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Everything posted by OrbitusII

  1. Indeed. Until the new patcher is out (I think it's almost ready, they just need to finish bugfixing/testing? o.O) then you will have to redownload every time. It's better than the old patcher, if people remember, which took several hours to complete a download that should have taken 15 minutes at most (for Mac users at least).
  2. The "real-life-accurate" rockets in KSP are actually scaled down in power as well as size. If you had a full-size, full-power Ariane V in KSP, getting to orbit would be trivial (you could possibly even use it to go interplanetary!).
  3. Unfortunately I doubt the mods (moderators, not addons ) will allow for that, since it could be considered spam by some. There is, however, the "First" button that takes you to the very first page of the thread, so that should improve your navigation. I do like the idea of version-specific comments and such, maybe as an upgrade to the Spaceport... someday... However, Spaceport is having some issues for me and I don't like using it that much anymore. Why can't I upload my plugin? No idea, Spaceport gives no explanations for upload rejections... But I agree, we could use a better plugin feedback management system.
  4. As I said, send a PM to Skykooler. He knows I'd like to see a release for the mod but if you want it within a reasonable timeframe then be sure to let him know through his inbox.
  5. Back to the OP: As KSP is in development, the people developing it haven't put much time into optimization, but rather into expanding the systems available to the users (proof: Bac9 and Taverius have managed to optimize B9 Aerospace so that it takes less time to load than stock parts, while significantly more parts are in B9A than stock: 175 vs 30-40ish). Harv and the other programmers have only recently started implementing career mode, so we can expect a lot more content to show up over time. From Harv's Blog Post About Development Asymptotes: This may have been intended as an explanation for slower updates, but the graphic fits well with the explanation, I think. Now if you add a fourth area, "Optimization," to the graph, that will be at about the same place as "Career" since the biggest optimizations we've had are the new GameData loader and the Terrain-On-Demand feature. Squad hasn't started to optimize the physics, terrains, or other internal systems significantly yet (to the extent of my knowledge anyway) so the game will perform rather poorly compared to things that have been out for a while. Also, regardless of optimization, KSP is a very physics and CPU-intensive game, versus things like Minecraft where slowness is caused by a terrible engine (sorry Mojang, but that Java thing has got to go) or BF3/any high-graphics-quality game with lag caused by extremely detailed meshes, textures, and thus high amounts of draw calls. You could make KSP handle physics for vessels as a whole versus individual parts, performing better, but it wouldn't be KSP.
  6. I may be American, but I prefer the S.I. unit system versus imperial and as a chemist I use mass more than weight. Mass is constant, weight is based on gravity, and constant measurements make more sense to my mathematical mind. CoM
  7. So since the development is taking slightly longer than expected (crazy, right? ) I'm going to start putting the in-development versions on the development thread for public in-dev testing. This should hopefully minimize the testing required by me, but will also allow for more observable progress and will keep the mod more public. Here's How That Will Work: 1. I develop a new part of the code and do a quick test on my own 2. People interested in an incomplete version and testing that version can download it from the development thread 3. The interested people can test and use it as they please (no distribution!), providing feedback on the development thread so I can improve the code before a full release 4. Once I get all I need for a release complete, I will remove the download link from the development thread and post the complete plugin on this thread 5. The process will repeat as I develop new features for anything in the plugin (including, but not limited to, Frameshift functionality, magnetospheres and harmful radiation) I can get the current version ready to download shortly. The parts included by default are a thermometer modified to use the solar heating PartModule and a random part that will serve as a coolant system, plus the parts already included in the heat sinks download. *The zip file you download will include a readme to tell you how to set up other parts to use the solar heating and coolant system modules, plus a reminder to post feedback on the development thread, linked below Development Thread Link Just a little birthday-induced generousness, I guess...
  8. Using mods is the choice of the user or the creator of a challenge if you choose to do it. In the case of the latter, it's temporary until you complete the challenge, then you can go back to the mods you were using before. You can take recommendations for mods to use, and if you're a YouTuber/livestreamer, then you set the rules and people can suggest mods to use following those rules. Cheating doesn't exist in a single player sandbox except as self-imposed limitations.
  9. I call it Kerbol, but refer to it as the sun when programming plugin stuff. "Kerbol" thus goes to things like Kerbolar orbit. Pretty simple yet logical in my opinion.
  10. Hm... try it with ModuleAnimateGeneric (the stock animator) to see if you get the same issue.
  11. Indeed it does! What I might do is combine both PT threads into this one since the frameshift & magnetospheres will use the same .dll file as solar heating/heat sinks/coolant systems/everything, so there's no need to split up the plugin and have different versions out there. Edit/Update: Having a minor issue with actually changing the temperature, but I can fix it easily. Raycasting appears to be working, but I can't really test it with the temperature change not working properly.
  12. You have the cases for the animation name correct? ("Spike" and "spike" are two entirely different things in programming) Find the animation in Unity and make sure you're using the animation name, not the animated object's name.
  13. It's a part that comes with B9 Aero in the Science tab that gives customizable info on the current craft. I haven't had much success with B9 planes except for one with B9A 2.5... I need to see if I still have that lying around... it was almost an SSTO...
  14. Are you making sure to specify the correct animation in the config file? It should look like: MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric //or whatever it is... animationClip /*or whatever it's called*/= animationName //animationName needs to be replaced by the name of the animation you made in Unity //other stuff }
  15. I've been trying to set up a Mun base for a while now, without much success... I'll definitely put one there and this should make it easier to expand.
  16. I accidentally used the wrong case for the config file, so I wasn't getting the effects I wanted for the Solar Heating while I was testing. I fixed the config file for my test part, then reloaded my ship and BOOM! (this test ship is in a 75k Hyperedited Kerbolar orbit for testing purposes) It's working. All I need to do is get the raycasting done (and fix the saving for stableTemp for the Thermostabilizer) and then I can release it.
  17. The Unity WWW class is primarily used to access webpages, not files. Unfortunately its functionality is severely limited to either grabbing images or unparsed code, not the actual webpage as users will see it. It can be used to access files that are present on the user's computer, but compared to KSP's default system it's not as effective (as evidenced by the OP).
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/350-Seats-Pods-and-Other-Parts That's HarvesteR's blog post about it. So it's not the part or partModule, but rather the attachment rules. Hope this helps
  19. I believe it still works for 0.20. If you don't want/need to put it in the new GameData folder, you can just put it in the legacy Plugins folder.
  20. It's the attachment rules in the config files. I believe that you have to be able to use the part nodes and surface attach things to it (example: structural plates– they have nodes and surface attachment).
  21. The mods can just change the directory this thread is placed in, it's not as if they're messing with the source code of the entire forum...
  22. Zoom in more and then I will consider answering. ---------------------------------------------------- I agree, I don't get why it's in fan works.
  23. Unfortunately I don't know all of what's going on with skykooler's real life, so it's safe to assume it was only an estimate. I don't want to PM him too much, but if you're interested in getting a debug release within the next couple of weeks/days then I would recommend sending him a message yourself.
  24. Or you can find and disable the partBuoyancy component on the part... if you're really devious... This looks great so far, I can't wait to try it out!
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