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Everything posted by ialdabaoth

  1. Update: I thought I had a really clever way of handling G-force damage, but unfortunately there is no stable way to get G-force on a vessel. vessel.geeForce_Immediate works 99% of the time, but every once in awhile it'll arbitrarily spit out a huge number for no good reason (most often when going into / coming out of warp), and then everything explodes.
  2. ModuleManager no longer needs a gameData.cfg; if you have that file, you can delete it and download the latest version of ModuleManager.
  3. I have not yet made B9 compatible; I started (hence the config file) but I believe only one or two pieces have fuel modules.
  4. Talked with various mod authors in IRC; we agreed that having spaces in the names is Bad and Wrong. Keep in mind that the Unity GameObject name is derived from the name= key - so while spaces somehow magically works, it really REALLY shouldn't, and who knows what it might make blow up in the future.
  5. Wow, yeah. Heh. I'm starting to wonder if I can find someone to volunteer to maintain my cfg files for me, so I can focus on the C# coding? This is getting overwhelming.
  6. Everything should go into: {KSP}/GameData/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry.cfg {KSP}/GameData/DeadlyReentry/Plugins/DeadlyReentry.dll {KSP}/GameData/DeadlyReentry/Parts/*
  7. Thank you. That said, sometimes combining mods does make sense, but that needs to be based on code function, not user function. For example, aerodynamic mods like FAR make more sense to combine with Deadly Reentry than a G-force mod, since they're often doing a lot of the same calculations.
  8. OK! Try now! Sorry about that everyone, internet went wonky for a few hours.
  9. Fixed! Also, as a release candidate, this version will have a debug window open by default, where you can adjust parameters. I'd like people to test with the basic parameters before tweaking, please.
  10. I try to do: new EventReport (FlightEvents.CUSTOM, part, part.partInfo.title, "g-force", 0, " exceeded g-force tolerance.")); but instead, it just says "<Part> crashed into g-force". If I don't include the second string, it just says "<Part> crashed into unknown object." How do I add a custom line to the event log that says "<Part> exceeded g-force tolerance."?
  11. REAL SOON. Like, I have a job interview to go to, and then when I get home I have two minor bugs to fix, and then you get to watch everything catch on fire.
  12. Even using docking ports? I know people have been using 3-port docking nodes for awhile now to increase stability; shouldn't this work the same way (with a docking port on each end)? It'd just mean that it would have to be assembled in orbit.
  13. Update: RC3 is coming soon, with a few slight tweaks to the heat physics, and a few secret surprises!
  14. NICE! Can I request two more parts in this series? It would be amazing to have 90-degree arc and 45-degree arc corridors, that could combine together with these parts to make station rings. Also, with your beautiful little strut tabs, it should be possible to just strut the last connection in place.
  15. Awesome! As it turns out, the fx is 90 degrees rotated from that, so the actual code is: velocity = (part.Rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(part.transform.po sition) + Krakensbane.GetFrameVelocityV3f() - Krakensbane.GetLastCorrection() * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime); fx.transform.LookAt (part.transform.position + velocity); fx.transform.Rotate (90, 0, 0); Whew. Two more questions (hopefully): 1. I try to do: new EventReport (FlightEvents.CUSTOM, part, part.partInfo.title, "g-force", 0, " exceeded g-force tolerance.")); but instead, it just says "<Part> crashed into g-force". If I don't include the second string, it just says "<Part> crashed into unknown object." How do I add a custom line to the event log that says "<Part> exceeded g-force tolerance."? 2. I need to know whether a parachute is deployed or packed, or whether a shielded docking clamp is open or closed. How do I determine this from the ModuleAnimateGeneric or ModuleParachute?
  16. I believe the correct velocity is (part.Rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(part.transform.position) + Krakensbane.GetFrameVelocityV3f() - Krakensbane.GetLastCorrection() * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime), but can I just do myFX.lookAt(velocity)?;
  17. ALMOST THERE! One last question: once the effect's transform is parented to the part's, how do I get the effect to point in the direction of the part's velocity?
  18. Does anyone know how to add an fx_exhaustFlame_yellow effect to a part at run-time? i.e., when a part reaches 90% of its maximum temperature, I'd like for it to start spewing flames.
  19. actually, here's what happens: At a shallow angle, you tear through the atmosphere at speeds of several km/s. Final temperature is dependent entirely on speed, although how quickly you reach that temperature is dependent on density. At a steep angle, you slow down VERY quickly, so while you're lower in the atmosphere and hence heating up faster, the temperature you're heating up TO is lower, because you've just experienced 18+ G's of acceleration.
  20. Note that this mod's primary concern is heat, not G-forces. Worrying about what G-forces are survivable would be a nightmare, because of other mods doing the same thing (most notable FAR). Although at some point, DeadlyReentry and FerramAerospace should probably be merged somehow, at which point G-force considerations would be easy.
  21. That's correct, I just forgot the word 'visible'. At any speed over 300 m/s, you will experience some heating, but the contrail starts glowing visibly at 800 m/s.
  22. 1.3 was way, way more harsh than it should be. In 1.3 and earlier, the effective temperature of the shockwave was infinite - so you could explode at almost any speed if you didn't decelerate fast enough. In 2.0, the temperature is capped by the velocity, so as long as you are going under 2 km/s you'll get a lot of pretty lights but nothing will explode. here's how the logic is working in 2.0: A) all parts have their maxTemp halved, so your capsule will have a maxTemp of around 1700 According to the oracle, the temperature of the shockwave in Kelvins is approximately equal to the speed in m/s. Since the game uses Celsius, your shockwave temp is somewhere around your velocity - 275. C) The temperature at which any object begins emitting visible black body radiation (aka "glowing red") is 525 C. Therefore, at 800 m/s (525C ~= 800K) your contrail begins glowing. D) Each part that is not shielded by another part gains heat from the shockwave until it reaches thermal equilibrium with it. The rate of heat increase depends on the difference between the temperatures and the density of the air - so you'll gain heat about 2.7 times as fast at 30 km altitude as you would at 35km altitude. This is fiddly - I might need to adjust the density exponent here. E) if your part has a heat shield, that shield has three components: an angle, a reflective factor, and an ablative factor. The reflective factor ranges from 0 to 100%; it's the amount of heat increase that's flat-out ignored if you're coming in at the correct angle, no matter what. The ablative factor represents how much ablative resource gets blasted off your ship as a function of temperature, and how much temperature gets wicked away per chunk of tile that gets melted off.
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