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Everything posted by kalrand

  1. Actually it looks like that is a different file (which actually looks quite interesting in and of itself). The SSR config file was moved to his depreciated folder here: https://github.com/LouisB3/LB_KSP_Configs/blob/master/Deprecated/MicroSat_Rebalance.cfg
  2. I'm just coming back to KSP after a break. Was a community sourced 1.2.x package ever made of this mod? Or were the above packages and bugfixes as far as this went? This was one of my favorite mods.
  3. Has anyone checked to see if this is compatible with 1.0.5? I really do love this mod.
  4. I think that's the ZIP for the Snack Packs that someone in the middle of this thread made. Edit: Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90841-0-90-Snacks%21-Kerbal-simplified-life-support-v0-3-3?p=1621050&viewfull=1#post1621050
  5. Have you ever thought about an OKS version of this? (And you have my vote to roll it into the core pack!)
  6. Call me crazy, but do you rely on scansat to report biomes? Like, if I have scansat integration, must I have mapped the biome for the biome related things to have worked? I'm seeing "Data not found" above the list of available experiments when I check "display biome in experements list". My normal settings are correct. I think.
  7. I had transmitted the data, and was able to run the experiment manually after. Now I'm noticing I have issue with EVA reports over the Mun flying low. Which leads me to believe that this might be a conflict with something else I've installed. Bonus: The science from the new Sounding Rockets does the same, but most other experiments seem to work.
  8. This might be another DMagic bug, but I'm noticing that I don't get a Science Alert when I'm in space and using DMagic's Orbital Telescope when I go from biome to biome in space. I'm noticing this happening right now around the Mun, but I haven't tested other tools, other bodies, and to be quite frank it might have worked on the first biome and not thereafter. Yea. Sorry, I know this is a garbage bug report. What can I test to help you?
  9. If anything, I think it is a bit too easy right now to launch a ship and just fly anywhere in the kerbol system with this engine, yes the cost is high, but like Karbonundum, I think this much power is a bit much for the kerbals to just have sitting around in the warehouse. What I had in mind was to make Exotic Matter somewhat difficult to get, almost requiring infrastructure to get from place to place easily. Sure, I might be able to send a probe to Jool, but unless I had a place there to refuel, it should be kind of hard just to fly back. Say something like a cyclotron on a space station that creates exotic matter at the rate that the existing engine currently does it (and having a fuel station would need some kind of storage, thats why I asked for that part.) I'm not even sure if I want the engine itself to be able to generate Exotic Matter. Possibly a set of generators in a few radial sizes that could generate Exotic Matter if you wanted to add it to the ship, but at a relatively low efficiency, and possibly from some other kind of fuel. Xenon?
  10. I have two of suggestions: 1) Have the drive start with 0 exotic matter in it by default 2) Have a standalone generator and/or storage part that I can generate and store exotic matter in my stations so I don't need to do it directly on the ship
  11. I ran it for something like 200 days (granted, the focus was on another craft, so that could be a thing). It had the right Helium, I didn't explicitly check, but the tooltip thing that came up on the satellite part said everything was fine. What's a better Kerbin orbit to get more science? 1000km? 10,000?
  12. I've just spent a half an hour googling this thread and others, and couldn't find the answer to this question... I launched a satellite with the IR Sat on it into a Kerbin orbit of about 80km. There was plenty of power and two of the helium cryostats. Despite turning on the IR Sat, and running the experiment for a while, it didn't seem to generate any science. Am I missing something here?
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