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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Demosat... that’s the first pair of test satellites for SpaceX’s planned Internet constellation.
  2. It’s not even machine-rated at this point , that’s what all these tests are for. But yes, the flight around the moon in a D2 is still on the agenda, so it’s still slated for man rating, probably along with the F9B5.
  3. ...sounds like that Tesla’s going to space, one way or another.
  4. Only if they don’t lose a power pack in the process. I just know it’s around here somewhere! Dangit, I had it a minute ago, I swear it was right here!
  5. IIRC, the last rollout was just for fit checks. Maybe they’re going to do fueling tests now, even that would be impressive to see!
  6. Heh. That other rocket company has a good day, so of course BO just has to have a “me too!” I got $10 says they’re really even further along, but have a small stockpile of blurbs like this ready to go when needed...
  7. According to the article over on SpaceFlightNow.com, this time it was nowhere near that other thing. And the NRO has flatly disowned it at this point, which is unusual if it’s really theirs. Could... could that mean a static fire today?? Would they livestream that, given the magnitude of it?
  8. We now return to our irregularly scheduled insanity, already in progress... ...where it seems Triti is about to make poor Jencine... sigh... walk the plank. Arrrrrrr, I'm about to make 'er walk the plank! . . . oh, crap.
  9. Today, I discovered my marooned Kerbals have been watching entirely too much Gumby.
  10. There was no primary mission. You saw nothing. Swamp gas refracted the light from Venus...
  11. Livestream's barely started and I'm already out of likes for the day. I do believe I've hit a new low.
  12. Well, given that it’s a full-on test flight, determining when or if it explodes is still the point...
  13. The test tank they built already only exploded after they deliberately overpressured it to see when it would explode. ——————————— Also, here’s some news I didn’t know, re: Falcon Heavy payloads: http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/ Apparently the Planetary Society’s experimental lightsail is going to be hitching a ride on the third paying FH flight, STP-2 for the USAF. Says spring of this year but probably more like fall or winter.
  14. Congrats! A worthy successor to pass the burden crown trophy traffic to! also, moar plz
  15. @Ultimate Steve Not that unusual, I’ve heard the term used a few times with satellites. Tho... it is usually used more with BLEO flights...
  16. “...end of the month...” hmm... ... my birthday’s the 23rd... I wonder what the chances are...
  17. What @softweir said, plus they’ve had their first customers lined up for a while (tho its a fairly old schedule and may have changed): ArabSat 6a is slated to be the first real payload Maybe this spring, then there’s at least one and I think two certification flights for the USAF that will also have actual payloads. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll shoot a couple of wonderful, crazy people around the moon later this year with the FH.
  18. Ok, SpaceX. Now we’ve been through this before, with this exact same rocket, even. One more day delay, ok. (I can watch now!) Two more day delay, ok. Three more day delay, not ok! Very not ok, ok? Ok.
  19. Heh, now I have this image of @KSK with the wee bern in one arm and a copy of First Flight in the other. Fast forward a few weeks: Mum: “awww he's about to his first word!” Da’: “. . . och, what’s a Kerm?”
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