It is usually adviced to try your own challenges before posting, before posting just to see if it's possible (and you clearly haven't). Just something to keep in mind next time.
I love Beatle songs. They can be pretty much turned into whatever music genre you want and still sound good. For example, here's "Come Together" done by Godsmack, a Rock/Metal band:
Hey, that station is looking great! How well did your mods survive 0.90? It's been a while since I played, and haven't added mods to the new version...
Dis some intense stuff right here, mah dog.
I just love this piece. The harmonization is great and it has fantastic pacing. It feels like nothing was added "just because".
We're still discovering new moons around Neptune (was it Neptune? been a while since I read that article), and there's a lot of space out there. If these "planets" are relatively small, it doesn't surprise me.
Lovely! These kinds of small builds always take a lot of time for tinkering with little things, and I can definitely see you spent a lot of time making it look so good. I also like the way you dock them side-by-side instead of... *whispers* rear-to-rear. Were you inspired by the Space Exploration Vehicle?
Polan actually could into space?! Here's my favorite Polandball comic, I'll put it in spoilers because it's enormous, but I recommend that you open it in another tab and read it. You guys will love it: [spoiler=] "We am who we be".