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Everything posted by InfiniteDice

  1. If you want to use your engine/transmission/wheels with ICE let me know. Should be pretty cool. As for me... I'm gonna see what I can jam into those wheel wells and engine bay
  2. This is likely a mod conflict. I have seen it happen once or twice but haven't been able to reproduce. - - - Updated - - - This goes back to your wet noodle issue. The carrier needs to be built a certain way for ideal strength. I'll try to get that video together.
  3. Now updated for 0.90 - See first post in thread, let me know if any issues persist.
  4. Updated to 0.90. Notes: Removed the enlarged hangar code, if you're building large get Snjo's Hangar Extender. Did a few tests - everything else seems to be working but if you notice anything let me know. I'll likely make a construction video as I haven't made a video in ages and I've had more than a few requests.
  5. Thanks for the report, I don't expect much would work as the parts are somewhat made specifically to match my buoyancy code. The engines themselves aren't likely being nerfed but the drag values he's using in the water are stock or close to stock, which will be like molasses on a cool day.
  6. Skillful is very different, and I'll admit for a beginner it's a bit more tedious to set up and use than BD. But I had to call you on no automatic weapons. I had guardian defense before BD was even released. Lately I've added automatic weapons that fire from your own vehicle. BD does more than a few things in a much prettier and somewhat friendlier way than skillful. Saying it does everything that Skillful does and better is simply not the case, Skillful is a combat DAMAGE mod. It handles collision damage, heat damage, part failure, spreading fires within a vessel, ground fires, sinking, smoke and explosions, water splashes, per vertex deformation from weapon hits and collisions, heat projection damage, shrapnel, torpedoes, rearming of hardpoints and repair of all damage using eva kerbals. BD is a great piece of work, and it's 200% prettier than Skillful, and trust me if it did do everything Skillful does and better I'd discontinue the mod and let BD do all the work Cheers.
  7. Try adding this to one of the gear parts cfg: MODULE { name = targetPart targetHardness = 320 targetStructure = 20 crashResistance = 150 } If that helps let me know and I'll change some things with the release. Thanks
  8. Sorry guys, If there are corrections to be made let me know your findings and I'll surely correct it for everyone.
  9. Strange. Is this something you made or the stock crafts that come with the mod?
  10. Just disable the move to water option on the con-tower, or other control part depending on the ship.
  11. It's possibly due to your keyboard layout if you are not using a US standard, or do not have a keypad. The txt file included with the mod tells you how to remap the controls in the CFG so it'll work with alternate keys.
  12. It's updated for 0.25! Added lots of changes. 1) the old targeter now takes over the mouse cursor when in manual aiming mode while using the CIWS and Auto Air Turret. It's not perfect but it's in! Turret must be control = true and auto-target = false. 2) damage system was updated to include some per vertex deformation eye-candy Slow computers will not like it, expect some lag spikes. If you don't want this enabled, simply set the option to false on the IFFtag part. 3) explosions and other things have been better optimized. 4) NEW armour parts! 5) multiple IFF tag bug is gone, changing one changes them all. - there is no need for more than one really, they are indestructible but can be lost if the part they are attached to gets killed. 6) reworked the manual turrets to fire automatically. This is the tank turret, the turbo laser, the 30 cal, and the battleship turret. to aim auto, simply set the turret to auto-tracking. (see readme file or visit the forum for more info).
  13. Could be a clash with another mod, you'll need to PM me a list.
  14. I think what he mentioned is that sometimes the position shift during update translates into an automatic miss with any raycast in the FixedUpdate. If that's the case it might not matter how many he uses in the same FixedUpdate. But he'd be more suited to be the judge of that as he's the one knee deep
  15. It's unlikely as the designs are too different. You're not the only one who doesn't like the weapons models - personally I think it's simply because I put low priority on them, I've always been more focused on the details of how the weapons interact with the damage system and not on aesthetics Also the very nature of Skillful means it's not simple to use at times. I've been trying to make it a bit easier but I never set out to make an arcade shootem up.
