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Posts posted by TurielD

  1. Can someone explain to me why the Mun looks like this? I was not aware it had an atmosphere.


    There's a kind of opaque 'cloud' layer (i.e. an extremely low-res shell of the mun that looks nice at a distance but kinda terrible nearby) that suddenly disappears in a circle around the camera at ~4 km? It's making it pretty hard to see the ground I want to land on.

    I have v5 medium res installed.

  2. SpacedInvader for what it's worth I really like the 1 unit = 1 day from TACLS, and have so far adapted the EVA-X and a few other parts to use this system just like Rayder. I know it does have some issues with low usage amounts, though it seems to be fine when the ship isn't the focus. I'd suggest just giving it a try with that for now and if the usage rates don't seem to be working right then you'll know.

    I would very much appreciate TAC components :)

    Aside from that, a person niggle: Why is the Octocore so very heavy? 10x as much as the quadcore, but with only 2x the functionality? I'd say 0.2 would be reasonable, surely? Same goes for the safety decouplers.

  3. I just started using this and its very cool!

    I got caught by surprise with the tech-tree-unlock delay though. I wasn't expecting that from the mod description, and it isn't detailed in the first post of this thread either. While I do like it, it would probably be better to warn people that this is also a feature... especially as nodes seem to disappear and become unlockable again after you think you've unlocked them, though they're actually in the queue.

  4. Going to do some fiddling around with this, got the new texture from WaRi so plan on giving this some love :)

    Great to hear!

    Am I right that the code for converstion would be something along these lines for an alumina-rich 'roid (from the Thunder Aerospace Carbon Extractor part by TaranisElsu)?

    // --- resource parameters ---



    name = HollowAsteroidAluminaConverter

    converterName = Alumina Extractor

    extractName = Extract Alumina

    // Number of units to convert per day (24 hours)

    // it should be able to manage a good amount but not too quickly

    conversionRate = 3600

    // A comma separated list of resources to use as inputs.

    // For each resource, list the resource name and the amount (which

    // is multiplied by the conversionRate)

    inputResources = Rock, 10, ElectricCharge, 500

    // A comma separated list of resources to output. Same as above

    // but also specify whether it should keep converting if the

    // resource is full (generating excess that will be thrown away).

    outputResources = Alumina, 0.01, false, Rubble, 10, true


    I was thinking also about how it might be possible to implement use of Interstellar's GasChromatography MassSpectrometer, when attached to the Claw, to analyse the composition of the asteroid. A for Science and B for determining what it's going to provide - though I suppose that requires already putting the claw there before you know what storage modules you want to bring up.. hmm.

  5. I'm currently making a patch for resources for insterstellar - kethane and MKS (and any other mods I perhaps have installed and can't remember). If it's okay and they work fine, want me to upload them?

    I've done Ammonia, Argon, Water & liquid methane and they all have blue values, it's only Kethane that doesn't.. Strange. Anyway I'll wait to see if I am allowed to upload them, and also I'll wait for your word on whether you would like for me to do the MKS one's aswell. I'm terrible with modelling but I was considering editing the colouring of the kethane tank but I'll do that tomorrow. Going to watch 47 ronin tonight.


    I was going to learn to code just for this! Well, I was gonna mess around with some .cfg files.

    Steam to LqdWater is one thing I was hoping for, and it would be cool also to be able to acquire Alumina and other solids from 'roids.

    How were the Ronin?

  6. While this mod has a lot of great stuff in it, its use is entirely opaque without an actual nuclear physics degree. It is incredibly frustrating to, for instance:

