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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. -1 (-) Some people just want to see the world burn...
  2. -1 (-) Who likes zero? You can't even divide by it...
  3. 5/10 It is something kerbal. But I really can't decipher it....
  4. Rendezvous an docking where really problematic in the beginning. But after constructing my first Space station with 5 rather large parts it was not a problem anymore.
  5. Nope. I am listening to the radio - but just news right now. The user below me likes to cook.
  6. Edit - Ninja'd: Well - I wouldn't walk around on an unfinished skyscraper. But I dont have a problem with stepping on the top of a ladder. I have a Volkswagen that will self-relock after a minute or so if the car was locked, you unlocked it with the remote and just open the trunk. Not sure why this is - but I'm super concious not to lay my keys into the trunk when geting something out of it. Not that there would be any reason to do so.... So....no, I understand how this could happen. The user below me never drove a Volkswagen.
  7. Ah, thank you I was a little worried if anyone is reading this at all. I appreciate any comments from you guys
  8. Done quite some time ago for a small "challenge". He died about 2 seconds after taking the shot.
  9. Nope - I used Ubuntu on my Netbook for the university for some time though. The user below me never used Linux.
  10. The second and final unkerballed test of the Sleipnir V: Odin VI Once in orbit, the objective of this mission was to send the CSM and a mockup MEM on a trans-munar trajectory. However, the Mun was not in position for a trans-munar flight and the CSM engine was used to simulate a "direct-return" abort, droping the apoapsis to about 2,800 km. On the return leg, the engine fired once more to accelerate the craft to simulate the nominal munar return trajectory. One hour, 25 minutes after launch the capsule splashed down in the ocean.
  11. The second and final unkerballed test of the Sleipnir V: Odin VI Once in orbit, the objective of this mission was to send the CSM and a mockup MEM on a trans-munar trajectory. However, the Mun was not in position for a trans-munar flight and the CSM engine was used to simulate a "direct-return" abort, droping the apoapsis to about 2,800 km. On the return leg, the engine fired once more to accelerate the craft to simulate the nominal munar return trajectory. One hour, 25 minutes after launch the capsule splashed down in the ocean.
  12. Nope. Neither. The user below me has played Diablo 3 and liked it.
  13. Nope. But we used to own one in my childhood. In the old days..... *sighs* The user below me played in a sandbox as a child aswell.
  14. Nope - I try it from time to time, but im at home in sandbox mode. The user below me prefers sandbox aswell.
  15. I'm german, does that count? The user below me is not german.
  16. The first flight of the Odin Munar Excursion Module (MEM): Odin V The launch vehicle for the Odin V mission is the Sleipnir IB. It is the smaller cousin of the mighty Sleipnir V but still able to put the MEM into orbit around Kerbin. Since the MEM legs were not used in this test, they were not installed. The rocket launched just after sunrise and worked perfectly, inserting the second stage and MEM into orbit around Kerbin. The MEM then separated and fired it's descend engines several times. 42 minutes into the flight the MEM performed the "fire in the hole" test: firing it's ascend engine just before seperating the descend stage. After all tests were done the ascend engine was fired another time for reentry. The MEM burned up in the Kerbin atmosphere.
  17. The first flight of the Odin Munar Excursion Module (MEM): Odin V The launch vehicle for the Odin V mission is the Sleipnir IB. It is the smaller cousin of the mighty Sleipnir V but still able to put the MEM into orbit around Kerbin. Since the MEM legs were not used in this test, they were not installed. The rocket launched just after sunrise and worked perfectly, inserting the second stage and MEM into orbit around Kerbin. The MEM then separated and fired it's descend engines several times. 42 minutes into the flight the MEM performed the "fire in the hole" test: firing it's ascend engine just before seperating the descend stage. After all tests were done the ascend engine was fired another time for reentry. The MEM burned up in the Kerbin atmosphere.
  18. Nah - will basically eat everything. Just no brussels sprouts. The user below me is a simple vegetarian.
  19. Yeah. No animal alergy, just nickel... [ninja]I'm not a "dog person", but I'm comfortable with them....[/ninja] The user below me likes cats.
  20. The user above me didn't get how this games works. The user below me knows how to switch directories in MS DOS.
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