best...as you can add lazors only for that vessel debris and decouple the lazors in the last crashing stage.

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