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  1. [edit] "Won't yet work on Windows", sorry. I missed that. Looking forward to it when it does. Thanks
  2. Not sure why, but every time I run --default I get a error while it tries to download Real Solar System. It says: "SSL_connect return=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SLL::SSLError) Then gives a large list of lines in the Ruby code and in the bundler code. bundler lines 180, 70, and 381 are listed. Not quite sure why, but it seems unable to connect to the pages to download. Any thoughts?
  3. Have you ever thought of having the radius of the part procedurally adapt to the part it is attached to as well? This could work well with parts packs such as KW and Novapunch where there are tanks with radius larger than the basic 1.25m and 2.5m. Also, this could be powerful with Stretchy Tanks's variable radius. Just a few ideas. Thank you for making this, I've been wanting something that works this way for a while and I don't know how I passed over this.
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