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Everything posted by Immashift

  1. Hey it works, don't knock it. I like the design carrying the payload in the middle, It must be pretty stable no matter the load. I think my task for today is to design a spaceplane similar to yours without rapiers (since I haven't unlocked them yet) capable of hauling a full orange tank up to orbit without tapping its fuel. I have MKS/OKS installed and I'd love to get to work on them but due to launching some expensive stuff I'm down in funds and the OKS launches I set up are scary expensive So yes.. spaceplane, completely reusable, orange tank load to orbit. That's my goal today
  2. I had a similar problem with the 64 bit client and a pile of mods, only mine just kept crashing when loading a save or launching something. Here is what I suggest: Take everything in your gamedata folder except the "Squad" and "Nasamission" folders, and move it to somewhere that is not your ksp install. I just put a folder on my desktop called .24.2 mods. Next, start adding mods that you can't live without, one by one, and test the game loading and its ability to not lag in whatever situation it was lagging for you. Keep adding mods until you get that crazy lag. Take the mod out that you added just before the lag hit, then add other mods and test. Eventually you'll come up with a list of one or a few mods that are giving you a headache. Then you can check for fixes to them if possible. For posterity's sake, the mods causing my game to crash repeatedly were "crossfeed enabler", which is supposed to be 64 bit compatible, and realchute, which is also supposed to be good to go for 64 bit. It could be the interaction between other mods. The next step for me if I care enough to do it is to load ksp with only the problem mods and see if it's stable. If it is, then it's a problem with mods interacting, and I get to start the whole process over again. Hope some of this helps you. In the past mechanics heavy mods have caused framerate lag for me. In particular mechjeb with a reading window with a pile of values updating all the time did it as I recall. Usually the graphics heavy ones don't lag all that bad. Try reducing textures to half res in settings and see if that vastly reduces lag. If it does, your video card may be weak. EDIT: Glad you were able to reduce your lag. Sounds like your video card might be the culprit. If you'd like to check out what's going on with your system while playing ksp, download hardware info monitor, and while playing, specifically look at the GPU Core Load value. If it's close to 100%, then you're maxing out your graphics ability and should consider lowering settings.
  3. Go for it man! Mechanics mods are just as fun as the ones that add a billion parts, especially if they improve the game. It's always funny to me how foreigners have impeccable English, and then those with English as a first language are horrible at it.
  4. I really need to stop going out to interplanetary space and planning intercepts from there. I really need to care about phase angles. I should stop overdesigning my landers. I should probably pack less RCS fuel. I should test things before I send them on a decade long mission.
  5. I too found the game through Kurtjmac. Then I found Scott Manley about an hour later and had the game maybe 20 min after that. First thing I did was stick a booster on a pod and see what would happen. Course that didn't go too far, so the next steps got me to orbit. After that I started doing flybys of the moons of Kerbin, and after that a landing on both (Mun furst). Then flybys of Duna/Eve, and a landing on Duna. Can't remember much after that specifically till I really got going. I know I did a Laythe station at one point early on. I overengineered everything back then too. Still do tbh
  6. I've played with the idea of creating an Eve lander using the airships envelopes. The fun part is Eve's atmo is so thick, you crank the bouyancy up to max on the surface and you take off fast enough to get entry effects within a few seconds. I never got the switchover from buoyancy to rockets correct though. Also experimented with just jettisoning the envelopes but that was hard to get right too. The envelopes wreak havoc on the aerodynamics of a craft when they're not lifting much anymore, and added to that most of my designs were incredibly ugly Your ship looks pretty good though. Perhaps you'll have better luck than I I wish there was a radial envelope that folded into the size of a radial parachute. The current ones are just really ugly if you have to spam them on the sides of crafts.
  7. The thing about my drive stage is it has 38,000m/s DV fully loaded. I came into Tylo's SOI with 25k left cause I didn't bother refueling from Dres (refueled on Gilly). The thing needs that much DV because Krag's planetfactory has some really tough stuff to get to. Ablate took about 20k lol. It makes Moho look like a trip to the Mun. And there's still ascension after everything else... yay. Yeah. I've always been an advocate of a large DV margin, cause it means you can do quite a lot and don't really have to care about your landing altitude, rotation, etc. Then again I way overbuild things too. Most of my landers can claw themselves to LKO without staging or whatever. I'm not sure if being in a really low orbit or high makes that much of a difference how much DV you need to get down. Like, at a low orbit you're whizzing around the planet real fast and have to kill a lot of horizontal, but high up you have the opposite problem and have to kill a ton of vertical without much horizontal. I guess because of how gravity works though it's better to kill horizontal than fighting vertical drop while slowing down. I actually came down to Tylo's surface from 100km up. I was @ 20, but had to move out and adjust my inclination to land somewhere specific. I was way too tired to spend another half hour working my orbit down to 20 again. Probably why it took me 3.2k m/s to get down.
