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Everything posted by AngryGiant

  1. Not to mention they haven't just imported mods to stock. They've brought the mod maker into the design team and remade the mod from scratch.
  2. Not sure if it's just a spaceport issue or if it's on my end, but I keep getting a redirect loop when I try to go to the page to download it.
  3. To say that Mechjeb is overpowered is wrong. It's a mod. It's not a stock part or plugin, and as far as I know there are no plans to incorporate a stock autopilot other than possibly a kerbal training minigame of sorts.
  4. RemoteTech would definitely be up your alley. Requires a Sat Network in order to control unmanned probes, with the additional caveat that you have to factor in delays.
  5. For more realistic and challenging, Ferram Aerospace and RemoteTech Relay. One makes the aerodynamics more realistic in flight. The other makes satellites have a use for communication. Anything unmanned has to have either a powerful enough satellite and line of sight to KSC, or line of sight to another satellite. As far as must have, at least until the next update, Kethane was doing the resource thing when it was still just a long term goal of the devs.
  6. I think the Great Forum Purge of April 2013 will need to have some sort of easter egg in the game.
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