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Everything posted by smilingmonkey

  1. I love my Mechjeb. When I am building a new vehicle he tells me all the info I need. When I am ascending, he shows me a path, then I choose to refine or ignore it. When I am a little lost in a planetary transfer, he shows me how he would accomplish it, then I can tweak the details personally for more efficiency, or fancier maneuver. He showed me how to rendezvous in the beginning, when I had no clue how to do it. With landing, he showed me how not to do it, but pointed me in the general direction. Mechjeb is a tool, how you use it is very much like seasoning your food. Add to taste. Sometimes I just use him when playing long missions so that I am more engrossed in the cinema of the game rather than counting numbers.
  2. Oh man, I get excited when I get 10 science points... Then I just started playing .22 and have not unlocked anything researchy beyond the goo. Plenty to look forward to it seems.
  3. I find I can blow my shiny new designs up with or without it. I think I am in the camp of getting to know the basics. Get an orbit, with a ship you design, fly to other planets, land, take of again, dock, return to Kerbin and land near the spaceport..and then get automated systems. Believe me, you will have to take over from them sooner or later, and that training will mean the difference between a successful mission that has gone all wrong, and just 'ending flight' and starting over. Ultimately though, play the sandbox however you want. There is no right or wrong in your own game.
  4. This is great. I say that but I haven't tested the designs in game yet. I just love the presentation and clear wording. Nice job sir. I am presently in that part of my own space program where efficient payload delivery systems are needed for space station rendesvous and eventual planetary exploration. I love the experimentation. I am coming to terms with the idea that bigger is not always better. My R&D team is getting a lot of overtime right now.
  5. My first post on these forums. An age ago I witnessed this game as being played by Robbaz (I think it was). Then it slipped my mind completely, until recently, real life and all that. Then, by chance I witnessed it again, this time through the interesting tones of Scott Manley, his detailed and humorous explanations of the deeper potential of the game tweaked my interest. The demo was downloaded and many attempts were made to orbit, some spectacular failures, and eventually success. The first wobbly, egg shaped 300km Ap and 80km Pe was hailed in my mind as an enormous achievement. Then, on to the Mun. Having reached that goal, I immediately purchased the game, through the dreaded steam. I have not looked back. Mods became a reality of my game, parts packs mainly, just for some extra choices. Then toying with mechjeb and hydrojeb (the delightful irony of both being the amount of times I have to manually save the mission with them active. I love that honestly, seeing things start to go pear shaped, then jumping in with joystick and thrusters, quickly determining maneuvre nodes and timing..so much timing....). From these things I have learned orbital rendevous, manual docking and landing. I now have a working, and crewed Space station (after a bit of delicate EVA with Bill and Bob) in a nice 300km orbit of Kerbin, and have managed several Mun landings (with the crew actually making it home). I did strand Jeb on Duna for a little while...but that was really just a test flight to see what kind of ship I would need to design to get there and land and get home...a bit under-engineered that first effort. Good landing though. So, anyway...Loving the game Wanted to say hi, and thanks to the Devs and the modding community here...Nice work people. Now it's back to the R&D division...
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