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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Inside Valentina's FC3S, Takumi won't drift a sauce-making saucer, capable of vacuuming its bowels out into bowls of spaghetti, while eating them. At your disposal is an army of meatballs, which must be combusted to create a functional combat unit. Each frog has its own officer eating potato salad and will love the way a cow orbits (or 5 fish). So spank yourself viciously, and get out to try some Troll foot! Every ​life has infinite book pages, you can only play the Potato flute if you want to explode and violently cherish a random stranger's Snack Bar, forgetting lessons and snuffing new snacks. Or you can play an antique saxophone if you're only interested in midwifery and worshipping the Grox universe without ​remorse. There is even a battleship between these islands, RAGE mode
  2. One thing I would lament about is the Launch Escape System. The orginal apollo LES, after that this is clearly modeled is much bigger: I'd guess about twice as high as the KSP version, it was also much more powerfull. It could pull the CM from the Saturn V, standing at the launchpad to the sea where the CM could splash down safely. From their launchpads that is 700 to 800 meters. The ingame version merely yanks the capsule a few meters to the side.
  3. The spaceflight that turned Valentina into the first Kerbal on the Mun: Odin XI The mightly Sleipnir V booster carried the three Kerbonauts into orbit without any incidents. A small problem that led to explosive first stage separations in the earlier flights had been fixed. Once in Orbit the crew spent just 30 minutes on system checks before Commander Valentina received a go for Trans-Munar Injection. At T+37 minutes the S-VIB stage fired and put the craft on a free return trajectory to the Mun. Shortly after TMI the CSM turned around to dock with the MEM and pull it away from spent the S-IVB stage. After their voyage to the Mun the Service Propulsion System fired while the craft passed behind the Mun and injected it into a almost circular 60kmx55km orbit around our grey companion. The Kerbonauts spent serveral orbits around the Mun with system checks, they also spent time eating snacks and taking a nap. Once rested Commander Valentina and Munar Module Pilot Bob Kerman entered the MEM and prepared it for the munar landing. A short while after they undocked und lowered their orbit, leaving Command Module Pilot Bill Kerman behind. One hour later the MEM entered the final stage of it's decent. After tipping upright Commander Valentina lead the MEM to a safe landing location since the original location turned out to be on a slope. A few minutes later Bob and Valentina donned their spacesuits. Valentina left the MEM first, slowly climbing down it's ladder to the munar soil. With the words "One small step for a woman, but a giant leap for Kerbalkind" she stepped onto the Mun. Bob follower shortly thereafter. Together they first set up the Odin Program flag near to the MEM and then set up the EOSEP. EVA continued for over two hours before Val and Bob returned to the MEM. They enjoyed another nap time before they fired up the asecent stage, returning them to the Command Module. After just one orbit they redocked with the CSM and transfered back into their old craft. They then jettisoned the ascend stage and fired up the SPS to return them to Kerbin. One day later the Service Module was separated as they approached the Kerbin atmosphere. The command capsule's heatshied protected the crew as they were engulfed by hot plasma. Four days and 39 minutes after launch the Odin XI CM splashed down, return it's crew safely back home.
  4. The spaceflight that turned Valentina into the first Kerbal on the Mun: Odin XI The mightly Sleipnir V booster carried the three Kerbonauts into orbit without any incidents. A small problem that led to explosive first stage separations in the earlier flights had been fixed. Once in Orbit the crew spent just 30 minutes on system checks before Commander Valentina received a go for Trans-Munar Injection. At T+37 minutes the S-VIB stage fired and put the craft on a free return trajectory to the Mun. Shortly after TMI the CSM turned around to dock with the MEM and pull it away from spent the S-IVB stage. After their voyage to the Mun the Service Propulsion System fired while the craft passed behind the Mun and injected it into a almost circular 60kmx55km orbit around our grey companion. The Kerbonauts spent serveral orbits around the Mun with system checks, they also spent time eating snacks and taking a nap. Once rested Commander Valentina and Munar Module Pilot Bob Kerman entered the MEM and prepared it for the munar landing. A short while after they undocked und lowered their orbit, leaving Command Module Pilot Bill Kerman behind. One hour later the MEM entered the final stage of it's decent. After tipping upright Commander Valentina lead the MEM to a safe landing location since the original location turned out to be on a slope. A few minutes later Bob and Valentina donned their spacesuits. Valentina left the MEM first, slowly climbing down it's ladder to the munar soil. With the words "One small step for a woman, but a giant leap for Kerbalkind" she stepped onto the Mun. Bob follower shortly thereafter. Together they first set up the Odin Program flag near to the MEM and then set up the EOSEP. EVA continued for over two hours before Val and Bob returned to the MEM. They enjoyed another nap time before they fired up the asecent stage, returning them to the Command Module. After just one orbit they redocked with the CSM and transfered back into their old craft. They then jettisoned the ascend stage and fired up the SPS to return them to Kerbin. One day later the Service Module was separated as they approached the Kerbin atmosphere. The command capsule's heatshied protected the crew as they were engulfed by hot plasma. Four days and 39 minutes after launch the Odin XI CM splashed down, return it's crew safely back home.
