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Everything posted by Respawn

  1. I found out what happens when you overload the game with mods.. 32 bit game memory issue. Turned out i was already at the limit of what the game could use and then I introduced another parts mod. Launched a new fancy mobile fuel tank to my main mun base. Just as i was coming in for landing 2km away from the base the game crashed. Restarted ksp reloaded save and tried again The same happened, just as it started to load up the base. Slightly annoyed i figured i'll leave it in orbit docked to my mun station until i could figure out what the problem was. Same problem, as soon as the station loaded, ksp crashed. So i brought up the task manager and it turned out ksp was trying to use more memory than it could. (it broke down at 3.7gb) (Thought the 32bit limit was supposed to be 4?) So I've spent a couple of hours removing non essential parts from half the mods I've been using. Still pretty close to the limit as i'm constantly above 3gb use while a game is loaded. Hoping for a 64 bit release soon so i can continue the overuse of lots of mods.
  2. Turns out it worked great ^^ but coverage varies. Equatorial regions +/- about 45º inclinations get continuous coverage of 7-9 sats at all time. and polar regions continuous coverage of 4-6. I have yet to experience a drop to 3 while messing around with the gps receiver. ^^ Here's a fancy screenshot taken from my mun base fuel resupply craft. You can see the constellation in the background. (almost edge on, slightly tilted.) From this angle it almost looks like an eye, keeping an eye on the mun base.
  3. The mainsail engins overheat when placed under orange tanks, simply place flat grey tanks inbetween the orange tanks and the mainsails and you should be ok.
  4. You want a formula to calculate absolute optimal altitude? Number of seconds the mun take to rotate once divided by: number of hexes across the munar surface along the equator. that gives you the number of sec you want your orbit to take. (one orbit pr hex) call that number (T) Look up the muns GM (newtons gravitational constant x mass of the mun) and look up the radius of the mun, referred to in the formula as ® calculate: cuberoot((T²xGM)/4pi²) - r = your optimal scanning altitude. If that's inside the mun (ie "-something"), simply double (T) in your formula and you're all good. this will simply make you complete the surface scan in 2 munar "days". (if the number of hexes across the surface is an even number, instead of doubling it, multiply it by 1,5 or 3 to avoid scanning the same lines twice) Place your craft in a perfect circular polar orbit at your calculated altitude and you shouldn't miss a single hex. happy counting..
  5. I dont have the exact coordinates but heres a screenshot i took of the vertical decent down too kraken, i landed about 10 meters away.
  6. I made a pretty similar thing for my mun base. (106 tonn payload). I just launched it into orbit around kerbin in my test save as proof of concept. The launch vehicle ended up looking pretty shabby but hey it worked. 4x boosters, 4x mainsails with 2 orange tanks each (+ 1 flat grey tank each) 6x skippers with 1 orange tank each 1 x skipper for the last stage also with only 1 orange tank. Something like this should work for you. Here's a undramatic video of the my 2 launches. (raw footage + some fancy elevator music.) XD 2 launches.. 1'st launch failed as i didn't pay attention to the over heating. after adding the small grey tanks in between as heat buffer the second launch worked great. even wasted lots of fuel with a terrible ascent profile Hehe.. Hope this helps.
  7. Hehe..! #inspired After checking out SpaceK531s images I just had to make this video and post it here. (Not a challenge entry)
  8. Great video There is a mod for this which i found interresting. -> Forum thread (Figaro-Global-Navigation-Satellite-System) I'm allmost done setting up my constellation. I'm doing it slightly different though. Not the 60º orbit spread 1 equatorial orbit, 2 polar orbits 90º apart, and 4 45º inc. orbits which intersects the the same place as where the 2 polar orbits intersect the equatorial one. 2 hour orbits, 3 satellites in each orbit 120º apart. It looks like it should work, only time will tell I'm not using mechjeb so the timing is abit tricky. Looks great though.
  9. I'm in the process of setting up a GPS network in my game, and i tell you math is the way to go. ^^ You will find most of the math formulas and tables you need on the wiki. Heres a nice one for Kerbin orbits -> Tutorial:_Basic_Orbiting_(Technical) I love math, however i'm terrible at it. I find it more fun to figure out on my own, than looking up tables. --------------------------------- 1 Kerbin day is about 6 hours So if you want a syncronous orbit (1 orbit pr day) (you'll appear to hover over the same spot on kerbins surface). You'll need a 6 hour orbit. Here is 1 easy/awesome way of calculating the altitude you'll need: r = ³√ ((t²xGM)/4pi²) (but you'll have to subtract the planet radius to get the altitude) ==> ³√ = (cuberoot) (couldn't find a cuberoot sign on my keyboard ) ==> t²= orbital period in sec times itself. ==> GM= Newtons gravitational constant times the mass of the planet. (Allso its listed in the planet info thingy in map screen) So.. This is how i would solve this step by step. 6 hours = 60x60x6 = 21600sec GM kerbin = 6.673848e-¹¹ x 5.292e+²² = 3531800361600 (≈3.532e+¹² which is what the ingame map info thingy says.) = ³√((21600² x 3531800361600) / 4pi²) = ³√((466560000 x 3531800361600) / 4pi²) = ³√(1647796776708096000000 / 4pi²) = ³√(1647796776708096000000 / 39.478417604357434475337963999505) = ³√(41739179954523310435.163562754481) = 3468816.*** meter. (But remember that is the radius of the orbit. simply subtract 600.000m (kerbins radius) and you'll have your altitude) 3468816 - 600000 = 2868816m (which is only about 400m off what is listed on the wiki) It will depend on how accurate your numbers are. With this you can calculate any circular orbit around any planet/moon. Eliptical orbits however you'll get the average distance (semi-major-axis) (small r + large r)/2 Hope this helped. ^^ Without this game i would never have learned this. <3 Sry about my english its not my native language.
  10. I'm not sure if i had the very latest dll but i just updated the dll about 1 hour ago from the spaceport download. (if the spaceport download is the latest then the difference between that and this new alternate plugin dll is whats causing the build engineer freezing). I'm not sure what the difference is but this alternate dll fixed it for me. Tnx
  11. I made a gif of my "Space beacon" which turned out pretty cool as it sits in stationary orbit over KSC.
  12. yey. finaly downloading.. after way to many time outs. almost feel bad for the servers.
  13. After some badly designed rockets i had a couple of ok attempts with a verry basic 2 stage design. #1 Ap: 117,333 Pe: 90,994 #2 Ap: 119,887 Pe: 93,458 (58-59 ish points i think..) if i got the scoring system right.. 4x speed video of the 2 attempts -> http://youtu.be/lphlNCqVnmo
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