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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. You mean the same anti-trust rules that would, say, prevent Disney from gobbling up all other outlets and slowly becoming the sole provider of all global media? Oh, wait... Of all the challenges SpaceX faces in making P2P a thing, I think antitrust rules are the least of their worries in this reality. ...<coughBOEINGcough>... dusty in here...
  2. The pay is meh but you get a free P2P rocket pass. Once available...
  3. They probably want to verify the performance of their changes before stacking the whole thing, as another StarPopper would be very... discouraging... I expect the actual thing to go together pretty darn quick once they actually start on it.
  4. Meanwhile, in BC, welcome Bopper... ...blink and you may miss him, it seems.
  5. I think that means he’s now free and no longer a servant of the House.
  6. You raise a good point. My previous ISP did this, one of the reasons I dumped them (for Comcast, that should tell you how bad it was). My gut is that SpaceX/Elon wouldn’t go this route, it seems counter to their open-source appreciation, but I’ve got nothing to back that up. The earlier tweet about the StarLink receiver is the most info we’ve gotten in months about the actual service.
  7. OhmyKerm PLEEEEEEEEEZE! I will gladly accept the pitfalls of early adoption! Hmm... usually the signal goes all wonky, I wonder if they’re finally using the existing Starlinks to relay it? I image the phased array antenna can correct faster than the fixed one...
  8. For those who were wondering... Vertical integration it is! OooOOOoooh and new larger FH fairing confirmed!
  9. No, Zarya was more like a "Big Soyuz" concept, using a much bigger capsule with the same overall shape, I think with more equipment inside so as to be somewhat reusable. There's a couple different Kerbal mods, but they use a round hatch.
  10. Well, there is this... @4472TJ That looks like it might be based on the Zarya capsule (not to be confused with the ISS module), an abandoned spacecraft concept. I could swear I’ve seen one with a more “door-looking” door like that before, but darned if I can find it now.
  11. ... when the booster failing to disintegrate is considered “off-nominal...”
  12. And so it came to pass... ...didn’t bother stopping and just kept right on going... ...but at long last, the end is in sight! which is always the hardest part...l
  13. Relevant: Also: Soyuz needs retros and Starliner needs airbags... turns out that last bump is a doozy. That’s why SpaceX was originally thinking propulsive landings, better precision and a much softer touchdown.
  14. Sure, we’ve got helicopters now, we just need the grappling hooks. Get on it.
  15. Well, there was once a plan to catch an Orion capsule with a helicopter...
  16. You’ll probably get the underdone, still-quite-runny, “my Kerm in Grove what the hells were you thinking?!” version first. But it might actually be Soon.™️
  17. Dangit... month later and still plugging... it’s gonna be yuge... approaching that mythical 10 kiloword boundary...
  18. You see, Ivan, when not separate booster is save on decouplers money!
  19. The Mod who Stole Clicksmas. The Mod Who Saved Clicksmas!
  20. See, now it’s your breadboard that seems like magic to me. I’ve had to use automotive relays to build some simple logic circuits and it’s incredibly confusing and complex to do so, something I imagine a tiny computer would excel at. Next challenge: duck eggs that go rubbery it cook time is not absolutely perfect.
  21. Or an engineer selecting the wrong “control from here” point and borking your insertion burn...
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