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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. banned for giving me a Jeb. He's trying to launch my dog into space with an SRB now... except for the part where I don't have a dog.
  2. Banned for having a sig that talks about being a half brony
  3. banned for living in the Time Vortex.
  4. banned for banning MLP references.
  5. banned for mentioning The Great Loop
  6. You'll need a lot of dessicant to dry up the ocean.
  7. banned for having a secret message
  8. The cool thing is that this is a bug that we users can fix ourselves, all you have to do is edit the .cfg files.
  9. Banned for knowing about Armadillos.
  10. Banned for making my rockets explode, you Kraken!
  11. false. the next user is eating a burrito.
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