    • bring the IR telescope up to my early-tech space station, for a bit of science. The delivery probe unexpectedly lost power on its way up, but no biggy, we can move the station to meet it! Now the station power is being drawn down, what's this? Oh, the telescope is 'off' but the fuel canister is sufficiently prioritized that TAC will let my Kerbals die of lack of power rather than, I dunno, let the helium heat up a little while it's not in use.
      As nothing catastrophic seems to happen when electricity is actually depleted, it would make me very happy if MW usage stopped short of actually leaving a craft totally unpowered. Aside from the TAC thing, I also use remote-tech which makes it very annoying to lose the power required for the coms antenna. Could MW requirements perhaps stop drawing from ElectricCharge when EC is below 10%?
    • spend a considerable amount of time working out how to get a good 3.75m thermal rocket/Akula design in to orbit to use as an interplanetary vessel, to discover that the fuel runs out a few weeks in to the trip. Beating the LV-N it aint. The consumption rate is listed in the VAB stats, but it would be great if the part stats listed in the wiki were included in the descriptions of reactors, rather than the somewhat pointless flavour text.
    • Experiment with B9 Sabre engines, and RAPIER engines. That overheating code simply makes them blow up in stupid ways. The pre-cooler addition is nice, but its structure requirements make it massively impractical for most uses. B9 being a mod that is community-updated with some number of possible bugs (compounded by combination with DR and FAR) made that I was looking for a long time trying to find the reason for all Sabres/RAPIERS blowing up at 12km regardless of thrust and airspeed. I noticed this in Scott Manley's videos too: When he enters the atmosphere and switched his Sabres from rocket to air-breathing at 60km mode they
      (30 seconds in to the vid). The game treats the heat of the air-breathing and rocket-modes as entirely separate entities, so the air-breathin engine can be basically already-exploded while you're in rocket mode, but it only triggers when you switch back. I don't know what to do about this, but I'm afraid I felt I had to disable that code entirely for now.
      The green fissions (SAFE/Kiwi/Aegletes) produce Actinides as waste. Reprocessing converts Actinides into new fuel and DepletedFuels. One of the limitations of the Sethlans/Akula series is that their waste goes straight to DepletedFuels without any opportunity to reprocess.
    • I wish this had been documented somewhere. Anywhere. I was looking through the wiki and this ten thousand response thread for hours looking for information on why 'reprocess nuclear fuel' wasn't working. Could this option please be renamed 'reprocess ThF4/UF4 reactor waste'?

    To just touch on a few of the other entirely vague features which are just annoying:

    • the new seizmic accelerometer function is super cool! But how close to 90 degree intervals does it have to be? Willl it work if one probe is 10 degrees out of possition? What if I have probes at 15, 105, 195 and 285 degrees? What if I have 5 probes out of the required 6 for the advanced sensing? Trial an error is great in science... but I prefer the experiments to be trial and error, not the equipment I'm using.
    • while the new impact system is awesome, I actually would kinda like to know if a planet is seizmically active... could the old function remain, or be added to a higher tier sci module, provided it had been in position for X amount of time (like a year) to study the planet's geological activity?
    • so, so many activities of the science lab and refineries are available at times when they can't work, but don't give any feedback. As I noted above about the 'reprocess fuels' thing - could there please be some feedback text as to why something isn't working? "You cannot reprocess nuclear fuels because *Reason09* there is no free UF4 storage capacity" and the like.
    • folding radiators make the VAB hang. This is rather odd, and quite annoying.
    • surely a kerbal should be able to access the readout from a magnetometer? If not that, then let him grab its data container while on EVA? I'd rather have "dataIsCollectable = True" than "rerunnable = True" (which I have changed for myself). I'm sure I'm not the only one.
    • the ISRU node weirdness is... annoying. I've gotten around it by changing the root part of a ship with SelectRoot, but might it not be simpler to have two models of the ISRU available in the VAB? One with the bottom node being main, and one for the side one?

    Having said that, I am as yet not so frustrated as to actually give up on the mod, it is just too good! Instead I have some questions:

    I've read people talking about 'throttling' reactors, and the wiki talks about reactors having longer running times at lower power. How can a reactors operating level be changed? I've gone EVA near them and the only option I get is 'manual shutdown'. The Right-click menu doesn't seem to offer anything either.

    What is the purpose of the Akula type reactors? Especially when upgraded: it runs at 1/4 the temperature of the Aegletes II, provides 5/6th of the power, for 1/6th of the amount of time before refueling (assuming the values in the Wiki are still correct), and it also can't have its fuels reprocessed for extended usefulness. I suppose it's fuel is a bit lighter. What am I missing?

