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    Mechanicus Explorator
  1. Usually I turn off the motors on the front wheels and lock the steering on the rear wheels on my rovers. I also helps to have a low center of mass on your rover.
  2. Adding SAS modules will help a lot for rotating your ship in space. Eventually when your ship gets to a larger size you will want to use RCS ports to make it easier to rotate.
  3. I don't know what might break, but its circular so you could roll it there.
  4. Here is my fix for your craft. Removed an stray tri-coupler that was clipping and added struts so it would not topple. Also fixed some fuel lines that caused catastrophic failure after the first stage. Got it to space, but you do not have any significant SAS or RCS to control the craft outside of the atmosphere. Add some reaction wheels or RCS and you will be able to get a good orbit.
  5. Use mediafire to upload files, cannot download from there without installing crapware.
  6. I always turn V-sync off for any game that I play. Its tends to do more harm than good in my experiences.
  7. Did some parachute size calculations, it would take a parachute about 21,500 square meters to safely land a 1 ton rover, which has a radius of 82 meters.
  8. In reality you cannot use a parachute to land a 1 ton rover on Mars. Mars has .6% the atmospheric pressure of Earth, compared to Duna's atmosphere which is 20% of Kerbin's atmosphere. It would require a ridiculously large parachute to land a 2,000 lb rover going in re-entry speed.
  9. I haven't had that problem with 0.21, but in 0.20 I lost easily 50 hours of work just like you did. As far as I know there's nothing you can do but just re-do everything. I make sure to make back-ups of my save often now.
  10. Probably used Rotatrons from Damned Robotics.
  11. Its not supposed to have a specific use. Its just a fun little random mod.
  12. Using KSP with the magnet winch is also a fun way to get rid of space hulks.
  13. I put it on top of Temstar's Nova Lifter with many struts on it. I kept the second to last stage on and made several refuel missions and sent it to Duna.
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