  16. Yes I can hit small colliders 0.05 thickness at ~1200 m/s +/- using that method. I don't really know your parameters and tolerances you need. ie: If I stack 4 panels on top of one another, I can kill them in order they are stacked top-down. I think you are already doing something like this... make a ray cast over consecutive fixedupdates, save the results of the raytrace only if it hits that part (if you know the part it's going for) if not, you'd need to also save the (hitpart.name or hitpart.partname - can't remember which is unique) to cross reference later. After say 3 or 4 fixedupates then update/output the result. If there is no data on one of the scans, it either doesn't factor into the calculation or add the average of the remaining valid hit returns. Then average it again.... So on the click/activation, have the raytrace fire over 3 fixedupdates. This way given your 1 in 3 failure rate you should have at least one number to return.
  17. Seems like you know you're stuff. So if 1 in 3 is a fail, why not double up the rays and have 1 in 6 fail. What is an acceptable level of loss? I've fired tons of rays and I don't see 1 in 3 misses even when the bullet is going 1200 m/s. Though if you are scanning something in orbit --> stationary the velocities could be much higher, at that point I can't attest as it is logical that it may be incapable of that accuracy. I do a raycast lookback on all my bullet rigidbodies, essentially the raycast looks at the step in motion between frames and sees if there was a missed collision. It seems reliable to me (again at up to 1200 - 1300 m/s - I don't require faster than that). Vector3 movementThisStep = rb.position - previousPosition; float movementSqrMagnitude = movementThisStep.sqrMagnitude; if (movementSqrMagnitude > sqrMinimumExtent && doDetectMiss == true) { float movementMagnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(movementSqrMagnitude); RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(previousPosition, movementThisStep, out hitInfo, movementMagnitude, 1)) { rb.position = hitInfo.point - movementThisStep / movementMagnitude * partialExtent; lastGoodHitInfo = hitInfo.point; //rb.position = hitInfo.point - (movementThisStep / movementMagnitude) * partialExtent; } } You're not tracking a physical position over time, you're doing an instantaneous ray. So I realize this might be useless, but it could trigger an idea for you... There is also something here, about calling from Update but waiting for the FixedUpdate. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/moving-colliders-and-raycasts.201740/ Again might not be relevant other than to perhaps trigger an idea.
  18. Did you test this with other parts? Not all parts are created equal unfortunately. That could have a few collider boxes in the sides, and nothing where you are shooting the ray at. I'm not saying that's what's happening but just to eliminate that possibility try doing the test on 4 totally different parts with different part shapes. About the code yes it's a$$ backwards I knew I'd mess it up but I think you understood it anyways. And yes I'd put all of it in FixedUpdate(), get your fps with and without your code running, I don't think you'll see much of a difference.
  19. Yes thats auto range finding, the boatparts don't require skillful, unless you want it damaged.
  20. I don't think whatever you will be doing will impact the game that much honestly. Every bullet in skillful has a raycast that checks for missed collisions, and there can be literally hundreds at once. All my raycasts are in FixedUpdate and only things like keypresses are in Update. With the raycasting issue. Not sure what it could be other than perhaps an issue with specific parts which use compound colliders instead of a solid convex mesh collider. But it's more likely from using the raycast in Update. Perhaps something is in the way of the raycast and it's not able to complete the journey to the target part. Are you logging all the hits so you can see what it's doing? There is also RaycastAll wherein you can save all raycast hits to an array. //The following code is not 100% correct I'm sure there are typos! public RaycastHit[] allHits; //then the raycast for (var i = 0; i < allHits.length; i++) {for(int i = 0; i < allHits.Length; i++) { if (Physics.RaycastAll(firedFromHere, rayDirection, allHits)) { if(allhits.collider.gameobject.part != null) { Debug.Log(allhits.part.name); } } } Or some such thing... at least then you know what you're hitting. You could even specify that it not look at hits from the part firing the raycast this way. Anyways I also hope this helps in some way, the only real way to do it is with lots of logging, trial and error, etc. Good luck!
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