  8. 4k seems slightly large for a Tylo landing or return. I'm actually doing my grand tour ATM, just reached 20km Tylo orbit. I'm flying across the surface at about 2.1km/s. Doing a nice efficient low and fast (as the terrain allows) descent I can't see it needing more than 2.5-3k one way. Taking off is even easier. You just need to pitch over the second you lift off and clear the highest terrain in your orbit. I'd be careful though... I had Tylo eat a station back in like .19. It cleared everything... At its lowest point it was about 150m from the surface. I came back after a few years worth of orbits, and it was just gone, and that thing had like .000001 inclination, so I doubt it just lazily drifted into a mountain... So quick save and back it up if your altitude and fuel budgets are tight. Lot of fun that low and fast though, you constantly think you're gonna crash. I'm doing my grand tour with kraag's planet factory. Currently worried about how much DV I need for Thud... 3.8x Kerbin's gravity and no atmosphere. I think I under built my lander lol. It barely makes Kerbin orbit with no staging. Here's what I'm taking on my Grand Tour. It's so far done everything out to Dres. I really love this lander Forget the kethane gear if you don't use mods, this thing will go down and up from Tylo without needing it. UPDATE: I finally made it down after about an hour of attempts. You really can't cut out the throttle once you start your final descent burn though cause you just start dropping... My lander had 3600m/s in the tanks when I detached from my drive unit, and 404 sitting here on Tylo, so it took about 3200m/s to land. That wasn't the most efficient landing ever either. I had to clear a small mountain (cleared it by 20m going 1500 horizontal lol), and ended up thrusting vertically the last 1700m or so. You can probably do better than I if you really try.
  9. Started another project so this has kind of taken a back seat. Took forever to get into a good orbit.
  10. Also stopping by to say thanks. Both to the community and the devs. You guys all make the game what it is.
  11. Sure it does. My logic: Kerbals are green anyway. A healthy glow is just gonna make 'em happier.
  12. Looks pretty enough to me lol. I like how you've put some thought into where your vessels will dock vs placement of your panels. Nine times out of ten I slap Solars on and then realize they're covering my ports while I'm on approach .
  13. I designed a vessel to tour Krag's planetfactory system (sentar & friends). Took the entire day to tweak everything the way I wanted. My first revision didn't go so well: Back to the drawing board. Added a few struts and it was solid as a rock Of course, my rendezvous had to happen on the dark side. Had to fire up the drive unit's reactor to feed the ion drives. In total the 9 ions consume about 1600ec/sec. Maneuvering the lander to the drive unit. Lander had already been launched yesterday patiently waiting for me to finish designing the drive unit: The lander ready to dock after stowing its thrust assistance pods: All ready to go! Just need some fuel sent up for the lander to make it down to the mun:
  14. Yeah pod torque steering isn't the problem without FAR The problem becomes that the small wingspace just doesn't generate enough lift. You hit 25-30KM and just start going down again. Normally I do use FAR, but I'm focusing more on rockets in .23.5 so I've left it out to make life a bit harder (delta V) for now.
  15. Nah it wasn't that dark. There is a mod out there that just brightens up KSP in dark scenes. Think it's called ambient light increaser or something along those lines. I usually do screenshots & videos on the day side of kerbin for that reason lol.
  16. I made a cute little one for various planets today.
  17. That purple swag lol. Should put it under the rover
  18. The problem I had was the panels in the cosmos pack would be listed as open and act as such, but visually be closed every time the craft was loaded. It was incredibly irritating. And god forbid you hit retract during the deploy animation, because they'd simply refuse to work till you reloaded the craft. Sure it's fixed now though
  19. Oh I'm well aware. Thing is it's irritating to have to launch into a weird inclination and something really elliptic. I also tend to obsess about having perfectly flat 0 inclination orbits. So subsequently I spent 3 hours nudging it till it was at 109x101 at 0 inclination. I now have a space-mountain lair. I plan on building a station around the rock. Basically I'm so used to launching to 90 degrees and going up to 100km, anything other than that I'll forget half the time and have to restart 3 min into the flight. So it was worth it. You know originally when I saw this thread I thought of this From Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.
  20. I've noticed lag with the Kosmos panels too. Especially the gigantic ones. They also had animation issues back when I used that pack. The near-future pack actually includes some reasonably ISS-y panels now too. Give it a look sometime if you like. I notice that with the near-future pack, the largest panels which dwarf small moons, lag in the VAB slightly for me but after starting the flight they have no impact on my frame rate whatsoever deployed or not.
  21. My sig. Check it. Seen this question for the fourth time today lol.
  22. 1: Having to use struts occasionally. 2: The game deciding my maneuver node should close while I'm trying to edit it. Bonus points if it deletes instead. 3: Blowing over a flag with my engine exhaust. 4: EVA not shifting frame of reference based on which way my craft is oriented.
  23. (Shameless plug) Check my sig for a guide I threw together on how to do that, if you're unsure. Now that is cool. Too bad I can't make it do much without FAR. I'm a fan of SSTO's with small wings. Makes them mucho easier to maneuver around, say, space stations when you don't have giant panels sticking out either end. I wonder if it's still an SSTO if I drop the wings @ 35km up .
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