    How can I tell if the IR telescope and/or the science lab have actually produced any science?

    This mod is incredible, Fractal, I am endlessly impressed by both the results and sheer amount of work you've put in to making all these awesome things. The whole Microwave power system taken on its own is just staggeringly good. Just, for the love of god, can you write down what stuff does and how it works when you add new things in? In one place?

  7. There are two of your changes that I have disabled because of other mods I run. A: the solar panel folding thing - I use KSP interstellar and with its heat management system I need to be able to retract panels sometimes. B: the antenna changes - Remotetech is a fragile beastie as it is, I don't want to insert any code in to the game that might influence its running.

    Further I've raised the S3-KS 25x4 I-ASL to 295. To my mind it is designed to be an extremely heavy lifting first stage, and should be optimized for atmosphere, so going from 320/360 to 260/325 went against that intention a little too far. Though, it must be said I haven't used the 3.75m parts much yet.

    I also see you've marked the LV-N as unbalanced, though you haven't changed those yet. I hope you don't because I'm not convinced it is. Its terrible TWR is the main thing, but it's also plain huge - something making it a pain to use which isn't easily included in the graph; this compensates just fine for the high ISP to my mind. Similarly, the Rapier shows as a tad under the curve, but I certainly wouldn't call it underpowered as it includes the 2000 I-ASL thruster on a single node.

  8. Very cool! I'd wanted to do something similar since I learned to edit part files, but this is a far better, more systematic way than I had thought of!

    I happen to use KW, and noticed the Vestra is absolutely amazing. I'd changed it 400 -> 395 ISP and 0.6 -> 0.9 tonnes. By the look of the graphs you posted that puts it on the 'very good' side of the curve, but not quite absurd anymore. Pretty cool to see that visually, I wouldn't have thought of plotting it.

  9. I've spent some time putting together a group of mods that are fun for me while retaining stability. Here are the mods I currently use, along with my reasons for including each.

    **Mods for challenge:**

    Deadly Re-Entry This makes sensible spacecraft design necessary - even early flights need to be carefully angled on return through the atmosphere without the Goo Container or (more importantly) the parachutes burning up from the shock heating! It also makes extreme G-forces appropriately fatal to unfortunate Kerbals.

    Ferram Aerospace Even more need for sensible design: you can't just stick a bunch of engines out the side with a blunt front end, that thing's gonna flip over before you reach 8km. This mod is all about realistic aerodynamics, and fundamentally changes how rockets fly. You will have to learn to Kerbal all over again, but it's worth it!

    Remote Tech 2 This mod requires lines of communication for unmanned probes to work. This makes probe missions a true challenge, but separate from that there is also the requirement of communications to transmit science - unless you bring everything back to Kerbin you're going to have to set up a communications relay network. This is surprisingly fun and makes your Kerbin system significantly more busy and 'alive' - it gives you a real reason to make satelites, and work out how to create Kerbostationary orbits and relays over each body you're exploring.

    http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-life-support/]TAC Life Support Making interplanetary trips and long-term space habitation a lot more interesting, this mod means you have to think about space-station design, let alone visits to Duna or beyond. It makes using probes for extra-Kerbinal exploration a lot more attractive, which combined with Remote Tech makes the game quite a different and to my mind more fun *and* realistic experience. This mod also makes early space-flight considerably more challenging as Kerbals need electricity to heat up the command pod - but batteries aren't invented until you've at least performed couple of early atmospheric and orbital missions for Science: No more first-ever-rocket-gets-600+-munar-landing-science.

    **Mods which add more parts**

    RealChute Basically just better parachutes. This is here for the slower, controlled deployment of the chutes, to keep G-forces in survivable levels for poor Kerbals returning to Kerbin through Deadly Re-entry. It also includes in-line parachute components and drogue-/main-chute combo parts which are both interesting and useful.

    KW Rocketry not only does this include a ton of parts with a different, somewhat more realistic aesthetic, but it also brings a host of new (and pretty well balanced) Engines, and also Fairings so that you can bring your newly-designed satellites and unmanned probes to orbit through FAR's improved aerodynamics. Probably my favourite Parts mod.

