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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. I didn't to watch the launch, but this is interesting: Paige, No! ...
  2. Sigh. Space is hard, Moon is harder. Do svidanya, Chibi-Luna-25.
  3. Because they’re written by editors whose livelihoods are entirely based on how many clicks they can entice…
  4. Have you considered the possibility you actually have shifted into a parallel universe and there is now someone in your universe wandering around wondering what the @$%&!! happened to their house? Maybe a thinny? Portal Stone? Stargate? Event Horizon fallout? Crossed streams? Oh, I know, it’s a glitch in the Matrix and you’ve just jumped servers.
  5. Welp…. Those clouds did look a lot more steamy and a lot less concretey than last time, at least.
  6. Need to channel your inner R. Lee Ermey and whip those maggots into shape!
  7. Prolly why they’re not selling these as souvenir hot plates.
  8. I've got an issue with the Big Gemini crew module here, not sure where to begin troubleshooting it. I can't train any crew for it, it just doesn't show up in the "Courses" list. OG Gemini is there, Big G service module is there, but new crew module. Won't let me load crew at launch, but everything does work fine in simulations. I'm guessing this is a simple tweak in a config file but after poking around a bit I have no idea where to find the right one.
  9. Clearly, SpaceX will reduce damaging sound pressure levels from the engines by simply making the Giant Bidet louder than them.
  10. After a couple of weeks crammed in that thing I don’t “fresh” would still apply…
  11. Indeed. But I got all y’all beat, this is how I solved them. More or less…
  12. Wait, I thought only three engines were plumbed for relights?
  13. What’s the prop-driven seaplane with that bizarrely elegant tail wheel?
  14. Cool, you’re an expert in naval warfare? I’m something of an expert myself, in composite submarines. A few months ago I wan expert in concrete, too.
  15. It’s a way for ESA to get more “space time.” Their number of seats to the ISS is limited by the agreements, so this is a way for them to get up there more often.
  16. I still feel a pang of anxiety for every launch… think this is broken now but…
  17. Going back to engine nozzles, this makes the shorty make a little more sense. Seems like it’d be way quicker to produce, if nothing else: Tweet deleted, here's the same video:
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