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Posts posted by OrbitusII

  1. "Eye-ess-pee" since it's the name of a variable. Kinda like Keq (pronounced "kay-ee-q") in chemistry, except Isp is rocket science (which does involve some chemistry) and is calculated very differently for a hugely different purpose.

  2. KSO is great!

    But I have a question for those of you also using it. The RCS for the larger orbiter is way off-center, causing it to rotate all over the place when translating.

    I clipped a couple big SAS modules into both ends of the cargo bay, and that holds it still enough for maneuvering, but is there a more elegant or effective solution to this problem?

    I'd recommend using the precision controls. It decreases your acceleration pretty significantly, making slowing down a little harder, but it does improve your rotation control.

    O.O master! Teach me how to mod, please!

    One thing that is pretty useful when loading a lot of mods is forcing KSP to run with OpenGL drivers, which reduces the RAM used by textures and whatnot (AFAIK, I'm not familiar with the mechanics). Ordinarily KSP crashes with all the mods I have installed, but using the OpenGL drivers fixes that. This isn't really necessary when running 64-bit KSP, but for the much more stable and playable 32-bit, it lets you use a lot more mods.

    Here's the forum thread with instructions for Windows.

  3. And another person with a better PC and space station than me joins the club.

    In a nicer tone, nice station. Looks like someone has a beefy computer, also.

    If you have the right visual mods it's actually not too performance-intensive, but your computer definitely needs to be fairly recent and/or equipped with some decent hardware. I'm running an Intel Pentium G2020 and a GeForce GT630 since that's all I could afford when I built my computer and I still get shots like this:




    KSP isn't super detailed like CoD or Battlefield games are now, so even the relatively weak hardware1 I have can handle it pretty well. Naturally there's a limit to what I can do, but I run a minimum of 30FPS even on max texture and terrain quality. If I get up close to some of the KerbinSide buildings I'll lose some frames, but it's still playable.

    1Don't get me wrong, they're great little guys for the cost, but I'll definitely try to get an i5 and a GTX 970 whenever I have the money to do so. My hardware isn't super low-end, but I'd definitely enjoy increased performance.

  4. Good night, sweet prince...

    Contacting mods for lock. From the Forum Rules:

    2.5 Necroposting

    Posting in a thread that has not received a new message in a defined span of three months is known as “necropostingâ€Â. Necroposting is often frowned upon but not forbidden provided that your post does not break the other rules in this post, most notably rule 2.3a. These threads may be closed at the discretion of the staff.

  5. Awesome stuff here Pipcard! This song in particular might be incredibly relevant:

    Subscribing to this thread, I'll watch this to see what you do next (maybe take some inspiration from the name of the song? I dunno...)

    Edit: My roommate (who's also a fan of vocaloids) just pointed out that your island space center is in the shape of a leek. Excellent choice of island.

  6. I've hit a bit of a wall for KSP, so while I'm not playing the game a lot right now I'm still hanging around the forums. It seems like the forums are going through a similar thing, with not a lot of stuff going on, but I wouldn't say they're dying. Stuff is still happening, it's just slower than usual for a little while.

  7. Unity 5, when it's released, will use a much newer version of PhysX, and I believe it has some multithreading implementation at the very least, which ought to improve performance besides what the new version alone will bring.

    Until then, there's a rough boundary for each computer where too many parts will slow down your system. That limit is around 300 for me, but it's unique for each computer (even if two computers are using the same hardware, their limits may be slightly different based on the computer's age and other variables).

  8. I've been here two years come December (my profile doesn't show it due to the Apr 2013 Forumpocalypse) and my threads don't stay active for a terribly long time. Part of the reason is that I'm quite busy, but I also prefer to give my feedback rather than start a whole new discussion.

    1/3 of the time a few post are made.

    Almost 2/3 of the time nothing

    The rest of the time it takes of great.

    "Yuo take all thing inside the self, and make best that can with."

  9. Yeah, I'd also guess you're running out of RAM for KSP. If you didn't know, KSOS is a veeeeeery RAM-heavy mod. Definitely check out the OpenGL trick, it makes KSP behave a little funky in my experience but allows you to use a lot more mods without using the mess that is 64-bit on Windows.

    Also, a preview of some of the graphics going onto the Community Expansion Thread.


    I'm probably going to change the arrangement around and clean up the design a tad, but hey, there's something in the works!

  10. Also, rule 2.2j declares explicit RP "forbidden content," which is probably one of the reasons there aren't any RP threads around here any more. Sorry 'bout that, Mr. President. :(

    2.2 Forbidden Content

    j. Staging for scenarios of roleplay.

    There is that Naval Battle Club in Forum Games, but it's not an explicit RP thread, just a place for people to show off/destroy space battleships.

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