    RLA-Stockalike Parts which look like stock KSP parts. But pretty interesting ones! This includes main engines powered by Monopropellant; radial attachment jet engines; smaller and larger versions of various stock KSP components like decouplers; RCS blocks with 5 nozzles, and some with a 45 degree 'corner' angle, so you don't waste monoprop on diagonal thrust.

    B9 aerospace A *huge* pack of components, mostly focused on spaceplane parts. Includes lots of great wings and wing-bits, wheels, etc. Also, the parts look just plain gorgeous. With B9 & KW both installed your ships may look decidedly un-kerbal though, almost.. professional, and spaceshippy.

    KSP Interstellar) This mod extends the tech tree out to futuristic levels, culminating in the (rather well balanced) Warp Drive for extreme fast traveling. Interestingly it adds a heat management system, because stuff can actually overheat in space! The radiators look amazing, and there are various power generators added.

    Infernal Robotics) Have you ever wanted to have rover wheels that fold in to be a little more convenient or fit in a fairing? Well, with the huge selection of hinges, extending pistons and rotating assemblies this mod will let you add an incredible array of movement-capable ship parts to your rockets, probes and space stations.

    **Mods which add functionality or convenience**

    **In flight**

    Kerbal Alarm Clock This mod adds far more than the already amazing automatic-time-de-accelerating when you reach your node. It also includes countdowns for how many days you have till you can optimally travel between each Kerbol system body. Not only that, but it also *stores* maneuver nodes! Ever been annoyed after an EVA, when you realise you lost your carefully planned node? No more! Alarm Clock saves them, and you can just click on your planned maneuver to retrieve it, even after switching active vessel.

    Enhanced Navball Quite simply the way the navball *should* be. It shows you where your maneuver node is, even when its on the other side of the ball. It further displays the Radial and Normal positive and negative directions, and it shows the negative direction of your maneuver node for when you have to aim backwards.

    Precise Maneuver Nodes This mod lets you tweak your maneuvers by 0.01 to 100 m/s Delta-V with a button press, and move nodes forward or backward in time by so many seconds, rather than relying on finicky click-and-drag work. It also allows for changing of the way the conics are drawn.

    Docking Alignment Indicator this gives you a little window that shows you how close you are to having your docking ports meet up. It shows distance, relative speed and in what direction your relative motion is compared to target.

    **Ship Construction**

    Kerbal Engineer To my mind this is simply a necessity. Being able to see how much Delta-V and TWR you have before launching is a pre-req for any well planned mission. In flight this also adds a ton of useful information, like showing you what your Apoapsis is without having to go to map view, or telling you what the orbital period of your vessel is which is invaluable for setting up stable Kerbostationary satellites, and much, much more.

    Tech Tree loader Changes the tech-tree, so all sorts of rocket component appear at different stages to be a little more logical.

    RCS build aid This little tool will help you with RCS placement by showing you visually how much thrust they provide in each direction, and how balanced multiple thrusters are.

    Joint Reinfrocemet This basically improves Kerbal welding technology which means you don't have to strut every single engine to its fuel tank. I grabbed it mostly to save on part counts.

    Simple Part Organiser With all those mods, the part list is a little out of control! This mod helps with that. Sort parts by size or weight, filter out mod-packs or parts manufacturers, any organisation you like for each parts tab!

    **Mods that improve your experience in non-gameplay ways**

    Toolbar mod icon manager With all these mods, their individual icons might clutter up your screen - this toolbar fixes that. All mod icons are gathered in to the one toolbar, which can be set to hide itself.

    Final Frontier Keep track of your Kerbals' achievements in the Kerbal Space Program: it will tell you who was the first to make it to orbit of each body, if they have done an EVA in a new environment, how many flights each Kerbal has been on, etc.

    Clouds & City lights This makes Kerbin look even cooler when you're returning from a long trip.

    Crowd-sourced Science Logs! This makes reading the science reports from each instrument and crew/EVA report more fun and varied.

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