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Everything posted by duncan1297

  1. it is, I have done it several times Edit: sorry i misread your question, I have done it with time warp.
  2. I was just wondering if there is a way to combine two different save files.
  3. you could do an aerobrake and save the fuel, assuming it has an atmosphere.
  4. im pretty sure this thread already exists.
  5. the hints are probably something along the lines of "fuel lines do not work on solid rocket boosters"
  6. kerbal mission control: liftoff! of the third mun rocket today. Jeb: oh, i forgot to turn on ASAS *pushes ASAS button* ASAS: your one degree left of center FULL RIGHT! *boom* kerbal mission control: liftoff! of the fourth mun rocket today. (repeat)
  7. for me about 100 for space planes and 200 for rockets, for some reason the type of vehicle makes a difference.
  8. one thing you can do is put lights on your lander, or try to land on the daytime side.
  9. am i the only one who thought of this when they saw the seats ejector seats!
  10. the official first thing i did was this it has one of the big docking ports on the bottom
  11. no, i didn't think of that, thanks
  12. i tried changing the re-scale factor on the nuclear engine from 1 to 2 and it does this and then when you hit the vab button this is what happens does anyone know what happened? the only mod is far
  13. I have done absolutely nothing today, school got in the way. very exciting isn't it
  14. 899 MB, 539 Folders, it used to be bigger.
  15. it would probably be very laggy, and the trees would have to be part of the terrain so scatter would not affect it
  16. duncan1297


    i just remembered i tried to build one once.
  17. duncan1297


    my idea is the pilots throw the bombs out the window when they are over the target:P
  18. duncan1297


    the xb-70 was a pretty cool aircraft that was meant to be a supersonic bomber. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_XB-70_Valkyrie but i have a question Where do the bombs go!?
  19. mods are allowed but nothing crazy. I guess the challenge is just to recreate the speed and orbit as closely as possible. it dosent matter what its weight is but if it looks like the real thing you get bonus points
  20. The challenge is to recreate the Helios probe it broke the record for the fastest man made object ever(252,792 km/h or 157,078 mi/h or 43.63 mi/s or 70.22 km/s or 0.000234c) and closest flyby of the Sun of any spacecraft. here is the orbital path score board (most accurate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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