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Everything posted by Nullspace250

  1. Hola! CREO que se puede borrar si le dea boton derecho y izquierdo a la vez Saludos desde ARgentina!
  2. At least it didn´t dissapear Mine had about 160ish posts,o well At least i can see old threads easier
  3. Sadly my account crashed on Jool But im back! I need to get those 167 post back
  4. It is because since the server crashed,the last backup that worked was on 12 August 2012,i had to redo my account,too Welcome back and fly safe!
  5. We need a new icy planet far away from kerbol Also a new Mun around Jool and make moho to not pverheat your engines
  6. Actually,did a (I think) 9 Km/s aerobrake at laythe,i still go the pic,i will upload it later 7 Km/s ish aerosbrakes are tipical for me
  7. Hello! Since i made my account in dicember,i had to make a new one It doesn`t matter,I don`t really care about having 13490 posts or just one Welcome to 12th october, 2012!
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