  5. 7/10 That is....a.....communication satellite! The oompa loompa's of satellites.
  6. I don't understand all the hate the poodle is getting. I realy like that engine.
  7. Sure But that is still some time away, these missions start to get rather elaborate. Sometime I miss stuff like the Pad Abort Test - that was done, documented, uploaded and commented in about 30 minutes
  8. The final rehearsal, the fourth kerbaled mission in the Odin space program and the second to orbit the Moon: Odin X The Sleipnir V booster worked flawless during the ascend and put the Odin craft into a 108km x 104km orbit around Kerbin. After two hours of system checks it was time for Trans-Munar Injection (TMI). The S-IVB stage fired up and put the craft a free return trajectory to the Mun. Shortly after completing the burn, the CSM separated, turned around and docked with the MEM. It then used it's RCS to pull the MEM away from the spent stage. After a one day trip to the Mun the Service Propulsion System (SPS) fired up and put the spaceship into a 52kmx47km munar orbit. After serveral orbits around the Mun checking systems Commander Valentina Kerman and Munar Module Pilot Bill Kerman entered the MEM and activated it's systems. They then used the MEM's RCS to pull away from the CSM and intiate a simulated landing. Using the descent engine they lower the MEM orbit to a point where powered descent would beginn. But instead of landing on the Mun, they jettisoned the descent stage and used the ascend engine to rendezvous with the CSM. After five hours of thorough testing the ascend stage docked with the CSM and Bill and Valentina again entered the Command Module. After undocking the crew spent another day in munar orbit before they again fired up the SPS for the trans-kerbular injection. The engine worked as expected and put them on perfect return trajectory. Another day later the capsule spashed down on kerbin after five days in space. The crew returned savely back to Kerbin and now ready for the big mission!
  9. The final rehearsal, the fourth kerbaled mission in the Odin space program and the second to orbit the Moon: Odin X The Sleipnir V booster worked flawless during the ascend and put the Odin craft into a 108km x 104km orbit around Kerbin. After two hours of system checks it was time for Trans-Munar Injection (TMI). The S-IVB stage fired up and put the craft a free return trajectory to the Mun. Shortly after completing the burn, the CSM separated, turned around and docked with the MEM. It then used it's RCS to pull the MEM away from the spent stage. After a one day trip to the Mun the Service Propulsion System (SPS) fired up and put the spaceship into a 52kmx47km munar orbit. After serveral orbits around the Mun checking systems Commander Valentina Kerman and Munar Module Pilot Bill Kerman entered the MEM and activated it's systems. They then used the MEM's RCS to pull away from the CSM and intiate a simulated landing. Using the descent engine they lower the MEM orbit to a point where powered descent would beginn. But instead of landing on the Mun, they jettisoned the descent stage and used the ascend engine to rendezvous with the CSM. After five hours of thorough testing the ascend stage docked with the CSM and Bill and Valentina again entered the Command Module. After undocking the crew spent another day in munar orbit before they again fired up the SPS for the trans-kerbular injection. The engine worked as expected and put them on perfect return trajectory. Another day later the capsule spashed down on kerbin after five days in space. The crew returned savely back to Kerbin and now ready for the big mission!
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